Post good gamer fuel here
Pic related is pizza with some ketchup and beetroot salad
God tier for long gaming sessions
Gamer fuel thread
For me, it's the McChicken. The greatest Gamer Food.
>ruining a pizza to shitpost on Sup Forums
That purple shit looks like when I ate the whole bottle of shrek ketchup along with my fries and puked.
What the fuck is that purple shit?
I thought the beet root salad was actually some mac and cheese you put food coloring in to change the color, but then I looked closer and realized it couldn't be.
I just pan fried 2 cut up potatoes in chorizo and eggs. It was tasty and filling. Kind of a pain to eat while grinding out stuff in DDDA though. I'm hungry a few hours later which is weird so I'm considering a bunch of white rice; not sure what I'll put in or on it.
I usually just take a break to go cook up a decent meal, but on the chance I get hooked into a game that much, my go-to is usually Andy Capp hot fries, and cranberry juice.
>no cheese
>no ham
>no jalapeno
>DOUBLE pineapple
Just fuck you, man. I don't mind pineapple on pizza but that's wrong and awful looking
When I get hungry during long sessions, I like to snack on a handful of activated almonds and wash it down with alkalized water; if I'm still hungry I'll eat some homemade coconuts.
Acid reflux much, user?
This is not acceptable
You try being 7 and consuming an entire bottle of it with a supersize fries. I was literally eating it by itself after the fries ran out because I thought it was so cool.
I wouldn't eat this user but I hope you enjoy it.
Never seen beatroot that looks like that.
That's beetroot salad.
>not injecting 3cc a day and eating 6000+ calories to leave humanity behind
why are you even here?
this is where i throw all the trash when gaming, right next to my battlestation
>throwing liquids next to a power extension
user, do you ever stop to think?
my latest food to speed run dark souls
>losing your balls at age 35 to feel like hot shit in your 20s
No thanks lad. Gymcels are even more pathetic when they're on gear.
yeah I thought it was mac and cheese with some of this on it
updoot if you remember this ketchup xD
siivoa, homo
Beetroot salad. It's really good when it's not on pizza.
>no cheese
But the cheese is the best thing to compliment the pineapple. You can't just dip pineapple in tomato sauce.
Fuck you.
Why did you put pepto bismol on your pizza?
>leave your health behind
I swear you gymheads are probably one of the most cancerous group out of this, already flying low, website.
I like pineapple pizza but there's got to be more than just pineapple on the pizza.
Daily reminder :
>No gluten
>No lactose
>No read meat
Thank me in a few months.
>No lactose
Why doe
100% guaranteed to trigger americunts
Raw or cooked broccoli with ranch or cheese, or smothered in melted butter.
Bacon. (Use a fork to avoid greasy peripherals)
Fathead pizza. (See above)
Pepperoni slices. (See above)
Cheese. (Sticks or cubes for easy eating)
This helpful and healthful tip brought to you by the keto dude.
Hipster cunt
Dont ever post on this board again
Anyone really, it's a shit looking pizza, pineapple or not
Thanks m8, I might live a few years longer? What's the point though?
Why aren't people keeping it simple?
That means eating nothing I like. Why live.
Why are we alive? Just to suffer?
Do you really need to eat while playing a game ?
How are you supposed to eat that?
There's no way the bread can support it.
You are retarded. The only thing you need to cut are carbs from processed garbage """food""". Going for a no gluten, no lactose and no meat diet is a fucking retarded meme.
With a fork you savage
Because they don't want to die from diabetes in their 40s while being 300lb?
Almonds, and red bull.
okay, I will allow the beetroot salad, that might actually be cool
but the ketchup
wtf, common
my slav
It's not too bad but why not use some real non shit bread instead of this sugar infested stuff.
Oh man I fucking love duck meat.
>Gamer fuel
>Hold on, guys. I need to sautee my spinach
>afk 5mins glazing my gluten free ham
>alright sorry guys back let me eat real fast tho while the food's heated at an optimal level where flavors are more accentuated
At this point, they're eating in front of their fucking computer. There's a difference.
>linked with colorectal cancer
>the whole calcium is a meme and can be found elsewhere
>just shit overall
Why not doe
>better digestion
>less risks of cancer
>less risks of virtually everything
>not taking part in useless and industrialized animal slaughter to feed the plebeians masses
It's a great meme for a meme.
Why even bother with the fucking bun?
you're getting cancer from literally everything nowadays
just enjoy life as long as it lasts
Is that water? Why would you buy bottled water?
They're placed under my desk for work. If I'm too lazy to get up to get some from the cooler I'll just grab it from there.
I'm 6'3" and weigh 160 pounds, smartass
Again, you're fucking retarded. You increase the risk of cancer by consuming ANY protein source due to protein putrefaction in your GI tract, yet it doesn't mean that you should avoid eating protein, because you'll fucking die even faster.
Eating lactose is no different than eating sugars in fruits and vegetables - it's just sugar that you need to cut down on, but you still should eat milk and its products, because it's fucking great.
And gluten is the biggest fucking nutritional meme out there. You don't need to go on low gluten diets, because you should be cutting carbs naturally anyway, which will reduce your gluten intake as a side effect.
Op, i agree with you beetroot is excellent wih everything. Few things in this world can beat a nice bowl of borscht and some flatbread. I actually put on a pink sweatshirt and pants when i play games and eat/drink borscht so as not to stain my good clothes. If you need a good recippe, my mother apways added in a little paprika for an extra kick.
My russian mother sends me over big galleon drums of the stuff. Like in those water coolers. I dont know how she manages to make so much of it. But damn. I could(and do!) live off the stuff.
>he still drinks soda
>he still drinks energyshit
who /coffeewithmilk/ here? no sugar
Didn't know Sup Forums was the new expert on food.
If you want to lose weight and eat amazing food, cut carbs. Eat high amounts of fat. Drink water. Get your electrolytes. Cut sugar out completely.
Seriously look up keto.
>steak with ketchup
now that's out of the way, looks pretty good
any gamerfuel recommendations I can do with only potatoes and onions? Getting low on money and vodka's getting more expensive
>tofu sandwiches
>fried beans
>green tea
Feels moral, man
kys my ass
>Sardines on Toast
God's greatest gift to Anglos.
Me but instant because Britfag and it's all I know. Pic related.
Throw them out.
Noone going to comment on "read" meat?
pinkhaired girl looks cute, any porn of her?
>who /coffeewithmilk/ here?
It's good. But I prefer to consume black tea by the liters instead. You get caffeine and proper hydration at the same time.
>This faggot doesn't read his meat
Get a load of this guy.
>tofu sandwiches
Enjoy the gyno, low test motherfucker.
god, whats up with americans and this shitty meme.
black from a french press master race here
>m-muh i'm an adult so i only drink black
i actually like the taste of milked coffee, tea is not that good desu
my baguette
>And gluten is the biggest fucking nutritional meme out there.
Gluten intolerance and allergies are real you fucking retard, shut the fuck up.
>Again, you're fucking retarded. You increase the risk of cancer by consuming ANY protein source due to protein putrefaction in your GI tract
No because i clean the said GI tract every three months. Get told.
Throw some eggs in the mix and make a frittata
I seriously hope you remember to activate your almonds, user.
no way cheeki breeki, not my potatoes
Gyno is from milk, not soy.
Peer reviewed research showed no correlation between soy and feminization.
>tfw hot fries with cold ketchup
America is asleep
This thread just proves how shit is food outside of south Europe.
I once inadvertently activated my almonds and then ate them.
Never again
You fell in the /fit/ memes, Billy. But that's ok since you're 12.
sorry no eggs
also can't cook the potatoes because no running water
oh and I have no stove, so no cooking whatsoever
so a chili dog and a cheesesteak without cheese?
it's not just America, every person I know either hates pineapple on pizza or loves it
What a fuckin loser