Lets have a Nioh thread because it's a cool game that's coming out soon and I was literally just about to post in the last one before it died dammit I still have it open with the post that I'll make once this one gets going
Since we know we can use skins of other characters now, who are you looking to play as the most? Or would you just rather be William-sama in their armour?
Also I really like this pic and want to use it more at any opportunity I get.
Justin Walker
where the strong conquerors at I know they didn't all disappear
Angel Lopez
Well fuck it one last try all I wanted to do was talk about Nioh while explaining why anyone that honestly thought the Beta was harder was wrong and completely insane.
Jace Ross
That one guy spamming webms for the game made me lose all interest in it.
I know you're there right now, watching, waiting to see if the thread picks up to post them, the first one being laststand.webm
Andrew Long
You shouldn't really let him sway you from it, he's just a shitposter that has nothing to do with the game itself so don't use him as an excuse. If there's something you're actually interested in but unsure about with the game you could specify and I'll give some info or whatever.
Also you jinxed it, now he's gonna post harikiri.webm.
Carson Myers
I'm going to wait until Christmas unless the consumers say it's better than Bloodborne.
Who knows if i wait that long, maybe they'll announce it for the PC.....pls
Robert Martin
Just a month away. I haven't been this excited for a new IP in a long time. Granted its only cos I have played it on previous occasions.
Chase Miller
What skins are confirmed? I'd rather not play as Witcher-san.
Austin Brown
>Since we know we can use skins of other characters now Source please?
Luke Brooks
Beta was easier but i don't see why people don't think it was better. Alot of things are easier but that can be subsided by making more bosses like Batgirl/Muneshiggy and just making the game hard itself which the twilight levels felt pretty darn challenging.
Kevin Garcia
Why the fuck does the PSN say the end of the fucking year when the fucking damn release date is already known to everyfuckingone?
Parker Roberts
The shop list shows up near the end of this stream, but there's likely more unlockable since it has a lot of but not all known NPCs. Off the top of my head I remember Ieyasu, Hanzo and a spooky ghost zombie. youtube.com/watch?v=rIXJRkjn-b4
Zachary Taylor
Going to be buying it second hand to punish them for not releasing it on PC.
Otherwise it seems like everything I've been waiting for - someone to throw a good combat system into a souls-like game.
Nathaniel Reyes
I only played the alpha, and luckily got to beat Nue.
Can someone who played the beta remind me how much changed? Did they nerf the shark?
Caleb Sanchez
Is he still hanging around here?
Kevin Ramirez
fuckin neato
Angel Ross
I get why people dislike the lack of a connected world and missions based levels but at the same time people are also missing how that is a great feature. Besides DaS2 this means you don't need to go to NG+ to fight a boss again.
One of my least liked things about the series is you have to start a new character/NG+ just to fight a boss you've already beaten which is really boring.
Angel Wright
Sebastian Rivera
Biggest changes were the stamina doesn't make you collapse into a wheezing heap for like 20 minutes as enemies whip your shit in.
Weapons don't break, but instead gain "Familiarity" that gives them small bonuses if you master them.
Some of the spirits were moved to be unlocked in the new levels so you had more to get out of the demo.
Some minor damage values were changed for shit like the fires, but nothing too severe.
Angel Nelson
i dont like that pic i think you should find a new one to post
Ian Campbell
It was worse because the changes weren't only in things like health and damage values that threw off the balance and learning curve, but also in the core mechanics that were pivotal in dictating how you played. Not getting tired when you overspend your Ki and being able to run circles round enemies without turning away (which they have not been designed for) makes the combat far simpler no matter what, and removes all the pacing, management, momentum and general intricacies of the combat system. Someone I know irl put it well when he said it "made everything just feel more arcadey instead of a real fight to the death".
Benjamin Morris
so if weapons don't break, did they change the drop rates? i was pretty much drowning in katanas by the end of each level.
Carter Reed
Lincoln Martin
I beat the entirety of both the alpha and beta, but I barely remember the beta as it is, let alone the alpha.
Off the top of my head though, the only things I really remember being noticeably changed are: >no durability on weapons/armor >stamina has been changed so you still run out of breath but aren't punished as hard for running out >lock-on has been changed to z-targeting style so you're always facing the locked on enemy instead of simply forcing the camera to focus on them while retaining free movement like in the alpha
Austin Morales
I don't get why people dislike the stamina change because it makes it "easier" it makes it more enjoyable and there will still be hard bosses and areas despite it.
Also you still go into a bitch stat if you dodge/do a action so you still have to manage shit a ki pulse right. Id 100% understand if it was dumbed down to Souls level shit with no punishment besides lacking stamina well maintaining ki pulse. But the buff to it wasn't that big.
Christopher King
Bentley Nguyen
I haven't bought a game at full price for a while but I bought Nioh for 50 off of Amazon.
I know it's going to be worth it. I just love dressing my samurai up...
January, Feb and March are full of fucking games I want but Nioh is the only one I'll buy. I'll redbox the others.
Joshua Cox
I don't see this as worse just more so different. Because there is less management on the player side Team Ninja will be able to focus on what you're fighting more so then if you'll be able to fight it.
I found Muneshiggy harder then anything in the alpha after being him 3-4 times because he has a extremely varied moveset , high damage , multiple phases and a decent life pool.
It feels like they will draw more from Ninja Gaiden where almost nothing is resource management but its far harder then most things with management. Its about the obstacles not the inherent difficulty in just beginning the climb.
Hunter Jackson
ไป็ more like ่ญใ
Aiden Cruz
You still get a lot of stuff, but things have different values and effects more so than before. And now that you can combine/breakdown weapons to empower others, it helps to collect of shit and only convert useless shit into dosh.
Souls games are hardly that easy with stamina management, but yea, I don't get why people are making a fuss about the stamina no longer acting like William has COPD.
Christian Sullivan
I should just make a real ass green ass list of this too actually but the main changes were the Ki changes, lockon movement and camera changes, and durability removal. Familiarity was activated but is pretty bland as it's just "have a weapon equipped long enough and it and it's effects get stronger". Low stance and high stance swapped their alternate Ki Pulses, which was good and bad since low having Dodge Pulse was too powerful but it had no use for Combo Pulse so that was pointless. Plus it doesn't matter when there's no durability and the health got lowered too. A change that actually doesn't get mentioned much is that in the Alpha, the skills had their own special inputs, like spear skills were a half circle + triangle and (to flex the fuck outta my knowledge) 2kat's spin was going to be a 360+triangle, but they changed them all to be just L1+triangle. There's a hell of a lot of other balance changes, almost all of them making things easier, but at this point I really would be easier making a list. Also fire damage was nerfed like a motherfucker you can run through it without giving a shit, and Sharko wasn't really nerfed but all the spirits got better.
Xavier Diaz
You never had any interest in it if one autist can make you "lose" it.
Asher Wright
Ian Long
DaS1/2 ill give you but BB/DaS3 might as well not have a stamina bar outside of PVP with how little most weapons use and how little dodges use. Unless you're a strength build you almost never have to manage jack shit.
Ryder Thomas
As a beta lover i will say one thing nothing even twilight missions were half as intimidating as the second alpha level. Not even talking about Nue just seeing a fuck ton of Oni and big eye'd fucks around and one guarding the first loop around that isn't even until near 2/3rds of the level despite it being short.
Joseph Edwards
Well yea, if you overdo it that you have a ton of stamina, but you can still screw yourself over if you aren't planning moves carefully in BB or DS3.
Gavin Cox
I want an unlockable character creator once you finished the irrelevant story that doesnt need you to be the westaboo gaijin to make sense.
Benjamin Hughes
It's a loose historical piece, like Genji, you dingus.
Jordan Fisher
>It's a loose historical piece, like Genji giant enemy crab
Luke Anderson
>too many posts to respond to quickly monkey paw They said they were lowering the drop rates. I didn't notice it too much, but they probably lowered them more. But the whole point was so you could use it as a kind of liquid currency and give you a boost based on how well you did before dying, not as a direct counter to durability by swapping to them. They didn't change anything to make up for the lack of durability though. You didn't run out of breath from pressing buttons, only if you got hit into it. That was a thing in the Alpha too but the other tiredness was a more immediate and fair punishment since it was an instant reaction that you could watch out for. Because it completely strips out one of the main facets of the combat and kills the samurai-esque pacing, removes any real Ki management and also takes out a huge aspect of the tension. It was one of the most fun parts of the combat, knowing where your limits where and being able to take advantage of it, it felt so rewarding and was what the game encouraged at every turn. Now it literally has been dumbed down to an almost Souls level, which isn't how it's designed to be because you still have all the options and Ki Pulse.
Adrian Howard
sound more liek lazy devs to me that didnt want to add proper armor scaling to different body types and witcher 3 fanboy pandering. But as long as the gameplay is good and everything else is at least a bit souls quality level ( dark souls first half) I have nothing to say.
David Adams
Reminder that if you play in 1080p mode instead of 60fps mode, you're a casual and shouldn't even be playing this game.
Nathaniel Hall
Well, you're at least right in that it's different. And this kind of thing could work if they had the time to change the game and balance around how it was built now. But that's the thing, the Alpha was 70% done (from interviews at E3), and there have been no actual effort to change the game's design to make up for these things. This leaves the game in a messy state where it's being forced to be what it's really not, and a lot of these changes actively go against what it's supposed to be, making them very much worse. Why should things die as fast as they do in Souls games when you have so many combo options? This isn't a Souls game, and that's what the game being "different" would require for all these to work. It's not Ninja Gaiden either for that matter, the entire point is being able to know when you can strike and where, Ki management and positioning was a very important factor in that. It even fixed the long time complaint of Souls enemies just being hold right or snipe outside their ranges to win, but they put those right back in there anyway.
Also Muneshige being harder is a really bad comparison because he wasn't available in the Alpha, the jump between the last stage and him was far more than the Alpha's jump between it's stages, it's an optional challenge fight against him instead of a story thing like the others (here's the Beta story version: youtube.com/watch?v=g5-doNbrjY8 ) and even on top of that, while he's a fantastically designed boss he was still made for the original version of the game, and so would objectively be more difficult with those mechanics in place. That thing about obstacles and not the inherent difficulty is a bit of a false equivalence and doesn't really fit anything for the game either, every challenge has to be based around what you can do and what your opponent/s can do, otherwise it's lopsided and not designed right.
Aiden Young
The original Genji was great, way better than Dawn of Dreams. Shame barely anyone remembers it, but instead remember the rushed launch-title sequel that Sony killed at E3 2006.
Landon Phillips
The game is focused on an actual character with his own story, goals and personality, like it has been since 2005. Full character creation doesn't fit into that very well.
Gavin Lopez
Hopefully it'll get added to the PS4 ports.
That and GhostHunter, which seems like it should be any day now given Primal was put on a while ago.
Samuel Rogers
have you never played a game with a fixed protagonist before m8
Nathan Lewis
The stamina change shouldn't effect anyone. Alpha you had Flux and Low Stance Dash pulsing. Beta you had Flux buffed to an absurd level to compensate the low stance dash pulse nerf. You now have potentially infinite stamina if you flux properly. Post-Beta Showings show that Low Stance has been given back it's dash ki pulse and High Stance still retains it.
Anyone complaining for or against the "breathing change" is retarded as you are playing the game incorrectly. The game gives you tools to have infinite stamina, it's the player's fault for not spending the 3 points into Katana to benefit from it.
Durabillity change didn't matter, you were showered in whetstones anyways. All it did was remove tedium from the equation.
You should be more upset at the dumbing down of difficulty rather than the irrelevant mechanics or tedious chores. The major problem with the breathing issue isn't player relates, it's moreso that the enemies still use the original breathing system where they stop to breathe when out of KI where as the player has to be hit; they also have the original SLOW breathing animation as oppose to the player's new fast one, which unbalances the PvM side of the game.
I think a lot of you are hoping for this to be the next "ninja gaiden + DMC + onimusha meets dark souls 1 " when this is going to just be another Dark Souls 3 where its mediocre overall and only good just for one play through and then shelved
Parker Ramirez
Sony are absolutely one of the worst offenders when it comes to sitting on cool old IPs and not doing anything with them.
Jason Harris
Name two(2) games with good stories that have character creator
Carson Williams
KOTOR 1 and 2 ME1 Diablo 1 Diablo 2
Daniel Stewart
They seem to be alright most of the stuff, I doubt anyone expected Primal at all.
Though Ghosthunter might have some trouble given the name and similarities to Ghostbusters.
Dominic Reyes
well we will see. im optimistic but i probably wont get it on relase
Cameron Rodriguez
Looks a lot more fun than souls/BB I'm excited
Isaac Collins
When I played Alpha I was convinced it be a day 1 buy When I played Beta I was convinced it be a mediocre game and best to get during a PSN+ sale After reading the changelog and seeing them dumb down things further I've decided to just borrow it from a friend or wait until bargain bin
Hudson Nelson
wait what who is all playable?
Hunter Sanchez
Can't wait to see what they've done with the twilight stages, they were really lacking in beta.
Charles Reyes
Actually, fair point, they've put some relatively obscure ones up on the PSN store.
Okage and the Shadow King seemed to be out of left field; I don't think it even got a PAL release originally.
Playing co-op online gets you a special currency, which you can use to purchase skins of other male NPCs in the game.
James Thompson
The breath change pushes you to be on point with how you deal with your Ki or else you're put into dangerous situations. This pushes you to be better at the game, thinking it should be removed because "if you're good it doesn't matter" is a sign of idiocy and not understanding simple cause and effect or how it encourages improvement. Beta Flux was ridiculous though I don't think it was in response to the Pulse swaps since it affects everything and low didn't even need it, and giving both High and Low stance Dodge Pulse is somehow even more ridiculous.
Thinking that Durability only mattered because you had whetstones (not glue) to deal with it after replaying so many levels is also not looking at the full picture whatsoever, and calling it tedious to take half a second to go to the inventory to use an item in an RPG doesn't imply anything good. It was a very big aspect in enemy, equipment and stance balance, as well as acting as a gradual punishment while making you use both your equipped weapons or keep it in mind.
You also don't mention anything about the movement changes, but all these changes ARE the main issue in how the difficulty and gameplay has been dumbed down, because you don't need to be focusing on Ki Pulse or how you're moving. You're right in that the enemies using the original system is a big problem though, but that's just part of how William has been changed.
As for how good it was shaping up to be, it really was going to be that level of game if the Alpha was any judge, but at the very least it still has the amount of content and options for playthroughs.
William Price
The game has already been dumbed down quite a bit, I'm not sure what you're trying to do by talking down to others that don't share the same opinions as you as "casuals". Stop trying to force the "dwarf fortress" attitude on games that don't apply. This game isn't hard, maybe it was originally designed to be that way, but the surveys show that difficulty isn't the way to make a good game and Tecmo has already rectified that issue. You are the problem with video games these days and you should stop trying to make things difficult for others and instead look to impose self challenges to get the thrill that you seek. Making the game harder for everyone else just for you is selfish. You can always make a game harder on your own, you should have developers cater to you.
If I want to sit down have a beer and play a relaxing game of white man samurai killing gooks and demons then I will. Fuck you.
Julian Morgan
>dude lmao fighting daemons and shiiieeet we totally need a prefixed char.
This sht ist dated my compadre
I have, they all been okay to terrible, doesnt say much about the quality of the game itself, just that i dont like to be limited to a pumped white boi fresh fromma ship to fuck konichiva pussy but getting all dark souls up his ass instead. I want to play an ugly fat black man as I do in all my hentai anime skating videobooks.
Dark Souls Dark Souls 2
Joseph Brooks
>of other male NPCs in the game >Male
Pre-order canceled.
James Taylor
Checking it out, apparently Namco did the publishing for the game, so that could be a problem given how much they like to be cunts a great deal of the time with their licenses.
Cameron Smith
The post I was going to make in the other thread was just in reply to, among other stuff I already addressed, how supposedly Beta Ninjutsu and Onmyoji was nerfed when that wasn't the case at all. Fire shurikens got a very slight nerf to how fast it sets things alight, the cost to equip Sloth talismans was increased by 1, and then they added tons of different skills for both that were hugely stronger and still didn't require much investment, as well as leaving Living Weapon alone and indirectly buffing it with the Ki changes. Like I've said, the list looked incomplete since it didn't have everyone we know about on there so we don't know whether or not it's only male characters, unless someone can translate that exact part and they say something about it either way.
Hunter Flores
The punishment for failing to manage stamina properly is still there, but it's still a non-issue for the people complaining that it makes the game easier or "casual" because they are the players that are "good enough where it doesn't matter" so what importance does having longer breathing time have for you other than making less adept players suffer more harshly than it's current form? The punishment is still there.
While I agree with you that the change to low stance and high stance is ridiculous our opinion are sadly not important for Tecmo. They only care for the masses that filled out the survey. If more than 50% disagreed with the low stance changes, then they will change it. They are a business first and a game developer second.
I never found an issue with durability in my extensive playthrough of the alpha, I was always using two weapons and swapping out. The only time I had a weapon break was my first playthrough and I died a lot testing shit. I think when a lot of people complained about weapons breaking and durability being shit they were not taking into consideration that they were taking a durabillity hit on death as well as constantly grinding the same foes over and over after each death thus resulted in a weapon breaking. I don't agree with the changes, but I understand they non-issues. I can see why others view them as tedium and can safely see why Tecmo removed the mechanic overall from the game. It's not a change that impacts anyone too dramatically. I appreciated the original system because enemies always dropped a lot of weapons running through the game it it promoted being flexible and using what was available to you, sure you could specialize in certain weapons, but you could use anything in front of you as you tackled the game. But this is made counter-productive with the inclusion of familiarity or rather it being defined properly Now you're encouraged to stick with one weapon type as you go forward.
Andrew Cruz
have either of you consider the possibility that team ninja didnt set out to make a hard game but rather a a fun game based on kursawas script?
Carter Young
I only brought up Durabillity and Stamina because that's the most vocal complaints.
Movement was changed for convience, people were tired of having to gently tilt the stick without the character turning around -- I mean I preferred the original movement because it allowed for the player to fight people surrounding him easier but for the wider audience it would be simpler to just let walk back naturally rather than run. Is this what you're talking about?
Colton Morris
The game is still pretty hard, guys. It's not like it's easy enough that a kid could play it with no trouble.
Gavin Lopez
Kurasawa's script was dropped before development, so that point is moot at best. The only relevance it has over the game is that the main character is a western samurai who saves japan from big mean demons.
Isaiah Rogers
>people arguing about pointless mechanics that wouldn't affect them anyway lol
Thomas Watson
yup . But some people just want a little bit more and ther is nothing worng with that. but honestly im content with the way the game is now and besides people could argue all day about the changes and nothing would happen because the devs have already made their decisions . member the alpha demos, i member
Camden Lewis
Seems like everyone who's interested will love the game except for the 2 autists that show up every thread and lament that the alpha didn't remain as is despite the developer saying it was subject to changes, and of course, changed.
These same 2 autists will never truly enjoy NioH because they'll still judge the final release based on their made-up standards of a version that was never meant to be.
Getting THIS attached to an alpha that was released a full year prior to the final game and clearly meant as a first test is just sad.
Thankfully literally everyone else isn't like that.
Andrew Jones
I wanna play as her
Liam Diaz
thank you for this. I was having trouble finding the right words to express this.
Jacob Myers
It's like playing something and surprisingly finding something good only to hear it gets changed and isn't as good anymore. Nioh will still be enjoyable, just not as enjoyable as it could have been.
Camden Hernandez
>Thankfully literally everyone else isn't like that. Doesn't matter though, they manage to ruin every thread with their autism.
James Moore
Can't think of Shuten Doji without getting a boner now. Thanks Fate/GO
Camden Brown
The punishment is not there at all. I don't just mean the breath being shortened. I mean you can't put yourself into that state anymore if you overspend your Ki. And that is a huge change in priorities and actions in many cases and situations. Not to mention it's more straightforward in letting newer players know why they're getting tired and when, so they can take steps towards avoiding the situation and improve. Compare that with being able to mash until empty, then getting clipped into being tired, that feels far more unfair to people who don't understand the game.
We're still a part of that mass, and if they see there's demand for other things like an Alpha mode, then why wouldn't they make the simple addition for easy money? Surveys were certainly a mistake though, "listening to fan feedback" means nothing when 9/10 people didn't even attempt to understand the game. It's even more silly considering the type of game this is.
I didn't have many problems with durability either, but I still see clearly why it was introduced. In the Beta I constantly found myself not even bothering to swap weapons yet in the Alpha I'd plan ahead for what I'd use on who and when and if I took a hit in light armour that had real repercussions for the rest of the fight beyond just "oh I might need to heal", and the game already has shown to have longer fights where things like that would come into play. Also again it's not really about having tons of weapons and swapping them out because you would often get rarer stronger weapons as you progressed, while the loot could be used as is but could also be offered for more repair items. It could have been tweaked but removing it outright was a terrible idea that just shows lack of confidence. Familiarity though was already going to be in the game alongside durability, and actually would have been better for it as it would've been more interesting as a double-edged system.
Levi Torres
ENDO OFU RINE! vvvv ------------
William Watson
the only thing thats missing is you reeing on vocaroo. Other than that this is perfect
Ayden Price
The punishment for running of Ki if you get hit while out of KI you will be stunned/knocked down. How is that not a punishment user? You even described it as a punishment.
While I'm for a "alpha mode" I doubt the numbers will enough to warrant such a mode, players like you and me are sadly in the minority nowadays and you need to accept that. I agree that fan-feedback was a mistake but at this point in time there is nothing to benefit from complaining about -- especially in regards to breathing and durability, two changes that in my opinion, don't effect you as others claim they do.
Jaxon Wood
It's more like Diablo 2 to Diablo 3 or Devil May Cry 4 to DmC or Dragon Age to Dragon Age 2
Eli Adams
I dont own a ps4 but ill sign your petition
Carson Wright
It wouldn't matter, game is due to be released in a month. Development is wrapping up and if it hasn't already copies are starting to get ready to ship around the world.
Landon Stewart
cant they just patch it in? Like the legendary difficulty for skyrim or something?
Samuel Allen
Why spend time implementing a game mode for a minority of players?
Julian Perez
>See new vids of kusarigama being used Even if it's the only new weapon they add since beta, fuck am I pleased!
Thomas Reed
No because 1: those two are not exclusive concepts, 2: every single interview and article about the game has specified they want it to be deep and challenging and 3: while it's inspired by those movies it's not based on that script anymore That's what I'm talking about, but that "convenience" change had far more implications for the rest of the game, because of how important watching your back and attacking the rear of enemies was; you took more damage and couldn't block until you could turn round. This meant you had to be much more cautious in when you move, and enemies were designed to pursue you hard with their attacks and movement, but you could do the same to them. Plus it made the whole combat samurai as fuck. Are you so sure about that? youtu.be/rIXJRkjn-b4?t=3135 You sound very upset for no real reason that people can have indepth discussions over mechanics and game design that goes right over your head. Would the thread be better with more never ever/portwhen bullshit or Souls vs Nioh shitflinging? Alpha was 70% done by the way.
Leo Robinson
Since its not a big implementation, not even a full blow gamemode but just a few mechanics, I could see team ninja doing some small fan service but imnot a dev so i have no idea. I mean, dark souls 2 had the champions covenant that raised the difficulty, skyrim had difficulty added with the legendary edition cant be that difficult to make a slider that say normal or alpha mode and add a few mechanics back from alpha. Worth a try, you know how loud minorities can get
Cameron Hernandez
>Alpha was 70% done by the way. Sure, engine was locked-down. Assets were mostly done. Story was done. Voice acting was probably all ready. Cutscenes were probaby on the final touch-ups.
But gameplay mechanics were clearly up in the air, especially when they drop stuff that is core to some other games (like Let it Die) like durability and replace it for a whole new mechanic and progression system mere months later
"70% done" doesn't translate to 70% done on every field equally
Adam Cruz
>tfw fell for the ps4 pro meme >BUT I get to play nioh in 1080p60fps
It's a feeling of initial disappointment, but eventual joy.
Carson Carter
It's a far lesser punishment that teaches much less because it comes too late and has been lessened in effectiveness due to all the changes surrounding it. In the Beta against most soldiers you could mash and still recover to swing again before they could, or you could just run backwards. Even if you get hit you're facing the right away so you don't take nearly as much damage.
Really, even people content with how the game is should be ok with an Alpha mode, it only means more gameplay for them, but I think there's far more that would want it than you'd think, since I remember the huge backlash on the day the Beta dropped. It's not something that would take too much effort and they'd only profit from it. Hell, not to fan the flames but I bet if it was on PC it could be modded in, but I don't have one good enough for it anyway sadly. But I think the path this game has taken is a really unique one, and it's pretty important people know it's history cause it's interesting. Guess I'm stubborn too, but it's not something we need to forget and drop for no reason, especially when the reason for dropping it was "they changed it based on feedback".
Hunter Moore
The vast majority of games do run better and have better image quality on Pro though. The accidents are the minority and most (if not all) are shit western games like DeusExHD and SkyrimSeeThatMountain?GiveUsMoneyAgain Edition - AKA who cares. Added to the fact that over time mishappening will be even more rare as developers get used to standard and "pro" versions, especially once Scorpio comes out.
Leo Ward
Lesser punishment is still punishment.
Also I don't mean that we shouldn't complain overall. Complaining is what shaped the game to be it's current state. I mean more along the lines is the game is being shipped in the next few weeks and being released next month so what good will it do now? It's clear what audience tecmo wants to cater to, nothing can be done about that. I just doubt we'll see an alpha mode because it'll split the online player base, and I'm not sure Tecmo could balance it properly.
Ryan Robinson
tfw we will never be able to have proper discussion about nioh because 2 autists are always going to be in the threads arguing about dropped game mechanics
Parker Morales
I haven't been paying much attention to this game since recently. So as a Souls fan since 2009, one of the major aspects I like about them is the lore, and how the story is presented. Does this game have any of that? Or is just crazy shit happening for no reason?
Daniel Gomez
It's not doing the ambiguous storytelling thing like Souls and BB, no. Item descriptions and whatnot are still loaded with backstory and historical stuff though, for example , so if you're a Japanese history/mythology wonk, you'll find a lot to like.
Michael Williams
Nolan Ward
when the game releases we will have proper discussions and it will be up to us to ignore everything they say