An ancient evil awakens

>An ancient evil awakens

>You are the Chosen One....

>Only you can save the world

>and here's your dog

>girl (boy) with a dick

This console will revolutionize gaming!

>Main antagonist is the chosen one
>It's your destiny to kill him

>An ancient evil awakens
>and it's you.

> history abhors a paradox.

Name 1 (one) non-weebshit game where this game

>We have traveled across numerous galaxies to conquer your planet
>B-but why?

Prototype 2?

>you don't realise this until you kill the final boss, "The Saviour of the World."

lol why did you put one in parentheses? Did you think he wouldn't know what you meant by 1.

>You are the chosen one.

>it's an mmo

>"help, traveller, the road ahead is blocked by monsters!"
>Clear like 10 monsters about 20 meters ahead of the traveling merchant
>"thank you! I will be able to travel safely now!"
>Literally the entire rest of the world is still crawling with monsters

How do people even get things done in RPG settings where monsters are more common than pigeons? How has the economy not completely collapsed?

But dog companions are the best.

Oh you'd be surprised.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Are there any games actually like that? I want to be the ancient evil.

It's so nice to see Nanoha making friends.

No, robots are the best companions

Basically any Nippon Ichi game

My nigger.