Name a better character you've seen in these last three years.
Name a better character you've seen in these last three years
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Just finished HoS
He was a demon right?
The devil I think.
Until the end, where he's kind of in the wrong, I prefer morally gray but he just comes off as a dick.
Devil. Or something of equal power.
Gaunter O Dimm
Mister 'not important'
Olgierd von Everec.
Wtf? How are you still alive you vermon? Can you actually be that ignorant? You live a life full of contradictions while my road to success and honor has only begun. Ive spared you threw the heart already. I will claim victory for this battle. And for the man without a face the only path he sees is defeat. My body is manlike but it is only flesh. My spirit is fierce but yet feels deep, deep love and mercy for those who are loyal. I am a don, a legend in the making. I feel very little pain and thrive on struggle. You, man without a face, have been hurt in the past. I can tell. By pain Mostly inflicted upon the heart.
Whole arc was based on the polish version of Faust, see Super Bunnyhops video. Despite the GOD thing, he was probably the devil.
Is he the strongest character seen in the witcher?
Most people on this board never read Faust.
Nah, Ciri is 15
He lost to Geralt, that elder vampire would probably make him his bitch with his cunning
In a game, not a real fight. He can freeze time and cannot be killed.
Oh powerlevel wise probably
Nice M E M E
I like how you said three years because four years ago TLOU came out.
That's like the point of his character. He's all powerful Faustian devil, and said devil always plays by the rules.
Thats why i said that elder vampire would probably beat him in his game everytime, but not in an actual fight
Yeah. I mean, he's probably too powerful so he fucks around with these games
No? Remember, Gaunther sets up the rules.
Only Geralt and another guy in history managed to beat G.O.D.
And the vampire is an immortal space alien from another dimension that easily kills geralt if he gets bored
Q related to witchers, can you go for the elder one path and save the duchess?
He's supposed to be the devil. That's why he's constantly bartering for souls and making deals.
But the vampire lost to Geralt. It's just immortal, that's it but power-wise I think the Wild Hunt captains are superior.
Yeah but its not impossible so im guessing the super old super wise and whatever immortal vampire could figure it out, but maybe O'Dimm could think something even harder, no way to know
Im talking about the elder one not the cuck
Ohhhhh, the Unseen. I don't think he could beat GOD in a fight but the riddles, could be.
educate thineself
no, she's only saveable if you go with her into the book, because the actual reason she survives, the ribbon, can only be obtained in the book world
>mfw I randomly got the urge to build a really good gwent deck prior to the mission, I only had shit cards before
>mfw got the good ending because I won gwent
Shes a bruxa right, why is she so important if shes not even a bad ass full vampire
Let me learn you somethin, boy.
>Name a better character
Hmmmm I can't OP,touche!