What if dark souls was turn based?
What if dark souls was turn based?
There'd be no challenge whatsoever.
Action RPG is the natural evolution of RPGs.
What if your mother gave birth to someone who didn't ask stupid meaningless questions?
It'd be boring. Even Darkest Dungeon, which is supposed to be difficult is boring as all hell. Not because they're slow or anything, in the end, turn based RPG's are just basic math. You read the skill descriptions, see their abilities and stats and combine them for the best forms of play.
>Action RPG is the natural evolution of RPGs.
Fuck you and fuck everything you love in life
What is Skyrim was turn-based?
There a mod like that yet?
>There'd be no challenge whatsoever.
So in other words it wouldn't change one bit?
>he thinks ARPG's are challenging
Man it must suck to be this bad at games...
There'd better be a cooldown on rolling.
dark souls is just as bad as any turn based game in the sense that you can just level up to overcome any obstacle
I disagree. Divinity original sin is plenty challenging and is a fantastic turn based rpg.
Turn based gameplay only exists because it's impossible to simulate a world in real time with old table top games or weak computer hardware.
Now that there is good hardware, turn based games are fully obsolete. Fuck you for holding back gaming.
That's false and you're an idiot with garbage taste
Then why are most fans of turn based gameplay incapable of bringing up any relevant game with actually good gameplay when you ask them about it?
Yup, you heard it here first folks, the technology to run games in real time simply did not exist until the late 00s, which is why Mario is a turn based platformer OH WAIT IT FUCKING ISN'T.
Even many of the first videogames to be developed, at least one of them in the goddamn 60s, were in real time you idiot.
>implying X-COM: UFO Defense isn't one of the most acclaimed video games of all time
>implying the Civilization series isn't one of the most acclaimed video game franchises of all time
What if dark souls was good?
woah buddy, let's not get crazy over there.
There's a limit to how much speculation we can do here.
Are you retarded or just pretending? He very very clearly did not imply what you are sperging out about
Then it would be shit like 99% of all turn based games that don't involve cards.
He didn't imply, he said it directly.
>Turn based gameplay only exists because it's impossible to simulate a world in real time with [..] weak computer hardware
It would be too easy and rather boring.
To say that most of the JRPGs I've finished have been for the story, Turn-based Dark Souls would be one that I wouldn't take to completion.
Well, I guess it would suck dick.
I'm not even sure what that entails.
Tile-based? Vector-based?
Is there a party system?
Can you add more buff-debuff effects and a Rock-Paper-Scissors system?
Can you add real time elements like timed button presses or active time battle?
Will there be random encounters or set-encounters?
'Most fans' of turn based games are RPG playing retards who'd never play either.
Not really, just the evolution of shitty turn-based JRPGs
>source: the voices that whisper to me at night
Also this point has zero relevancy either way, first because by its very definition naturally there's no way someone who doesn't like turn based gameplay would qualify ANY example of a turn based gameplay as good, second because wether or not "most fans" can point out said good games is irrelevant to the [false] point of turn based gameplay only existing as a relic of hardware constraints.
>Action RPG
>Has basic tabletop mechanics like missing and failed spellcasts that are affected by both skill level and fatigue
u wot m8