This is supposed to be a children's game and yet it's fucking filled with disgusting innuendo like this shit. Is anyone else angered by that? Really hate the shit the game companies (obviously in collusion with the ESRB now) think they can get away with
This is supposed to be a children's game and yet it's fucking filled with disgusting innuendo like this shit...
SuMo sucked
Alpha/Omega were better
Who is your favorite female trainer?
Lana by far, she stole my heart.
I remember the athletic Animal Crossing villagers could mention something in their conversations about their jock straps either in Wild World or City Folk; forget which. I couldn't believe they could get away with that either.
All of them are disgusting. Post cute Pokémon boys
I want her to step on my dick
Female blonde swimmer, those hips mang.
She's desperate enough to do it if you ask.
Why is this allowed?
Yo, what's Cynthia doing in there? I might have an actual reason to by SuMo now
she and a few other past characters appear as bosses in the battle tower clone at the end of the game
They always get used as scapegoats, but ESRB really isn't as strict as people think they are.
where's Hapu?
>evolve after learning stomp
The left has been moving to normalize pedophelia so it isn't surprising.
ESRB isn't nearly as strict as Nintendo and NISA would have you believe, user. You're falling for Ondore's lies. Stop that.
How is that a disgusting innuendo? Tell me, how would you fetch pokeballs through your bikini or shorts without pockets? I can tell you right now, it would be a bit difficult to do so.
>Inb4 she has them in her/his vagoo or butthole
I'll take row 5 please.
>Is anyone else angered by that?
I'm not a moral guardian soccer mom so, no.
reminder SuMo is the abbreviation created by tumblr because SM gave them PTSD.
>sumo was his first pokemon game
That's the only excuse for not seeing weird innuendo like things in the games since the originals
And it triggers Sup Forums harder than Hillary's loss.
A man needs an explanation.
People are unable to distinguish S/M from S&M or something. Doesn't make the name SuMo any less retarded.
me on the left
Are those seriously all female trainers in the game?
>Children's media
>Not being filled with innuendo
You should rewatch Animaniacs sometime, OP.
>Nurse Joy
She's adorable.
Is that all? I was hoping for something more than the obvious and stupid one.
That's like refusing to buy LG phones because you refuse to support a brand that fat shames.
I'm so glad TPC does the localization, Nintendo America would butcher this hard.
Would marry and fuck any one of these.
>those eyes
she needs more art
>THAT one
Why don't you have a seat over there?
What the fuck is Kirigiri doing in Pokemon?
Who cares you fucking moralfag. Get the fuck off my Sup Forums.
Prof fucking scored.
Mallow is best girl everyone else BTFO
Why are there so many whores in new gen pokemon?
hot opinions coming through
your tastes are shit
Love those extra mature women aye user?
If you can get your mind passed the wrinkles those old girls will do fucking anything you want.
Fucking ANYTHING, they don't give a fuck anymore, they will love you better than any hardbodied 19 year old.
>Sina crossed out
Shit taste.
>liking dumpy girls
Sure okay. At the very least prefer a better woman than those other trashy looking girls.
imagine getting a bj after she takes out her teeth
Man, SuMo was filled with so many sexual innuendos. Game was bad for my penis.
I ride for my squad, I die for my squad
Team Skull rulez
Top choices my man
My future wife right here
I guess Tumblr is full of whores that are fine with DP then.
As always, it's only sexual if your mind goes there you fucking moron. She's referring to a joke from players about swimmers not having a place to store their pokeballs and it not making sense.
Your first inclination is to say 'LMAO SHE GOT THEM FROM HER PUSSY OR BIKINI TOP XD BOOBIES" because you're a fucking 20 year old fuck up posting on Sup Forums in the middle of the night,
All the old cartoons we grew up watching and all the old games we grew up watching have this shit.
DP came out before tumblr even existed, and that gen is commonly abbreviated as DPP anyway because of Platinum
>in the middle of the night
>everybody is american
Womb tattoo
It washes of.
wasnt it from reddit?
What's it like being gay?
need more senpai
>How dare young boys at the age they are discovering their sexuality be exposed to sexual things.
Ameritards disgust me.
Ill retrace it with my cum
>why is an official pokemon product so lewd these days
Are you new?
and he got cucked by the masked royal
I hate autists that still play pokemon in 2017.
Misty was such a boosted puberty-kickstartes turbo slut in her inception, how did they really try to play her off as an undesirable grumpy girl in the animated show?
If you're not American, you need to fuck off out of this American website and back to Cyka Bliatchan or whatever shitty website your third world country's made
So is literally every single kids cartoon, movie and song.
does anyone know who is the masked royal?
how the fuck do you catch tapu koko without using a masterball?
why is there a navel on her back?
It's easier to list the ones I don't like.
That's not innuendo, though. Since when do I fuck a girl in her bikini and she says she has to get my balls out?
Plumeria is CUTE
wow dude don't bi mad ))))
>ywn hang out with team skull, drink vodka all night and mug some faggots who think they are the new pokemon kings to get money for more vodka
Aether girl and Ace Trainer
go to bed loser :^)
Is that left one official? What's it from?