It's going to be shit, right?
It's going to be shit, right?
well yeah, it's a shit series so it'd be weird to stray from that
it's going to be okay, but it will not stop Sup Forumsirgins to bitch about it anyway.
>Less than 7mil budget for a sandbox developed for Ps4 and Pc
Might as well not do it desu
Everything points towards being shitty, yeah.
can't be worse than the originals
fite m e
this. and im sure the majority of the people bitching are going to be the ones that didnt even play the first 2 games.
just bitching for the sake of being able to bitch
Nothing is going to stop the faggots here from bitching.
Worst case scenario, this.
With Yu Suzuki developing it, you'll at least get an entertaining game that goes to do what it set out to do. It being a sequel to Shenmue I&II, at worst it will simply match them in quality. But of course, that ain't going to be enough with newcomers pretending to be fans and your typical autist here that's only in it to force the next Tortanic meme.
Do I seriously have to play the first two games on Dreamcast? Why nobody thought to port them to current systems before Shenmue 3 release?
>it's going to be okay,
That's the thing, a majority of the people here will shit on something that's okay. People see average as bad.
Probably cost given the arcane nature of the dreamcast. That said a few good DC emulators exist (i'm partial to nullDC) so at the very least you can get the full on shenmue experience.
Really shenmue is an autism simulator under the guise of a revenge story.
shut up coward
wfgTTL? toggle nog --------------> TT
>Really shenmue is an autism simulator under the guise of a revenge story.
Most of the game is a dude living every day exactly as the last (along with collecting his figurines) until suddenly someone turns up and tells him plot is happening. Any deviancy from his day-to-day routine is met with resistance despute, y'know, plot.
Huh, curious. Is there any reason why the saga is so acclaimed by many people?
>Do I seriously have to play the first two games on Dreamcast?
SEGA registered the domain
so probably not
1 and 2 are getting an HD. It'll be before 3 so you'll buy them, and not play them and buy 3 then whine about the series not being good after playing an hour of 1 because you wasted your money.
Alternately, suck it up and play them on the DC you colossal faggot.
Essentially its the first game that featured everything Sup Forums has come to hate. QTE's, story over gameplay, pointless minigames and millions of cutscenes. Shenmue just got there first so it was unique.
have you ever play the game?
because the user you're replying to is full of shit.
>Is there any reason why the saga is so acclaimed by many people?
Because is literally describing the first hour of the game, which is all about exploring the town and learning about your backstory. Not the "most" he represents it as.
>Sony exclusive
>no involvement from Sega
>kick starter
>no HD 1 & 2
No just watch all the cutscenes on youtube.
But it's comfy...
It'll either be kind of shitty or a fucking masterpiece, with no in-between.
It depends on what they use their budget on.