How come there aren't games with anthropomorphic animals anymore?

How come there aren't games with anthropomorphic animals anymore?

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i miss that drawfag

yiff in hell furfag

people are scared of being called furries by angry nerds that have nothing better to do.

Nobody wants to associate their game with furfags.

Pretty sure the stigma is there.

There's enough marketers/developers who understand it's anathema.

Devs realized how incredibly autistic furfags are and wants to stay away from them.

a) This is why

b) You can have both, but which one first?

but just like minecraft, you can profit from autistic people

But there are

Two big reasons
>Designing a high quality non human model, especially with a furry body requires more time and effort than normal humans
>The market puts "realistic" games in the top selling positions (GTA, Sports Games, COD, etc)
Basically furry characters are more expensive for a market that wouldn't be interested in them

There are some. You just need to know where to look.

is it fun? how do you play it?
what's the goal?

>you are an angry nerd for mocking my chronic autism

Don't forget,
>We don't tell fables as much anymore as we did in decades past
Fables with animals were a way to convey stories using the animals as signifies of character traits, also as a way to capture imagination
The art of it carried in to the visual age in animation, but, we're now decades on and with visuals being so realized and vocal (literally) the need for animal avatars to convey traits seems to be dying out.

furfaggots should kill themselves

why bump the thread

Well, what if someone who isn't a furry enoys playing games like Jazz Jackrabbit?

To be fair you don't need anthro character to enjoy a game, its just the gameplay itself. Or are furfags so far gone they need dogs to fuck in their games?

>got his level 4
I feel so blessed.

I hope I can still pull that 5 star dark santa guy. I saw his name in the listing of summons available in the regular pulls, but I don't know if that's just a typo or something.

Alright Sup Forums Imagine they hired you to direct a game, they have all the money to put for your game but the only rule is to have an anthropomorphic character as your protagonist.

What species will it be, what gender and what genre of game will it be? And also which developer would you hire to work on it?

No one wants to play a nonhuman.

Someone post the pasta from game devs

It's pretty fun and captivating. Right now it's just grinding here and there throughout the day until the devs add more quests like dating.

The combat is rudamentary, but everything is in Japanese, but I managed to get through it fine. I can describe it best as Persona-lite with actual potential, as there's VN and JRPG elements, but right now the VN elements have no impact until the aforementioned quests get added I think.

I'd like to see a fantasy game double down on Beastmen.
I mean actual beastmen, that look like animals that walk on two feet and not people with cat heads. And none of this the females look like human females bullshit either, they should look like the females their race is based off of.
It be really neat to have an insectoid race where the females are the stronger and larger version of the race.

basically this. even when we do get a game with anthro characters it's just an animal head slapped onto a pre-existing human model with no unique personality whatsoever.

It will be a raccoon, male, a platformer, and developed by Sucker Punch to give me us the real Sly 4

How would you make a game with anthro characters?

i wouldn't

Gas chamber simulator

make a game
make the characters anthro

That Yowl thing seems pretty much like a monster. I have a friend that has a lvl 51 one and it constantly heals itself and my team every now and then.

visualnovel or platformer

There are. They just aren't AAA titles so you haven't seen advertising for them.

There are.
It's just that they've been almost completely relegated to platformers (muh mascot) and RPG, mostly the MMO kind (where varied races are the norm).

Anything else and you get people who need helmets and 24/7 caretakers, going into fits of tard-rage over furfags and such.

TRPG with unique classes depending on race

Humans get more militaristic classes and anthros get more tribal/magical ones

>this much salt because meanies on the internet mock his dog lust

>that have nothing better to do
good job not being a productive member of society

Other than it just being furshit, there is something just slightly off with this picture that makes me not want to look at it.

Ori And The Blind Forest had anthro characters in it, and that was my GOTY for 2015

>You are the retard
>I get upset because people make fun of my animal fetish

Cute animals rolling around like pinballs in a platformer environment. Think Sonic Spinball but on a 3D platformer plane. Your goal is to lead the animals back to the forest by leaving the city. Each level has a boss.

Put it on smartphones and get 1 million downloads.

Stories the Path of Destiny or whatever was decent

make a pokemon game
filled with hazubando material

>ywn enjoy an anthropomorphic game that doesn't pander do furfags

only one that comes to mind is Sly and even that got weird in the later games

>5 seconds to type a comment while you waste hours over your furshit
>productive member of society

user don't be naive, when comparing furfags and anti-furfags there are more people that need helmets on the furfag side.


Tsundere Cat person
Overprotective Dog person
Yandere lizard person
Overly showboaty/jock bird person

take a fantasy setting filled with a plethora of beast races
remove any and all humans
have create-a-character with sliders
fable 1 combat and spells and shit
make millions

dogs cant produce young when you rape them user

shifting of demographics

I seem to have a lvl 51 Youl partner as well. Must be a coincidence.
I never use him though. I prefer using my black santa partner.

Sly 1 always had some slight pandering, Sly 2 kicked it up a notch, Sly 3 had some "questionable" things that were less obvious than Sly 2, then they went full retard in Sly 4.

Crash doesn't have that much pandering other than Tawna who exists for like 5 seconds in the 1st game only and the strip club in twinsanity

you should still kill yourself for being a furfag enabler

Rat and just have as an action game based on Redwall.

>furry bumping his shit thread while false flagging


I'm fairly sure there is more than one anti-furfag in this thread user

Yeah I know but why bump it

Just imagine all the locations. I read a lot of the books, and there are tons of cool places that are revealed in the plot of each book, then forgotten.

I'm taking this bait too seriously.
Spending a couple minutes to masturbate on monosodium glutamate would take up almost the same amount of time people like you do shitposting in randomly chosen threads on Sup Forums. Neither are productive, but at least the former's probably getting more enjoyment out of it.

You fags talking about me and my Youl?

Nah, I think that 51 guy put his friend code in a thread yesterday.

It really is a lifesaver on grinding the christmas events for presents for the draw tickets.

Have you ever played a game because it specifically panders to your fetish(es)?

>played twinsanity when I was 9
>mom used to watch
>made me stop playing it after the strip club joke and I had to finish the rest of it in secret
I didn't even realize what it was and when she did that I figured it had to be something bad and looked shit up to figure out what was wrong with it.

Yes, and how the hell is everything you have so high?

>cant even fit in with autists on Sup Forums to the point where you enter threads to whine about it
>literal rule banning you retards from posting on a place well known for CP
kek yeah its all a big joke and you're totally normal and liked :)

Humans are dominant species. Beasts of all species live together in one culture. Humans are more scientifically advanced, beasts more spiritual. The game would be about working together to save the world from being destroyed by mother nature itself, because the core stopped spinning and the Ozone layer is gone

Also aliens.

I only tried out Killing Floor 1 because of Ms. Foster

why yes

Your welcome.
Said Youl reduces damage taken by around 50% when you select him to move for 1 turn. And he casts regen on himself.

I started playing the game about 2 days after it came out.

Im sure you have loads of fun getting upset over it while people laugh at you man
Go find some sexy dogs to jerk off to

What is the game like anyways? I just saw people posting the picture of the cute guys.

Follow up, have many time have you leveled up Yowl's skill? I think I read it as lvl 96 or something.

this, shadow of mordor but rat of redwall

Dunno, really.



>posting on a place well known for CP
not anymore f a m
rule 3 also bans loli, flaming, and racism, guess that means that's on the same level eh?

You read correctly.

because furfags ruined cute animal people.

Zootopia only got made because there's a shitload of furries working for Disney.
There's plenty in games too but they're not powerful in comparison

could you help me I've actually been trying to look for some sexy birds.

Oh I forgot they also made a /fur/ then banned everyone who ever posted on it days later. No though you're totally accepted, your whining really works! Loli would be as bad if they spammed as much as you retards, but they keep on Sup Forums


You could just not reply when you lose an argument instead of "epically baiting" me

Mortal Kombat 2011.

...I may have used the model viewer to glance at the guys and their ripped clothes.

...And also used Kano to strangle Stryker and Johnny Cage in training mode.

Stop talking to that. He's a fag.

With how much got made from Zootopia I wonder if they will do it again. I mean they invested a lot of time and money on just making sure the fur looks right.

Wow there must be a fuckload of furries in the animation industry

>but they keep on Sup Forums
they don't at all lad. /trash/ is now /fur/ 2.0 but now it's a real thing and it's definitely caused an influx in threads like this so who knows what the gook is doing

>cant form an argument so just call me a fag while posting unbelievably gay shit

Normies prefer to self-insert as humans.

Also rendering them neatly in modern 3d environments is harder, you end up with freaky things as they try to render every strand of fur instead of abstracting to a cartoonish style.

Are you just realizing that now? Hell they are everywhere.

I'm just looking for some sweet cloaca

Hes just baiting you into pointless arguments.

They don't all but its nowhere near as bad as furries. I can at least talk about games with kids in without them showing up. Cant say the same for any games with anthros or even animals in.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Actually the western animation industry uses anthros because it allows them to do themes and lewd things that would be deemed unacceptable with realistic human characters. Can't show a human girl with a short skirt and a weakness for guys. But you can show a sheep or a bunny doing it.

Ironically Disney was expecting a complete bomb from the film, Spring releases are for B films and don't get as much advertising, add to that the film went through several scraps and rewrites that this movie even getting released was kind of a miracle
Now that it's made over a billion, Disney is scrambling to churn out profits from it

>I cant win an argument therefore its bait
kek at least he's trying
Have fun senpai

Why are furries so obsessed with sex, anyways?

RPG like fire emblem.

You pick side, fight with humans or beastmen, of course your avatar will be of a human or beastmen depending which side you pick (can be customized)

You pick class and carry on with battles, your goal is to gain as much territory, make enemies ally with you, kill them or enslave them and be forced to fight on your side.

There can be an class were you can infiltrate disguising as your enemies via magic potion without getting caught but if they do you can fight in enemy territory with low chance of escaping and survive, betray your allies or let them kill you and get a game over (which you start all over again).