>H-hey son
>Are ya winning yet?
>Listen, your ma and I wanted you to take a read on a site for just a little while
>J-just a peek, alright, son? Just...
>Here ya go, son.
>h-have fun kiddo
What do, Sup Forums?
H-hey son
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy me a fucking car and I'll leave the house, you cheap bastard
it's a hobby, fuck you dad
>Do you get angry and insulting with other players who make mistakes?
Gee guess I'm a rugby addict because that fucking moron made a mistake that cost us a try for the 20th time
My dad probably has more free time for vidya than I do.
This is far too generic to be any help to anyone.
Replace the word gaming with whatever hobby.
I don't think you'd get far without a car kiddo
"Addiction" is just a buzzword for people to give you shit when you're passionate about something. You can be addicted to substances that make you feel good but negatively affect your body, you can't be "addicted" to a hobby you moron.
Cars aren't cheap nigger, get a job and buy one yourself, damn.
Apparently I'm addicted to life. Guess I don't actually want to kill myself.
you wouldn't judge me like this if i was addicted to sports, fucking mongoloids
Faggot it's only $50. Buy me another shark card.
>stock photo handsome man
Who'd find him handsome.
your mom
Fuck, the only ones I said yes to were
"When upset, do you soothe yourself with games or plans to game?"
"Do you hide or lie about your gaming?"
Why are you white all'a sudden pops?
>tfw no hot dad bf
Don't ya remember me? I'm your mom's husband, I thought it was appropriate for me to call ya son
>dad bought me my ps1 (refurb) when I was 7
>no gaems, only the demo disc and WWE
>rock was love, rock was life
>played ps2 at friends house instead
>he left us a couple years later
>barely played any vidya
>comes back into our lives 3 years later
>money condition is vastly improved now
>play vidya whenever I can, which was pretty rare
>he calls me a child and compares me to the friend who had the ps2
>calls him a mature guy cause he's outgrown vidya
Fucking hell, I'm in college and make my own money but noo, nothing's ever good enough for him.
This is a fucking laugh
>game as a verb
I doubt it she's high maintenance and he wouldnt be able to handle her. Besides she's already married.
Anyone's approval is only as valuable as their judge of character, user. If dad can't see past your hobby maybe his approval isn't worth the effort.
>tfw all the jobs in bongistan are "Volunteer work"
I got 7/20