what area of dark souls is this?
What area of dark souls is this?
canceled psp dark souls
god i wish there was a mobile souls game. even a handheld souls clone would be fantastic.
That's oolacile
Oolacile Township Dungeon
Oolacile Township
First video I could find with it.
Wait, is this that big town that you can see below firelink?
No, it's the additional content darksouls.wikidot.com
it's dlc
It's the part in Oolacile just before the chained prisoner.
I normally detest the DEEPEST LORE crap but the chained prisoner is some real /x/ shit
oh i was referring to this. Any idea what this is or is it just some random town?
Salt and Sanctuary is on Vita.
lower Undead Burg?
It's Oolacile Townshit. That screenshot is looking back towards the elevator and the bonfire.
That town is just backdrop. You never go there.
Nah, there is actually a lot of detail in the background that you can't explore. There's a guy who uses developer mode on youtube to explore it.
I think the most interesting is probably the painted world and Anor Londo.
Yea that's what I thought, other guess would be Oolacile, but it also seems like New Londo Ruins are underneath it. Not sure
im pretty sure thats new londo.
If you jump off the cliff in the town's direction, you'd fall into Blighttown. Directly beneath Firelink is New Londo. The Valley of Drakes is right beneath the aqueduct that you approach Undead Burg from. Continuing through either Valley of Drakes or New Londo lead you to the other side of the Parish, and away from the town.