I had never played an XCOM game until the current humble bundle and holy shit

I had never played an XCOM game until the current humble bundle and holy shit

Why is this so much fun?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have the DLC?

Jamie wants a big boom.

No, is it worth it?

Most say the Alien Kings one ruins the game because of a certain boss it introduces, but I haven't played the game since release

They're all more or less bullshit because of their mechanic.

I too have just picked this up, along with Shen's Gift and the Rebellion pack.

Anything I should know before starting up? Settings I should fiddle with?

cute russian female operators make for best snipers

hello, fellow anonymous posters.

thanks to this thread i have picked up the current humble bundle (tm) with xcom 2

i can't wait to play it for cheap

Archon King is by far my least favorite desu. Idk if there's more than the three though.

>My best sniper in Enemy Unknown/Within was a Russian cyberlegged QT.
>The pain I felt when she got 10%'d by a Thin Man from across the map.

there's only 3

>one let's play where the guy killed the king with a Repeater and the co-commentator got pissed
that was beautiful

Not much, just remember to get as many rookies as possible and cycle them in teams so you have three or four vets and rest as rookies so you can keep on leveling rookies up and have a decent B-team in case A-team gets hospitalized.
On research, id say go guns first and armor second, that way you can kill ayys faster than they can kill you and thanks to the way the game works, killing enemy fast and moving fast is what you should go for.
Also, mostly game starts a timer once you have started combat, so make sure to kill the first group the moment they discover you, doesnt matter if you have to blow grenades on them or anything, just get that group down and then advance.
Also, hunkering down is generally superior to overwatch.

Play on Ironman

I got it just after Christmas and have been having a great time on my first playthrough commander/ironman.

I don't have any of the DLCs,and I gotta say this is the first time in a while I really don't feel the lure of the DLC either. Shen's robot DLC class looks ugly and the alien boss DLC seems like it'd be really annoying to play with.

>so make sure to kill the first group the moment they discover you

I should clarify, the detection system in 2 is such that once you shoot at enemy, the pod and all other enemies on the map come to realize you exist.
So once you find a pod, try to semi surround it with guys on overwatch and then engage them.

Were they paid to do it?
I can't see any other reason for the guy to get upset that they couldn't show off more of the game.


>more details on the free mod, developed in partnership with 2K Games and Firaxis, will be released in the coming weeks by 2K Games at XCOM.com.


here is the magic:

Because it's satisfying to strategically destroy ayyyliens and making a team of overpowered supersoldiers with plasma weapons

>Shen's robot DLC class looks ugly
More then ugly, they suck. They require a separate building to repair that you might not have by the time you get them. They don't get the benefit of any kind of weapon mods and they have piss aim even at their last rank.

The Alien pack is better when you know how to play against the Rulers. Stunning, Freezing and plenty of DoTs. It can be horrifying when you run into them on a timed mission, but that's the name of the game. I think the rewards for killing them are really good though and I can't go without them.

Not to mention the fact that the weapons you get out of the pack are insane. Bolt caster is more accurate then standard rifle, hits harder and has a 20% chance to stun. After you do the mission where you meet the Snake King, you get the upgrades that can hold more then just one shot.

Frost Bombs can save you in the early game before you get a mimic beacon. Axe gives you a free attack, which can be the difference between a kill or not, it can also stun and the Shadowkeeper is one of the few ways you can regain concealment, it can't miss and also gives your primary weapon 10 aim.

Is there any decent streamer who completed original LW on impossible ironman and who will stream LW2 on it's release?
I only know TorNis.

Thanks mate, this is great.
>Run into Archon King on VIP rescue
>Moving half squad along the roof of building while two troopers push up a street adjacent
>Archon King spots us as we get ready to come down the building and sprint to exfil
>My trooper and the Spark hose him down doing fuckall
>He comes and collapses the fucking building on my team
We managed to get him to fuck off but not before he killed the VIP and then we had to fight our way out.

Did you just mod the game out the wazoo you forgot what vanilla looks like?

This. For anyone starting out with the game, try playing it on ironman if you can manage to, even if you need to turn the difficulty down.

I just think that the balance is a little weird, and that psi is bonkers strong. Not to mention that it feels even more rocket tag than EW did. Mission timers never were a problem, and it felt a little easy.
I've played a fuckton of long war though, so that my color my perception.

I don't think it's really any more rocket tag than vanilla EW from what I remember. It's really just long war where that changed, in my experience mostly because pods have a higher number of enemies and can't be wiped all at once.

>XCOM2 will finally be worth playing


Man, cosmetic mods are great.

>1st tier armor

XCOM UFO > TFTD > Apocalypse > EW > EU > 2 > spinoffs

I don't think i've actually ever played Apocalypse.

just got the game, how is classic difficulty ?
will it kick my ass considering I havent played EU for a long ass time ( completed it on classic years ago )

2/3 are shit.

Sons of Anarchy is just full of garbage cosmetics
Alien Rules adds bullshit bosses and broken items
Shen's Last gift is the only decent one since it has a really good mission and a new class.

Get Shen's on sale if you have to

What armor & weapon mods?

>there are mods that turn the Sparks into Zakus

that is beautiful. Wish the health number mod wasn't broken

EW vs 2 vs Xenonauts which is better if I've never played the originals?

Never played Xenonauts, but regardless of how anyone feels about EW or 2 I'd recommend starting with EW first since it'll be cheaper and it helps that XCOM1 already has an expansion.

Starting with EW is fine, also if you want to play Long War you should do it AFTER X-Com 2, otherwise it would feel too easy, even on the hardest difficulty

No, I remember it perfectly. I remember Spark being completely useless because it spent most of it's time in the repair bay, missing almost point blank shots, giving cover to enemies. It has a few interesting abilities, but why bring that piece of shit when I can grab another Psi soldier and mind control another meat puppet.

Modding has only exasperated their issues, between giving many enemies innate defense to make their abysmal aim even worse, to changing enemy AI so that they can't even act as the Shield to draw enemy fire like Firaxis intended.

That's how you know that Sparks were ever up to par. Modding in new enemies doesn't make your standard soldiers worse, they still have all the tools they need to take them down and progression will still get you to 100% shots by end game anything short of a Gatekeeper and even then you can still get damn close with a Sharpshooter.

Sparks can't deal with anything worth a damn because they don't get any mods or PCS. Their only saving grace is their Bit and the few abilities that use the Bit, like Bombard.

Alien kings is honestly fine if you prepare first, but new players are probably going to start it pretty quickly by accident and will lack the shit that makes it a joke

Just get additional Icons. Keeps health bars, but gives you a numerical count as well. Also displays alien damage, move and aim as well as an option to display which alien has the loot for the mission.