5 days until the Japanese release

>5 days until the Japanese release
Are you going to avoid spoilers or are you going balls deep in? Kingdom Hearts thread

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I'll be avoiding shit soon.

balls deep

>spoilers in a kudzu plot
I'll survive OP. Someone is heartless while someone else is the heart, friendship, keys and locks, blue hair and and everyone is Xehanort. Who gives a shit about the "plot"?

>avoid spoilers
>a re-released, a tech-demo and a filler movie (maybe?)

>a tech-demo and a filler movie (maybe?)
Both of these will advance the plot. Especially if you haven't played Unchained.

It's KH, you know full well how this shit goes.

Yeah, avoid those spoilers that make the plot even more incoherent.

So hyped for Aqua's game

>Especially if you haven't played Unchained.


Who the fuck cares about the plot at this point?


Yes. Unchained and X (the browser version that ended last year), are canon and will tie into 3.
Plenty of people. Half the fun of KH threads on Sup Forums is talking about the plot.

balls fucking deep

Was the browser one even English?

FF15 and NeiR: Automata's Japanese versions have English subtitles, this might too.

No. Unchained is covering what happened in X and is considered to be "Season 2".

I still haven't played BBS so I'm waiting for March and the PS4 HD version.

That said spoilers don't ruin games unless the entire game is designed by some retarded twist like a M Night Shamalan movie.

I only played the first two KH games, despite owning all of them. I beat all the levels in Unchained, and now I'm bored with it.

>That said spoilers don't ruin games unless the entire game is designed by some retarded twist like a M Night Shamalan movie.
I disagree. But hey that's just like your opinion man.
Unchained is an on going thing, so I guess you mean all of the currently availble ones.
> now I'm bored with it.
Not gonna lie, I'm a KH fan and I'm sick of Unchained.

>I only played the first two KH games, despite owning all of them.
Go play.

I'm kind of hoping it and the 1.5+2.5 collection have dual audio just because it'd be fun to hear the Japanese version of Disney characters. Also Terra's English VA is trash.

That's because it's a boring as fuck mobile game. There's some interesting story to it, but better off just reading summaries online.

>first two KH games

So KH1 and Chain of Memories?

Or KH1 and KH1FM?

1 and 2

I don't like CoM

You've got some shit taste, mate. It was one of the best GBA games. Unless we're talking about the PS2 version because yeah that was trash.

Yeah, 525 or whatever it is. Now I have nothing to do but give them money, and I don't want to.

I even 3* every single level but 3 boss ones.

I didn't get the GBA version until after 2 came out. I only played the PS2 one briefly.

what the fuck even is this? someone tell me. I only played kh 1 and 2

KH2 is the 4th game

Never played BBS so I'm waiting until March to buy it together with the Ps4 collection.

A remake a movie and some game with Aqua

go fuck yourself

10/10 bait

Are you staying on Nomura's wild ride after KH 3 or are you jumping off?

I'm never getting off

I'm firmly in my seat.

You can't even say he's wrong.

The bar is jammed; I couldn't get out even if I wanted to.

Yeah you can, considering KH2 was the 3rd game. Not the forth.
If you're counting V cast, don't.

I know it can't happen, but I'd like to see more of the original content in the series take more precedence.
The original towns like Traverse and Twilight are all super cool and comfy.

Maybe SE can convince Disney to allow for a spinoff with minimal Disney content.

People like you are why this series jumped the shark.

im more interested on seeing if they let nomura continue working instead of japping him out of his position

>I know it can't happen, but I'd like to see more of the original content in the series take more precedence.
This is what people are currently bitching about. Did you drop the series at some point?


wtf is wrong with eastern devs?

It was always pretty ridiculous.
But the Disney world stuff is a bit played out and I think holding it all back as a result.

It was built of an extreme nostalgia trip, but I'm not nostalgic anymore.

We're now tied to newer Disney stuff which is debatably not as good, or has no nostalgic affect on the series's actual fanbase.
There are no children that know or care what the fuck Kingdom Hearts is.

People complain about the story being ridiculous which it is.
They don't complain about the quality of the original characters and towns.

>People complain about the story being ridiculous which it is.
>They don't complain about the quality of the original characters and towns.
You haven't been in enough KH threads.

I love her

That's unhealthy.

But it's not like you ever had much of a future.

that's not a real argument

That schoolgirl outfit makes me diamonds.

Nah, i mean it's DDD, Unchained one of them is the traitor wow and 0.2 Aqua will be saved and it will have a cutscne leading into 3. There's not too much too spoiler and it's not like it would ruin KH for me, i basicly knew everything abougt DDD before i played it and i didn't really care. I play them mostly for the gameplay and hype moments at this point

How is this supposed to be an argument? If you've been in enough KH threads, you would have seen that exact type of bitching going on.

I'm saying just because you didn't see personally it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

There's just as much shit about how comfy Traverse Town is or waifu stuff or lore stuff.

This is Sup Forums, you can't accurately judge what a community wants based on how much negative shit there is because everything has negative shit.

Final Mix


>those animal fuckers

Who the heck are they? The Hotline Miami crew?

You said people don't complain about the quality of the ocs and towns. Which I said wasn't true considering people have done so in Sup Forums. People have complained about it before, I wasn't saying that it's what the "community wants".
That's a stretch don't you think? Final Mix is adds on to the base game, not a wholly new entry.

I've never played a KH game in my life but someone explain to me why they decided to release the fucking collection after this one?

The Foretellers, they're from X/Unchained. It's the furthest point in the timeline.
The PS4 collection came down the pipeline later. They were dodging questions about it for like a year.

>Nomura actually planned out all of this insane shit and not making it up as he goes

I don't know if he's a genius or heavily autstic. Probably both

>KH 3 probably won't release this year

Nomura said shortly after the announcement that it was too early.

How much is the collection going to cost?


thats not a valid fucking excuse

when will it be on PC ;-;

As always they announce their games too early and it switched to UE4 a year later and they're also working on 7R
Expect it on the 16th KH anniversary or something

Don't know what to tell you then.

Welcome to Nomura land, where we reveal a game with a CG trailer, show broken glitched out gameplay later, disappear for a year, and then show some thing close to a finished product, disappear for another year, then release the game.

He definitely didn't do all of it in one go. There was no guarantee that KH1 was going to be a success, which is why it's so much more centralized than other entries in the series.

He absolutely did have ideas that he wanted to experiment with, and I think he wrote CoM and KH2 in the same time frame, as he did with BbS, Days, and coded.

So there was a lot of flying by the seat of his trousers initially, but it started to come together once the series started to establish itself. I'm certain he still does a bit of ad libbing though, but just to create new threads he can spin out of once he finishes with a current one.

This was pretty much confirmed if you've kept up with his interviews so you're right.

I'm going to read a summary and watch some of the cutscenes on youtube just like I did for Days and DDD

What did he plan out?

Don't make me say it user...

then don't and just EMPATHIZE with me!!

Literally everything after Chain of Memories (besides Xion) was planned out

Just emulate it if PC is so "master race" lmao

Assuming someone bought this and the other ps4 collection releasing soon, would they even enjoy the entire franchise in 2017?

Yes. Besides KH3.

How? I mean i'm not saying you're lying, but the things that lead to each next game aren't exactly super deep or anything

I have been on it for 10+ years might as well stay seated and crash and burn with it untill the bitter end.
I want off

Birth by Sleep, Days and Coded were all planned during development of KH 2. Nomura said this in an interview. Also, those three said games were announced all at the same time . There is plenty of foreshadowing in the games that connect one to another

It's very obvious. Especially when you look at say, Days, coded, and Birth by Sleep which were written together as a group.

For example, Ven shows up in Days before BbS released and Xemnas has quotes that connect to BbS. Pic related.


Ironically this guy actually was able to explain the plot of the game and skip a lot of nonsensical bullshit points the game throws this one helped me understand it much better in time for the release.

I had a grand plan to go on vacation until the NA release, sadly that didn't pan out so I'll just buy the JP version on PSN since I can't wait.

What's the likelihood that I can play Kingdom Hearts 3 without the side portable shit?

You can play it but you're going to have a lot of questions.

Just watch the movie summaries of the DS games that come in the HD collections. They do a great job and are relatively short. 3 won't be out until 2019 anyway

So apart of Terra still lives in Xemnas so does that mean Xemnas can go between being good and bad? I remember he keeps Aqua's old armor in a room in Radiant Garden . So he's not entirely evil right?

>Xemnas so does that mean Xemnas can go between being good and bad? I remember he keeps Aqua's old armor in a room in Radiant Garden . So he's not entirely evil right?
Not necessarily. Xemnas was confirmed to have Terra's memories, but his true motivations remain a mystery as of right now.

That was Aqua's armor? I never played BBS before KH2FM so I never really made that connection. I still haven't played BBS either because they announced the PS4 versions right around when I was planning on finally playing it, so now I'm waiting til March.

When that HD collection does come out maybe I should play through everything in it's chronological order this time around. So BBS before even KH and whatnot.

I am really looking forward to the end of March and being able to just marathon everything.

Xigbar and Saix having the Yellow Eyes and Pointy ears, we didn't know that they were turning into Xehanort until DDD. So their design was made to look like Xehanort from the start.
Also Xigbars fight he mentions the "Others" when he says Sora doesn't look like a hero like they were. So i would say he has the story basically good to go from KH2.

What're the chances this'll go on sale in the first couple of weeks after release? I wanna play it but full price is kinda ehhh, plus it seems like a lot of high profile games are getting price drops ridiculously early these days.

Nomura does not decide what gets advertised to the public. Square Enix does that. If you knew any better you would blame Square Enix CEO for putting Nomura in charge of final fantasy XV,VII and also Kingdom Hearts 3 having to juggle three huge projects before shifting Nomura off XV and finally deciding he should to just go with VII and Kingdom Hearts 3. As some sort of surprise announcement in a meeting.

Blame Square Enix for their incompetence. Including their in game engine team for being so bad and taking forever to make the engine. That Nomura had to switch to Unreal Engine to actually start Kingdom Hearts 3. Which was also the reason why XV is not doing so good.

Yes it's Aqua's armor. If you play BbS FM all the way through, you'll see how he gets it.
Or I guess stay in this thread. I'm sure if it's alive long enough, it'll get talked about it depth.

Balls deep.

Shit was insane watching the end of DDD on stream in Japanese trying to figure out the fuck was going on

NEVER chronological order. NEVER. Play it in release order

1 > CoM > 2 > Days > BBS > Re:Coded > DDD > 0.2 >

All it will be is more teasing for KH3 so I don't mind knowing spoilers for 0.2 or X

All of that just sounds more like simple strings that connect them, not like he had the whole story set, not like it's the deepst story to begin with. I mean what is there to plan out? You guys just say everything after 2, like what? A few concepts?

Well yeah, I know. But I've played 1, 2, and CoM numerous times over the years, and I watched the Days summary before. So this time around I was thinking of doing it slightly different just because then I could get to BBS quicker. At the very least finally do BBS before the rest this time around.

Yeah I'm vaguely aware of the general plotting of BBS, but a lot of the details are lost on me. Part of the reason I'm really excited for the new HD collection so I can just go through it all in depth and first hand.


Watch this man it will help you understand the whole plot up to this point.

I get the sense that Nomura wrote 1, got ~halfway through 2, then decided he hated everything and wanted to do a completely different story. Everything since then is his wild attempt to retcon the canon into making sense with his new "vision."

>inb4 fanboys getting butthurt over the word "retcon"

Thing is, you can't do the little things in past games and connect them later to the main plot unless you have the main plot ready to go.

I also am wondering this and I wonder how long will aquas game be?

The only reason why I tend to get uppity about retconed being used is because most of the time it's not actually a recton in these threads. Though KH1 is the one that has the most continuity issues, and that's because they thought it was stand alone. But the other times? I've counted less than 5.

A couple of hours.

It's going to be really short, like under 8 hours at most.