Explain this.
Explain this
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It's a compilation of images from the Neptunia series, the title of the series, a Share icon, and various ratings of the game with different colored ellipsoids around them.
PCucks always had shit tastes. That's always a given.
but Steam reviews have no score
PCucks will suck off any game given to them by Consolebros as long as it panders to them just a little bit
People buying it know what they're getting into.
It's a bad normie game but a good weeaboo game
My best guess is that the left scores are for the original Hyperdimension Neptunia. The real first one, not Re;birth
PC has Rebirth version
* and since only weeaboos are able to rate it (because normies don't buy games like that) the game has a high rating
Steam weebs have absolutely no standards.
They eat shit daily if it has cute animu girls in it.
Professional Weeb here. Can confirm.
Post one japanese game that doesn't have a high rating on steam. You literally can't. It's not even that PC is starved for japanese games and they will eat up literal shit, it's the fucking cancerous ironic weeaboo crowd that comes from twitch and youtube. Just fucking look at the most popular streams that have song requests enabled and every time some anime opening or so gets donated.
The Rebirth games are better than the main games.
And Steam doesn't have numbered rating systems, so your post is shitpost bait. There's just levels of positivity.
critics out of touch with reality
This. The other scores are based on the lackluster original version while Steam has only ever had the improved Rebirth version.
Also niche Japanese games get an automatic -2 points from reviewers
Sup Forums likes cute anime grils. What is there to explain.
Devil's Third
Neptunia is normiebait though.
Normie as in the melonpan crowd.
MN9 :^)
And its a shame since Ray Gigant is actually good
Joke reviews and weeaboos, not that I'm really one to talk.
Finally people are acknowledging the cancer that is /steamfeel/
reminder that Nep V-II was actually better than FFXV as a JRPG.
You're delusional
I can agree with that
I know it says "positive" but all the top rated reviews are negative.
You're a post-ironic weebshit that is only watching anime because it's the cool new thing.
Another repost, by some guy who knows the series and is starting shit, or is ignorant.
>fapbait weeb trash gets """perfect""" score
Typical PCfags.
you will never know the greatness of Gust.
Because people on Steam are required to rate the game before they buy it.
I was considering getting into it because I'm a giant faggot, but they've been releasing a new one at an absurd rate and I just can't keep up with that.
you need to own a game before you can review it on steam
The only people who rate it on steam are wee memelads starving for attention and acceptance, so they shit out a review hoping for validation of their niche opinions by other pathetic effeminate omegas.
The games are trash though
steam weebs
I'm watching anime because I like animation but Western media isn't providing many story heavy animated works, and I like Japanese games because Western games try too hard to be realistic and I hate real life.
Try again user
Didn't this win Sony's official magazine's game of the year by vote?
Because you get either a thumbs u or thumbs down. It's an ok game, a 6.0, so I give it a thumbs up. This equals a 10/10 to this thing.
The sad thing is that despite your shitty bait attempt atelier sophie and that other yuri trash game are coming to steam in february.
>implying implications explicitly
>the entire groanworthy comment
Kys lad
No other jrpg to play and one can only play and replay Trails so many times
It can't be. I thought the PS4 has about as many games as Noire has friends.
But we are?
3 of the 4 are only about censorship.
69 lol
Don't mind me.
I'm just triggered because relatively successful people are enjoying "moeshit" now despite it previously being widely known as part of loser starter pack. It's a variation of hipsterism.
This post is unironic.
Ironic weebs don't care about censorship. They'd be creeped out by the lolis. Only people who actually care about the game would be upset by censorship.
>Read IGN review of Neptunia
>"I dont like chinese cartoons"
I literally never take video game review sites into account when I am thinking about purchasing a game.
Nonetheless, a review that mentions nothing but censorship is as worthless as a generic meme review
Give it a shot, can always refund if you don't like it.
Seriously, critic reviews are garbage.
You'll have to invest more than two hours into Neptunia to actually get into the series. Refunding isn't really an option. Unless you play it and hate it right away, more power to you then.
One are people that actually played the game and the others are paid to give bad or good reviews about it without even playing it.
The scores mean different things. A reviewer tries to make some semi-objective measure of a game's merit, while a Steam rating is more "if I'm the sort of person who might buy something like this, what's the chance that I won't dislike it?".
Sure, but you pretty much know how the game is going to play in the first 2 hours.
>Considering getting into the series
>There are over a dozen games and multiple spin-offs
The fuck? How old is this series? How the fuck are there this many games?
The story is so nonsensical that you can just play any game you want without any knowledge of the others and be fine
They just throw shit on the wall until it sticks, and their development budgets are so low that they can still churn a profit even though their games sell terribly in japan and they're supported almost entirely from western sales.
The spin-off games are mostly non-canon.
There are technically only 4 'mainline' games that are considered canon. (rebirths 1-3 and V-II)
Game reviewers are as creditable as election surveyors.
This numbering system confuses me.
Three of them are remakes of the first three games so that's part of it.
its because the rebirth games are "remakes" of the original games.
So there was Hyperdimension Neptunia(1st game) which was remade as Rebirth 1. Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 which was remade as Rebirth 2. and then Hypderdimension Neptunia Victory (or just called Hyperdimension Neptunia V-Generation) which was remade as Rebirth 3.
The newest game is called Neptunia V-II since its consdered more of a sequel to Victory than the 4th game in the series, so its Neptunia V-Generation 2 (or V-II)
Right, there really isn't much depth in the gameplay. I'm speaking for Megadimension however, the Rebirth series are decent games, but reptitive.
Re;birth 1 -> Re;birth 2 -> Re;birth 3 -> Megadimension VII
I've also heard that between mk2 and Victory there were 2 spin-off games, which makes the Victory game the 5th in the overall series.
Anybody know if Cyberdimension Neptune is going to be a main game or just a decent looking spin off?
Gamers on the left
(((Game reviewers))) on the right
>expect fanservice
>buy fanservice
>get fanservice
>expect game
>buy game
>get fanservice
that simple.
Yeah, okay, this makes sense. I thought that V-II was "VII", so I was pretty shocked.
There are at least 3 different games pictured in your image, Steam doesn't have a 10-point scale review system, and GameFAQs has both an aggregate score and user review scores.
What kind of abstract shitpost is this?
Too fucking real
Players like the game, reviewers don't. Not sure what the problem is
what you nigger
I had fun playing these stupid games, and in the end, that's all that matters.
From the looks of things, there's a possibility it may replace the mainline games if it sells well. What else is there for them to satirize anyway? Most retro consoles have already been done. Unless they include the Scorpio, Pro and Switch
People are willing to put up with trash gameplay for memes and waifus. (not that this is a bad thing)
What a loser weeb lmao
Wow. That's a lot of time invested.
with how much they put it
that teaser video of showing the 4 console games i think safe to say its mainline
Because the "scores" on Steam are a simple yes or no.
If you were to compile and convert both that GameFAQs review and IGNs review, it too would be listed as a "10/10"
Only weebs buy these games and thus give it a high score because they enjoyed it I'm one of them. I know that was hard to figure out keep up the shitposting though.
across every one of the games in the series on pc, its sold less than 500k units on a platform with 125 million users, and the only people who buy it were the target audience as you can't rate it unless you own it, and parents cant blindly buy something for their kids to get someone who truely hates it.
from looking at it, it seems competent mechanically, and only being able to say yes it's good or no its bad means people can't give a middle of the road opinion.
For a weeb game series, there really much merchandise.
no, its more critics play everything in that genre all the god damn time, so they are exposed to the best and the worst, its why critics don't like mad max, but the gamers do.
granted the gamers will say the combat system is better than bayonetta or devil may cry because most people do not buy more then 3 games a year.
There really isn't much in the way of merchandise, I mean.
This is common with niche games. The less sales, means that only those who really liked the series will keep buying it, ensuring it gets consistent positive ratings across the board.
required to own a game before they can rate it, not the other way around, that along with only a positive or negative option.
some of their games didn't even crack 50k sales.
I didn't mean it as a niche game, I'm just saying there was never a bundle or massive fuck off sale that would get people who weren't already down to play the game to play it and rate it poorly.
Actually it has to do with how reviewers don't really have much time to work with certain games, and most RPGs really get to shine in the first 2 hours a reviewer will normally spend on it.
Many game developers will usually give reviewers a "reviewer copy" of a game that skips most of the fluff and drops them in the middle of the game where they can see a lot of the game without being bogged down with long story scenes or grinding.
retarded weebs
they even play shitty mobile games if there's anime blobs in them
utterly pathetic creatures
Steam reviews and ratings don't factor in all the ironic "comedians" praising anything with anime girls in it or the "got to X with Y 11/10" fags.
weebs have incredibly low standards
Neptunia is for airheads with no taste in rpgs
this is coming from someone who plays nothing but weebshit
ps. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the best rpg to come out recently