Alternate timelines

>alternate timelines
>alternate dimensions
>cycle that repeats endlessly so there's no real importance for anything in the game because it just fucking comes back again anyways

Seriously, any semblance of quality this series lore had went out the window after Dark Souls I.

Another thing: if the world repeats itself, who gives a shit? Dark Souls I was oppressive because you were playing in a dying world taking its last breath. Guess what? That dying world comes back to life again, and again, and again infintely so there's no reason to fucking care. Society reforms, society collapses, the Abyss does fuck all and then society comes back. And then, after God knows how much time, it collapses again. And then it comes back.

Poor Miyazaki, he had to give his baby away to someone for them to rape it and make some shitty story and he had to carry on with it for 3.

Congrats you just learned what nihilism is good job clap clap clap.

perhaps if From didn't decide to make Bloodborne they could have put more effort into 2...

>alternate timelines
>alternate dimensions
These have been in the game in DaS you moron
Solaire is from an alternate dimension

Namco's fault for wanting to push out 2 while the food was still warm.

I didn't mind it when it was a bullshit excuse for co-op, not an actual part of the story

It potentially goes for our universe too you know.

You can choose to lay down and wait for death, convinced that you and the world you know doesn't matter if death and destruction is inevitable.
Or you can hope to find a way to change things and escape a cycle of death and rebirth.

Your mission in Dark Souls is to find a way to break the cycle of Ages.

Faraam armor looks sweet, and that's all that matters

Much like real life

So what?
Why do you need to feel like the savior of the universe to enjoy a game?
You have some kind of complex?

I fucked up by playing Bloodborne first and now Dark Souls feels slow as fuck and the setting is boring. I wish I play DaS when it was new. In the first game the furthest I got was beating Kellogg's. Is that even half way?

More like a third through it.

I found killing shit enjoyable in both games, don't really care why I killed all that shit to be honest.

But user, how does any of that affect the gameplay?

The answer may surprise you.

>no real importance for anything in the game because it just fucking comes back again anyways
Good job. You have finally understood what the series is about.

>alternate dimensions
Not really, all three games take place in the same world. Demon's isn't canon to Dark.

He doesn't give a fuck about sequels anyway and as long as his original game is untouched I'm sure he doesn't care what they do with the license.


It's the same exact story from the first one... Why can't you simple niggers pay attention? Your favorite meme character from the series explains it to you when you first meet him in DS1. Nothing changed, you unwashed dorito repositories.

That's like the end of the first quarter. The game peaks in the first half anyway, the second half is still good but you can tell it was rushed with how the interconnectivity between levels is gone and also the entirety of Izalith existing.

That was the entire point of the first game. They just double down on it in 2 and 3.

Sequel shit isn't canon

DS2 is the most important game in the series.

DaS 2 fucked it all up. At least DaS3 is trying to salvage it.

I didn't mind. The bleak as shit reality fits the games. I just wish From could write better endings. I hope the last 3 DLC ends with a bang.

Surely it's DS2's fault, a guy on YouTube told me it's a bad game so it has to be.

>DS2 is very important

Even 3DS is more "important" despite being an unapologetic PvP Bloodborne port.

Everyone already knows the gameplay is shit, we're talking about lore ITT.

Congratulations, you've figured out why the Lords of Cinder decided not to extend the Age of Fire and thus, the plot to Dark Souls 3.

Is that not ingesting in itself? We learn that we're powerless to escape this cycle, basically. That's an interesting story in my opinion.

>It all went to shit after DeS
Fixed that. DaS1 is unfinished trash as well.

The thing is is that even though it's a cycle, there has to be a period of time where things are peaceful, right? You can be born in the Dark Souls world while the world isn't slowly shitting itself to death. I'm basing this off of the various religions that are appear in each game and the giant cities that are built within the game.

It's like being born right now in our world. When the world is drained of resources and is shitting itself to death, it'd be a bad time to be alive. But right now?

That's what the Ages of Fire are. But those can't last forever which is the point yet humanity keeps hopelessly extending it at greater cost each time rather than face the dark truth of the end it Age of Dark. The question is whether you cede your life to nature and die with the world or use your agency to strive for a way to overcome it in the hopes of making things a bit less shit.

But if there's no cycle there is no reason to make Dark Souls 11 user.

I'll forgive 2 because i enjoyed 3 and i think it "fixed" the bullshit in 2, despite all the contrarian mememasters here saying it was shit.