>menial tasks and bad anime cliches: the game
Menial tasks and bad anime cliches: the game
I'm on the final boss.
fuck I just want this to end and i'm having trouble with this boss.
How would you rate the game
It's alright. Too much text, story really never gets to great heights. Not like a FF game where you're saving the world.
The games combat is uneven and mostly easy - only a few tough bosses.
World shitting events never start in the first of a trails trilogy. The first is always a glorified prologue. But man oh man does it make the sequels hit home
>tfw absolutely loved Cold Steel but got burnt out in Roer due to absurd amount of exposition and text
>had to slog through the last 20-30 hours of the game
>ending is in sight
>beat final boss
>lul nope 10 hour plot twist and crazy as fuck cliffhanger
>want to play cold steel II but too burnt out
>I'm on the final boss
Buckle up, buckaroo
The crazy amount of text, exposition and dialogue is what sells the Trails games lad, each game in the series on their own has more words than the entire lord of the rings trilogy. Also what said, the first game of any Trails subseries is always a set-up for the sequel.
Play Cold Steel II, it's completely worth in my opinion.
It's just rock paper scissors, how are you having trouble?
Unless you mean Loa Erebonius, in which case how the FUCK are you having trouble with him? Just fucking octuple S-craft him. The only reason he doesn't die in one hit is because of the damage cap.
I played up to Rean getting in the hotsprings with Elise and Alfin before it just sunk on me that I'm burnt out and playing a twice as long game.
I accidentally danced with the wrong person at the end of the first game, am I locked down romancing Alisa or does CS II let me fix that
calvard when
All your dance partner does it give you an extra couple lines of dialogue, as do characters who were eligible. You can dance with Alisa and barely speak to her in II. And this is the right thing to do because Jusis completely outclasses her anyway.
Jusis is best boy but i'm not gay so I'm shooting for Fie
Technically picking Jusis is a bro end rather than gay stuff, though he doesn't fly into a panic like Machias does if you take him to the garden room at the festival. But it's better to have him linked up with Emma if you're not going for him since they're more naturally complementary in battle.
CS2 was a good ass game, the story made up for the worn out gameplay.
The only thing I severely disliked was the ending for both the Finale and the Epilogue
I was teetering between Fie, Alisa, and Towa for the first game and stupidly picked Alisa at the end because I figured the game would railroad me into it in the sequel anyways. good to know I'm not stuck with Alisa
Is this game a fucking eroge?
II makes it a lot easier to avoid characters you don't like. You generally control who's in your party aside from new recruits or one locked person per section of Act II.
No, but 90% of the people who played Cold Steel played it because it had school uniforms and was one of the only Vita games available, so most of them played it because they wanted a Persona clone where they can talk about which bland, poorly-written schoolgirl is best
All my guys had no S-crafts ready and I get raped before their CP gets up especially with his sleep status effect. But I've fixed this. Got a few of them holding items that prevent sleep. CP at 200 for all characters.
You don't even need sleep prevention. You can just buff and use 4 S-crafts and he dies. You don't even need 4 if you have Vermillion and Domination
Well, you can never be too prepared. I'm 94 hours in (lol) and I'm going to beat this game no matter what.