Diablo 3

Is it worth the money? Is this game fun?


>getting the pc version

yeah nah. Get the PS4/bone version. that's the best one bar none

There are better games of the same genre out there.


Fuck off Blizzshills.

no, in general video games aren't worth any of your money you should invest it or something rather than waste it on stupid childrens' shit, as well as you waste the precious time of your youth on them

for £20 sure I guess. Not worth much more than that though.

Feels like a single player game where hours of grinding gives you very little reward and satisfaction.

I just bought/build a new pc. No money for PS4 and xbone. I am not sure about this game. Friends say its fun and i should buy it but they didnt play it a long time ago. Is there something new coming like an expansion or something?

not worth 60bux
maybe 30-40

>paying 20 euro for a dead/shit game

>while being on Sup Forums - Video Games

I played the campaign once, it was so-so. The beginning is fun but then it becomes a bit boring.

no always online, for one. for someone that has non-reliable internet like myself that is better.

Just avoid the PS3/360 version because that one doesn't get updated as much. the PS4/ONE version is identical to the PC version

Diablo I> Diablo II> Diablo III

I recommend you to play only Diablo I.

Wrong. 2 > 3 > 1. 1 is too outdated to be enjoyable in the current year.


>he doesn't know of the HD mod

D1 is best for atmosphere / story but is painfully outdated in terms of gameplay

D2 lacks the atmosphere but gameplay surprisingly competes with much newer games

D3 is full on instant gratification arcade with very shallow stat mechanics, gameplay is technically better than D2 but there's a lack of pacing. You steamroll shit all the way while D2 starts out slow and builds up to fuck shit up.

buy it. but dont download it yet.

For 20 EUR?
I got it on sale recently, and it's somewhat fun.
The grind is a pain in the ass, though.
Once you've completed the game and the grind is over, replaying it just to fuck some demons shit up is fun.

Download Beelzebub mod for Diablo I. It adds crafting and other shit to Diablo I while keeping the same atmosphere.

Play the free trial and decide for yourself

from what I recall the mod still keeps the 8-direction movement which is painful as dick

Okay i bought it. 20 € aint that much desu.

what you guys think of this event that is going on

No, it's pretty bad.

You can buy it, but it's not fun at all.

Where does it start?

in tristram, there is red pentagram on map

Console version is actually better, and I'm not even joking.

I bought it for like, $10.

You know how when you start an ARPG and you go through the campaign, and beat it, and then enjoy the knowledge that you can play on harder difficulties and get better gear and build cool sets and choose your weird, unique build and gear set?

Diablo 3 isn't that. You play the campaign, and then do repeating missions in the campaign world on progressively "harder" difficulties that just add more health and damage, but you only use one set of gear for your class so you're basically just grinding in hopes that you get an Ancient version of whatever you're using, and trying to complete the challenges that come with every season to get portrait frame artwork.

There's no sense of progression past level cap, no mark that you're getting cooler or better or stronger.

If you can get it crazy cheap? It's worth a run-through I guess. Not the worst experience ever, and it's polished and slick. But don't buy it for full price and expect a game with lots of content you'll come back for.


activision as fuck, maximum profit with minimal effort

>tfw you actually had hopes for a D2 HD remaster for the anniversary
blizzard is ded to me

Except it's like 4 patches behind

Well 20 EUR isnt expensive for that game right?
I also read somewhere that new content will come soon.

Yeah, but if he's just purchasing it now it'll be worth it. It's when you hit that point at the end when it IS literally just grinding for better versions of your set or upgrading the shit gems.

I enjoyed the ride up there though, it was just after that it became a total and pointless grind.

I pushed myself to the end just to finish, but it doesn't really feel like D1. It's just D3 with barely any unique enemies or mechanics. The game is whittled down to the core of its gameplay and it's fucking boring.

Until the end of January it has which is from Diablo 1 in it.

Plus the Necromancer as a class but that's going to be DLC you buy.

Yeah they're only just adding seasons this year. It's still the better version.

>1 is too outdated to be enjoyable in the current year.

Diablo 3 is awful.

Play PoE instead. It's free and is 10x the game D3 is.

It was fun for the first story play through but to keep playing just for better gear is too tedious for me.

Which is why I say, don't pay full price. Pay maybe $10 for the game + expansions.


Have like 400 hours in Grim Dawn, wasn't a huge fan of PoE. Should I get this for PS4?

>all this disconnections
This is aggravating.

its never too late to enjoy old games, fag

It was alright. I thought they might make it incredibly difficult for a level 1 character so I went with Hard but of course that was a mistake and everything melted.

I like how they added pretty much all of the original quests, original music, same enemies and same items but was disappointed how past level 8 that the Caves and Hell blocks were seriously short and Hell used their shitty smelting tileset so it looked nothing like Diablo 1s Hell.

Was also annoyed Tristram was in ruins so you miss out on all that quest dialogue.

i went through it last night
its diablo 3 with a reskin, so it has the same diablo 3 gameplay of blow up a room and linear maps

starts out neat but they dropped the ball hard on the last few floors. for some reason rather than using the hell tilesets, they used the generic dungeon ones. after killing diablo i didn't feel anything and closed the game.
wouldn't recommend unless you're bored.

I got it for the PS4, because it doesn't have always online bullshit and the price was low enough, and I think it's fucking trash.

I started playing as a Crusader, chose the hardest difficulty the game let me chose (Master or Expert don't remember, whichever is higher), and I'm roughly at the half of Act 2, I'm around lvl45, and fucking rolling in legendary and yellow equipment, I hit for like 75k damage. The game poses absolutely 0 challenge whatsoever. I just fucking steamroll everything and there wasn't any situation where it was even remotely possible for me to die.

Is this normal? This is so incredibly boring I can't even describe. I keep playing because I still spent money on it so I don't want it to be a complete waste, but holy fucking shit. Doesn't help that the story is trash, the voice acting (despite being a Blizzard game, it's an achievemnt I say...) is absolutely trash, everything is just so weak. It pains me to see how far Blizzard has fallen.

Just buy Grim Dawn OP. Or download Path of Exile as it is free.

also not using same map for some quests areas, (dark passage, tomb of king leoric, etc.) as in D1, also where the fuck was that hydra tome from chamber of bone, just shitloads of skeletons in there and nothing more, unless i missed something?

The story pissed me off.
Tyrael is somehow able to discard his wings and become a mortal, losing all his strength and isn't even able to use the angelic artifacts to the full extent.
He burned up in the atmosphere and became a dumb nigger. Not even his own brothers treat him seriously anymore, maybe except Auriel.
He's now pretty much a replacement for Decard Cain, since all he now has is the knowledge of past events, while the player does all the work.
Blizzard fucked up one of the most iconic characters in the series. I wonder if demons can too discard their horns or whatever and become human-like. Kek.

>for some reason rather than using the hell tilesets, they used the generic dungeon ones


Look at this shit. It looks nothing like Hell in Diablo 1. They just reused Halls of Agony

It even has the grates from HoA.

I played a bunch of the PC version when that came out.
Picked up the console version for 20 bucks during sale.
Gotta agree with him. Split-screen co-op is boss. Roll kicks ass too.

Just for comparison sake

the reused assets trigger me the most

like holy shit would it really have been too much effort to design new environments

Damn, truly hasn't aged well. But to be honest couldn't they have just used the same background? It's just a backdrop on a map at the end of the day, just fill in the walls etc, lazy fucks.

Is this a Jojo reference?

>Is this normal?
yeah kinda.
its more of a mindless loot grind sim rather than a dungeon explorer with difficulty.
its a good idle game when you're multitasking or playing with friends but a bad diablo imo.

If I get it used for PS4 does it come with everything? Or are there codes I'd be missing out on?

>Or are there codes I'd be missing out on?
I think there may be codes for the starter gear (increased movement speed and extra exp), but you dump them almost immediately. You'll be fine.

Did the consoles get the new visual updates or are they shitty 720p

I very much doubt the PS4 version is 720p.

Graphics and sounds are nice but the gameplay is a bit repeatative and it's a step back from diablo 2.
Everything is streamlined too much.

1080 for all I remember