ITT: Games you feel the urge to play right now but are too lazy to get on it

ITT: Games you feel the urge to play right now but are too lazy to get on it

I'm too lazy to reply to this thread.

Fuck is this Final Furry 7


The protag isn't furry, just few allies.



Current backlog
>Kingdom Hearts
>Majoras Mask
>Wind Waker
>A Shadows Tale
>Batman Arkham Asylum
>Assassins Creed Brotherhood


Legend of Mana

legend of mana

too lazy to finish i am Setsuna.

The new aliens in Elite Dangerous have me interested but all I'm actually doing is playing crusader kings 2 like always.

I set up PCSX2 to play AC: Zero, but as soon as I got it all working I didn't feel like playing it anymore.

>had dragon dogma since is landed on PC
>to the town
>immediately stop playing
>for the life of me, cant pick it back up
end me

Fuck that's like me

>Not instantly recognizing the art style of the mana series

>Digimon Cyber Sleuth
>The Last Guardian

I'm probably the master of never completing games, I have a bunch of 3DS/DS games I've only played for a week then never picked up again, just too lazy to play them I guess

>that implied incest between Sierra and Larc

I almost never had a bad case of "too lazy to finish the game" but lately...

My backlog
Gravity Rush (half way trough)
Akham city (I know the ending since the release so I will probably never finish it)
MG revengeance
Silent hill 3 (I did SH1,2 and downpour in a row so I got a bit fed up of SH)

All are games I got as used or I borrowed to my brother. When I buy the game full price I always beat it...

I really need a fix of some good action combat since I cant be bothered playing souls for another 600+ hours since I know every nook and cranny. Dont even know what hinders me playing this gem.

Can I play in on ps vita?

Does the Vita have built in PS1 emulation? I know the PSP does

Good dragon.

I've played through LoM too many times to count when I was in middle school. Good game, but I burned myself out.

I love airships, pirates, and floating islands, and people keep telling me to play Skies of Arkadia Legends...but I keep being too damn lazy to start it up and play it. Maybe because I keep seeing it as "another JRPG" on my backlog, next to Tales of Symphonia.

With a Vita, you can play the "PSOne Classics" they have on the PSN. I am told Legend of Mana is one of these.

I want to try to git gud, but that's a lot of work.