Difficulty: HAHAHAHA

>Difficulty: HAHAHAHA

>Huge open world
>There's nothing in it

>Insane mode
>The option is on fire and the pointer is shaking violently

>see attack animation
>attack misses
>haha attack animation isn't over yet

>It's a "Follow target but don't kill them" mission
>Takes up to 6 minutes
>Losing target makes you go all the way to the beginning

>fast travel
>forced to wait for helicopter AND through a 60 second unskippable cutscene everytime

it's like none of the devs even played through the game

>Difficultly: Hard
>It just gives you less health and remove all items from being found

Thanks Phantom Pain

>difficulty: normal
>game tells me I'm mediocre

>Can't achieve the true ending till you complete the game in all modes

>beat game on hardest difficulty during the first run
>it doesn't unlock the trophies/achievements for the lower difficulties

>Difficulty: Kid Mode

>Difficulty: HAHAHAHA
So, it's a yoshu level?

>Difficulty: Impossible
>Lou Reed shows up and instantly kills me with eye lasers

>start game on hard difficulty
>set it to hardest mid way through
>game gives me only the achievements for beating the game on very easy because I changed difficulties at some point

>your cursor pulls and struggles to try and stop you from selecting it


>difficulty: kid mode

>Select difficulty
>"Casual" is lower difficulty than "Easy"

>Hardcore Mode
>Can only save 3 times

>Even on hardest difficulty the game is still easy as shit

>playing on the hardest difficulty
>too hard
>go to settings to change it down
>can only turn the difficulty up

>die to one boss repeatedly
>game asks if I want to lower the difficulty

>Mfw difficulty: reallyjoel's dad

>making a MonHun joke into a DS one
Why not just make your own?

Fuck you Devil May Cry

better than buffing enemy health

>Implying anyone is going to get that joke
I love that game

>Even on Eliwood Normal Mode
Hector Hard mode is hell man

>hard mode doesn't let you increase your max HP

>beat game in highest difficulty
>developer releases new highest difficulty later

Xenoblade X does the same

>hard mode introduces a new final boss
>every time someone beats him the dev patches out the method used to do so

Is RoR the only game that legitimately has this as a difficulty level?

As far as i know, yes

What is every single Ace Combat.

>Switches to a chase when the story suddenly demands it
>If you get too far away you have to restart the entire mission from the slow follow

is monster hunter widely known for its cars and brick walls?

Not really. Ace combat 4 - 4. See pic

>mission is impossible and you fail eventually
>but in order to succeed in failing you need to kill a few enemies anyway
>this isn't implied anywhere

If those faggots didn't have plot armor you could shoot them down in the first mission they show up, with the F-5.

>Skeleton Enemy
>He attacks by throwing bones at you.

Does any other game besides Dead space do that?