Battle Station Thread

Post your battle station, lads.

Nice one, Pablo. Where's the crucifix or the picture of our Lady of walls?

That's just... sad


please don't laugh at my prebuilt
I got it for really fucking cheap

shut up you red nip button monkey. go build a sex robot and let someone fuck it while masturbate small jap cock.

I like video games!

Sad as in "Sad" or Sad as in "Sad!"?

oh hey i have the same monitor on the far right

Not in my room

I like the floral

I like that you like Holo! And I like your legs :3

Like I said, just sad

I bought it as a gift for my roommate three or so years ago, he got a larger 144hz monitor so I got a third monitor.
Y-you too.


Post his legs

Wait, that was your room?

I will not! That's for only him to do.


I'm not looking to get banned again so soon.

Nice torso
Post body pics

>all of those anime figurines
Fucking christ man. You don't ever plan on having a girlfriend do you?

nice wallpaper on the left

Rooms like this are so cringeworthy.

that is fucking disgusting

do your dishes you lazy slob

user, did they ban you after I promised they wouldn't? This is unacceptable. I'll call moot and sort this out.

I don't remember, it's been a while!


Says the weeb with two thousand figurines of questionably aged cartoon character girls.

You do realize that picture is taken from the reflection of a makeup mirror right?

I think it's a grill...

This looks like a make-up battlestation, so either grill or trap.

Either way doesn't need a girlfriend.

Yeah, I'll go ahead and believe it's not some mentally ill tsundere faggot.



Shave your bush you fucking degenerate

You think that's bad?

>those cum stains all over the floor of his "cupboard"

fucking degenerate

Well you probably should; its taken from /cgl/. Still likely a grill, though.


Jesus Christ, user.

Seeing rooms like that, or the second one posted makes me want to grab a flamethrower. Seriously. It's so fucking cringeworthy.

Nice carpet mousepad.


Das ist mein Neger

>that rom and haram on the left wall

i envy your table and chair. too bad those are not available in our country.
>that huge bottle of lotion though

Why? What's wrong with being passionate about your hobby?



what are mousepads even for?
i never used one . seems like it just makes the mouse slower so i never bothered.

I picked up the desk at either Goodwill or Salvation Army, I forget which. It was only $50. The chair is like an $80 cheap Chinese knockoff of one of those DX Racer chairs I sure hope it doesn't explode in my asshole. Also I'm a girly sissy fagboy and I actually use the lotion to keep my skin smooth.

Good Afternoon

You hate anyone who has an interest or is passionate in anything, don't you? You'd probably say the same to someone who has pictures of half naked 3DPD in their garage.

Its more of a holdover of a previous era: Once upon a time when mice had balls, it didn't work too well on uneven surfaces. Mousepads were invented to allow an even and easy-to-transport surface for the mice to glide over.

Now they're used primarily for a softer surface or aesthetics.

'k then

The only thing that is cringe-worthy is your insecurity


Are you a girl (male)?

You sleep there?

I want to explode in your asshole.

do u like zelda games

>tfw no girlfriend

Only when your mom comes over. I wouldn't want to make a mess in my room.


user, you probably haven't even seen it.

I really like how you set up your figures dude

No to both!!!!

>Battle stations thread
>It's always full of losers with tons of anime figures, wallpapers, and wall scrolls, OR losers that do nothing but play all day every day


where do you even put you legs

>tons of anime figures
>playing all day
Most of us have jobs to afford such things. Stay jelly NEET poorfaggu

I'm not jelly, I pity you just as your family does. I also couldn't be farther from being a poorfag NEET.

good waifu's 10/10

They're not waifus.

Sure pal.

do you live in br bro?

tfw no battlestation

>That insecurity

It's your own fault for living like that, user.

Yeah, my man

>not waifuing youre waifu
p. awf senpai baka

You really like majora's mask huh

why feet tho

Seldomly have I seen such a faggy tower. I bet you dress up as a girl and let people fuck you in the ass.

I should take new pictures but I'm lazy


10/10 thanks to that animu pic

I'm a fag and they're just characters I like. Sadly they don't make many good husbando figures or I'd gladly have one.

You're my waifu, user :3

this and the cute doggo.

who's watching autistic games done quick?

T...thanks anons...

>all those meme accessories
almost as cringeworthy as those weebstations. Almost

where'd you get that black and white ponytail girl print?

only when he finishes gathering wheat for the motherland
>i.e never

INOV sneak mat is shit

it's a stencil i did on the back of a pizza box to test it

i do street art as a hobby, pic related

are you a meth cooker?

my housemate gave it to me for free because he "runs" sneak peeks by selling the packs and offloads the mats to me because nobody wants them

new mousemat every few months, I miss my crossed souls one

it's awesome and the girl looks really cute. nice job

y-you too

>red nip button monkey

not him but well kek'd


But you've never even taken me on a date!