Is there a single video game in existence that frames a rebellion as a bad thing?
Is there a single video game in existence that frames a rebellion as a bad thing?
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Are you serious? The Rebels are literally the heroes of Star Wars.
I'm fairly certain the rebels are the villains in FTL
I guess EXALT in XCOM: Enemy Unknown counts as a rebellion, as XCOM is run by the established ruler of the planet.
XCOM 2 completely flips it though, you're good guy rebels now fighting the aliums that rule Earth.
Megaman X series
I've never played one that portrayed the Confederates as "bad guys". If they're not presented as equals to the Union, they're at worst presented as misguided.
Metal Slug
Yeah but Empire is the money. Cool things make money. Even the sjw makers of modern Star Wars know that. No one thinks rebels are more cool.
Morden did NOTHING wrong
Decent example, although it really feels like they did it just to "flip the trope". Gameplay-wise, they certainly don't feel like "rebels" considering their overwhelming power in relation to your faction.
Call of Duty
Total War
Rome Total War, you would have to quash rebellions in your cities, i bet other TW games have this feature too.
Hey, that's a good one I hadn't thought of. I struggle to really say that they're portrayed "as a bad thing" considering the entire game is satire, but it's definitely close.
DDC (but im pretty sure you knew that already)
Deus Ex: HR
What I find funny is in medias, controlled by the dominants, they portray rebellion as a "cool" thing, yet, aren't they the last persons to want a rebellion ?
Really makes your jimmies jungle
Man, there have been a grip of wars throughout history where rebel forces outnumbered loyalist forces. The whole "having better armaments" thing is a bit sketch, but even that's not unknown.
Seija did NOTHING wrong
Portraying the current rulers as being part of one continuous rebellion makes for better PR.
Everyone is portrayed as bad in a funny way, but I'd consider them "a bad thing" because if they win it's game over for you.
Far Cry 4, where the only good choice is just a five minute cutscene.
The rebels are the bad guys at the start, but the MC switches over once he realizes the gov. is force feeding him heroin. Then the very last thing you see before the credits is the leader of the rebellion saying he wants to do the exact same shit the military was doing all game.
BAHRAM in ZoE aren't nice guys I guess.
Skyrim, of course. If you've a thinking man's head.
that'll change in 2 weeks when President Trump is official
I was thinking of what games glorify following rules. Papers please kind of fits that. I just want a game where you are the ruler's fist all the way through. I feel like any game that has this makes you switch half way
Shit as the game is Bioshock Infinite shows the rebellion as being full of crazies.
Part 2 of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
Bioshock: Infinite
I don't think this cover art gets enough credit desu, it's actually pretty GOAT
Have you actually played the game? Papers Please doesn't glorify rules. You get the "too honest" ending in like 8 days if you everything how you're "supposed"to.
Far Cry 4 seem to.
Pagan Min is very likable, and really cared for you and your mother. He may have not done anything wrong either.
The other 2 characters are put in an unlikable light. Though this could be unintended.
Strike Suit Zero
SRW OG did it too
Every game where you rule a nation (4X, Grand Strategy, etc)
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Sith Warrior story and Imperial Agent story if you play it like that.
Though as Cuba found out, after a few months you have to start cracking people over the head and/or tossing them in prison, if you want to keep doing it.
This, rebellions are a bitch in total war games.
They regularly spawn stacks of heavily geared armies too so its rarely a peasant army you can satisfyingly destroy.
Even from a ruling perspective, its better to assassinate the inferior king than have a civil war and lose half your territory.