How come everyone in the game is white?
Fantasy genre
What's wrong with that, are you racist against whites?
high fantasy, modeled after olden times europe
because its set in not-eastern europe
why are all blacks black? i think its kinda racist to not have some blacks be white too.
because poland
Based Poles can't into PC shoehorning of minorities into their games.
it's not set in africa or germany
They are blacks in witcher universe but the main plot is happening in land based on old europe so you won't see any if at all.
>he didn't play HoS
there were black people in Europe in the Middle ages too you know
>i think its kinda racist to not have some blacks be white too.
there were probably a few whities in deep africa too at some point 500 years ago but it was extremely rare
But that's what the slav(e)s are for
You out there CDPR?
Next game have Geralt run into some historically accurate full on bone-in-the-nose blacks.
If you have a problem with that then you are racist. "Diverse" games often have "colored" characters because of a quota and often don't feel like they belong.
This is what make it so good!
name two point five (2.5) such games
It's fantasy, who willing wants to be around brown people?
Why the fuck do people care? I'm black and I couldn't give a fuck less what skin color characters in fiction have.
I would, but most of them I wouldn't even classify as games.
there were too many non-humans already
Slavic fantasy game.
Because it's a European influenced fantasy. Everyone SHOULD be white.
Because it's fantasy Poland.
Even the US is more white than Europe. What your saying dosent make sense
How come this game is pretty much the same shit you'd get with any mediocre Ubisoft title but is lauded as being a great fucking RPG.
That's what I wanna know, OP.
Because it's a Polish story.
heh heh heh
Why the fuck would there be minorities in fantasy poland?
Because its based on slav, nordic and celt high fantasy you fucking niggers. In those times, it was, your kind werent around nig nogging all over the place. You were still busy flinging shit at eachother in your mud huts much like a lot of you subhumans still do in Africa.
Also, because based poles arent into liberal delusions on injecting diversity everywhere just because.
>FO4 isn't an RPG because it has shit RPG elements and voiced protagonist limiting role-playing
>W3 is GOTY despite having a voiced protagonist and shit RPG elements limited role-playing
I wonder that too.
Skyrim and Fallout get all the shit they deserve, so why doesn't W3?
play HoS
plenty of moors there
It's because white people are better than you, Shaniqua.
Who cares what an Uncle Tom like you thinks?
yet not enough nooses
if we go by Tolkien logic then it's the Dwarves
Its called a fantasy.
Shut up nigger, nobody cares what you think.
there are white blacks though
Difference between being black and being a nigger.
Not in the baltics which is literally where the dev team is from.
Elves replaced niggers. In an ideal world, even niggers are white.
They're not white they're Polish.
t. Amerifat
Because it's a game about white people? Shit nigga, honkies being honkies, enjoy it for what it is.
All niggers are black people, but not all black people are niggers.
Words of wisdom from dad
>Came from the balkans
>We literally have one black person
>Even US is more white than Europe
you cant be racist against whites
racism = power + prejudice, and whites have all the power
why would you want filthy non whites in a fantasy world
Why don't blacks make their own games? They bitch at white people to put them in their games instead of developing games themselves. Why?
>implying niggers are elves
the fuck is wrong with you?
Because suburb kids are spoiled little shits, black/asian/hispanic suburb rats are the worst of all.
Do you understand 99% of the progressive war is renegade whites fighting against whites while blacks laugh about?
I gotta learn to code? Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet nigga.
Guys ancient polacks were actually black, they be stealin our history. Geralt should be black.
was every board on Sup Forums always essentially diet Sup Forums i've only been here since 2012 so i don't know what it was like before then?
Answer my question, bud.
Well there were a lot more pedos. You would've probably fit in better back then.
Not much has changed outside of the shitposting and such.
>Go to Mexican border
>Stand on US side and shout spic over and over
>Stand on Mexican side and shout spic over and over
>Opressed minority fighting against da machine
This is what sociologists actually believe in 2017.
They are crazy then and listening to sociologists might be a bad idea.
I blame the SJW's for bringing politics into every area of life.
They wanted to go for an utopian setting
>This ep of Atlanta
Good taste
no, it didn't use to be like this. There was still plenty of shitposting, but it was mostly console war bs.
It's in alternate universe Poland
>Trying Too Hard: The Posts
It was shit and constantly making references to the "good old Sup Forums" as well
People didn't know how to write properly because internet was still heavily influenced by cellphones (not even smartphones; everybody had one, while Internet wasn't so full of people as it is now), so people used SMS abbreviations and shit
Emoticons (like XD) were used unironically
The site didn't let you post in other languages
There were a lot of wordfilters, you candyasses
MS paint Rage comics were considered hilarious
Still, some of the Sup Forums threads were indeed hilarious, like pretty much any successful EFG thread or the usual captcha comics
/x/ had legitimately scary shit, it wasn't the paranoid conspiracy nut crazy uncle it is today
Child porn wasn't uncommon but gore was a hit at that time, so much fucking gore
(Still better than traps at least)
Sup Forums was completely full of scammers and advertising, plus a new malware started popping out every few months (like that hilarious one that mixed through an algorithm some random posts currently on the board to make new ones while appearing "human"; sometimes it formed phrases that made sense and it was fun as hell)
Cats were legitimately adored, with people ready to destroy your life and career if a cat abuse proof surfaced about you
Sup Forums was also "protecting" other animals as well, but way less
There was a sense of brotherhood, we were all in the same cesspool, might as well enjoy it together
The whole "not ur personnel army faget" was from later
While there weren't an actual sense of morality and "justice", the site didn't purposely act as edgy as possible like it's doing now
back then, most of the shit was purely made for the lulz, we didn't need other reasons to act together as a group
People today act mean, racist and edgy because they heard that's how things are going here, and they feel accepted that way
In a few years everybody started imitating morons, and the current state of the site is the result
How come OP has so many cocks in his mouth?
>Racism isn't about hating people based off their race
>Racism is hating minoritys
This is the type of mental gymnastics niggers of tumblr say because they can't stand the fact their just racist.
That whole show is fucking gold.
>that fake Swishers advertisement
>invisible sports car
So if i go to china can i be openly racist to chinks?
Why are white people responsible for making games about cultures that aren't theirs?
good job user you got the joke! what a big boy you are!
That like, one in a thousand, or maybe a million. You'd have to actively search for blacks, because the chance of bumping into one on your daily life would be minimal.
I am very curious about this as well. Asian countries in general. Can you pretty much say whatever racist shit you want to an asian? I know there perspective on racism and what it is tends to be very different from the western definition.
I finished the game today and I just want to do more quests but they don't exist.
Polish people don't know shit about non-europeans, they're better off sticking to what they know rather than pandering to people that don't even like the genre.
why do only white countries need to be more multicultural?
who's permission are you asking? of course you can go to china and be racist and the people you insult will probably be offended. what answer could you possibly be looking for?
im joking, chinks would most likely be openly racist to YOU. i really doubt they have this feelings culture we've developed here.
>racism = power + prejudice
Whoever taught you that was idiotic
and you were foolish for believing
racism = hatred and blame of a race rather than the individual.
Asians are pretty racist against each other more than other races, they hate chinese and koreans more than white people in japan.
I just want to know if violence or a verbal retaliation would occur or if the race as whole is so bitch made that they don't confront at all.
because we're advanced nations that wish to promote egalitarianism. don't hold us to the same standards as the barbarians.
>Cats were adored
Nothing makes me more sad than this
Back then if there was racism it wasn't politically charged. In some ways the way old Sup Forums handled black jokes was more vulgar than the modern try-hard jokes Sup Forums tries to pull.
Back then it wasn't about racial politics, it was because society said "don't you dare say bad things about black people!" and so they did, because they could, because it was an anonymous image board.
there are a billion people in china. I'm sure if you provoked enough you could find one to punch you in the face
probably #1 reason i couldnt finish this game
everyone was white, no surprise this came out of germany
this is accurate
>this shit again