How can such a disastrously flawed game be so loved by Sup Forums
How can such a disastrously flawed game be so loved by Sup Forums
because it's fun
It's not popular so liking it makes us special snowflakes
Because the PC version fixed all the flaws
hipsters and contrarians.
Because I like it
The game has so many problems, but it's so fucking fun. Especially the expansion.
Much better than FF XV.
Because it's FUN
Seriously, the only time I wasn't having fun with this game were the first 40 minutes or so, otherwise it's a blast
climbing on shit, adventuring, smashing shit. It's majorly fucked up, but I love it all the same.
Its really not.
The movement controls like shit.
The abilities and their interactions are unintuitive.
Menus are a mess.
Dialogue and graphics are abysmal.
It really didn't.
Here comes the buzzword
I see, so pc fags are to blame.
>The movement controls like shit.
>The abilities and their interactions are unintuitive.
>Menus are a mess.
Fucking agreed
>Dialogue and graphics are abysmal
How can such a disastrously flawed game be so loved by Sup Forums
>The movement controls like shit.
i think the movemement and controls feel great and responsive
>The abilities and their interactions are unintuitive.
so what, they're fun
>Menus are a mess.
i give you that
>Dialogue and graphics are abysmal.
dialogue is good in a shitty way and graphics are fine
on the contrary, It revealed all of its shortcomings. Sonyggers teased everyone with it for years saying its the best game ever. And when people actually got to play it was just a mediocre unfinished mess
I dunno I just find it a lot of fun
>Because the PC version fixed all the flaws
it didn't fix the following:
- No indication of where roads lead
- No hint to what enemies are weak to
- No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
- No warning to avoid status effects
- No warning when you're soaked in water
- No clue to which items are masterworks
I don't know how people defend this.
guys am i getting is right?
is the best tactic to kill bosses for a sorcerer to use the holyenchantment and spam those charged shots? it feels so boring, but you usually dont have the time to cast any big spells.
loli pantsu
>game doesn't hold my hand, therefore its shit.
go back to playing a heavily modded WoW please.
because even with all its flaws it got right things that no other game has gotten right, it could certainly be improved upon and once someone does it might look like shit in comparison, but not yet there.
user you know his entire post is a joke based on pawn dialogue right
Because, you can play as a "loli", that's it. That's why Sup Forums defends this piece of shit. Because it gets their rocks hard indulging in fantasies such as "big muscular girl" having a loli sidekick
The game is a piece of shit in everything else. Graphics, world-building, enemy variety, dialogue, even combat feels weightless with uninspired magic
bait is tasty, and hooked me. worth it.
>playing without pawns
>tfw about to take the bait until I read the last line
Anons, I might be retarded.
You're can train your pawns to protect you and that'll give you enough oppenings to cast the big spells, sorc is really dependand on pawns, I like to think the holy enchantment was just a big overlook from the devs.
seems like youre just being contrarian. That or you have shit taste.
you can't go wrong
I was about to reply to this but then I read the whole thing
>tfw you still don't know what wolves hunt in
>Playing as the loli
To each their own. Personally I played as a big dick nigga and made my pawn the loli with a really low voice and red skin, so it's like I made Grigori (female) my bitch after I slew his shit and black him (her) every night.
give me some games with better combat because I really need more of it in my life
>enemy variety
There are plenty of vastly different enemies to fight, each with their own strategies
Okay, I'll give you this one.
>Uninspired Magic
Okay, do you know any other games that make you feel like a truly powerful sorcerer?
The combat is solid, and if you think otherwise I honestly don't know if you even like videogames
it has a lot of flaws, but the things it does right are absolutely fantastic
Master Work is not a pawn
anyone happen to know how to get to Gran Soren?
List the flaws.
Gangs user. Wolves hunt in gangs
>failed lost and found due to the assraping bandit group
>locked out of all those quests
I agree completely, how am I supposed to know if they're armed?
I've died so many times to bandits due to thinking they're friendly people.
>board crawling with basement dwelling weeb subhumans
>low quality weeb game featuring a pointless slave/master loli relationship comes out
>it's loved by those simple minded apes
who would have guessed...
I thought it was in the woods
good thing I play the game for it's fun combat
not him but mount and blade has the best combat ever. it doesn't have monsters, though.
>lmao only LOSERS like it
is not an argument
>not being a basement dwelling weeb subhuman
Fuck off normie reeeeeeeee
>haha hey guys I browse Sup Forums all the time but I'm better than you guys haha
but you really can't know where the road leads until you've been there before (except for gran soren and the encampment).there is no commentery on the other roads
the combat is good but everything else feels rushed, you figth the same 7 enemies until you reach the bitterblack Isle
> mount and blade has the best combat ever
You cannot be more wrong
Why does he look at me like that?
like i said "low quality weeb game"
no story, no character development and nothing interesting going on besides randomly spawning a hydra or some shitty mythological creature every now and then
also, the ""fun"" combat resumes to the gimmick of being able to climb your enemies to poke their eyes - remove that and it's as generic and shallow as it gets
Fortune Summoners
>not being better than a weeb
there's a difference between being poor and deliberately choosing to be covered in cumstained rags and eating your own feces
>People got turned off of the game when pawns called them "Master"
Nice white guilt you got there, cuck boy.
>First person melee combat with stiff animations
>tfw I fell for it.
Prep the bull user.
I played the demo and had fun. Picked it up and enjoyed it for the combat and the pawns. Everything else about the game sucked though.
It's definitely overrated because the combat is merely mindless fun whereas the console faggots kept talking about how amazing it was.
But it is fun.
I think this one was legitimately ironic, at least for a couple years. Then the retards started taking it seriously.
>tfw to intelligent for Dragon's Dogma
tell me which game do you think has the best combat.
the animations aren't that good but the directional combat is great, don't you think so?
it has third person, too you know. and bows and crossbows.
Dragons Dogma reminds me of Dungeon Siege if Dungeon Siege hadn't sucked in everything outside of level design.
Movement feels pretty great, actually.
None of DD's shortcomings really feel that short to me. I feel like the people that complain about it never played a lower-budget game. Almost all the problems stem from lack of polish, instead of actual design problems.
I heard it's just a weeb shit with crappy gameplay and only reediming factor is waifu material.
Somewhat similar to overwatch, except the latter is more fun.
Capcom games have a tendency of regressing in terms of gameplay improvements. Monster Hunter allows you to use items without pausing the action and using a clunky menu, years before DD.
Hey guys I think all roads lead to Gran Soren
I wish there were more locations to explore. I looked up a guide on installing DDO, seems like there is an active english speaking population. Hate fucking with VPN's though.
Holy shit I love this post
I don't really care about lack of polish at all, I barely notice it in games, I think I'm always too centered on the main mechanics when I play games my biggest problems with Dragon's Dogma are how easy it is to overlevel everything and make encounters trivial.
That you need to pause the game to use curatives and can do it at any time.
Stats increasing according to yous current class when you level up.
All of this are design problems but I still love the game.
It's a slightly bare-bones open-world western-style ARPG with some DMC-esque combat, since Itsuno directed it.
The gameplay alone is worth it, if you like that kind of combat.
There are no waifus worth speaking of anyway.
>The abilities and their interactions are unintuitive.
What did you play for a full 5 minutes?
You're just fucking wrong. Especially considering you can assign any ability to whatever button combo
Fire, lend thy kiss!
Sounds like you played with M+KB
It's not actually loved it's just sucked off here by contrarians who think they're too cool for a good game like Skyrim or Dark Souls. Fuck in almost every DD thread it's just them posting shitty webms comparing it to those games to convince themselves it's totes more epic than those games.
>playing Warband in first person
literally a retard
You can make lolis in it and the pedos of Sup Forums love that feature.
It's certainly not the best game I've ever played but it was fun, strange and charming. I hate muh irony fags like you.
Every game with a leveling mechanic has the problem where you out-level everything. Someone suggested levels should just increase hp/exist to wear better gear, and combat should center around gear for balance. Do you think that'd be a good solution?
>how easy it is to overlevel everything and make encounters trivial.
This was my biggest bummer. Worse yet, hardmode doesn't increase enemy hp, so if you're build like a glass cannon then there's no difference in gameplay.
>That you need to pause the game to use curatives and can do it at any time.
I suppose if you overloaded yourself on curatives it would be a problem, but I never did that. I relied on pawns healing me.
>Stats increasing according to yous current class when you level up.
Is this really that much of a problem?
>implying this game would be that praised if it wasn't for pawn loli waifus
Not that user but I actually played with KB&M when it came to PC, after spending about 250 hours on the PS3 version
Playing a Ranger never felt better
Show me some pics of these loli pawns.
Boring, small open world with too few random monster encounters. Not enough monster variety. Story ends up going nowhere significant. DLC was kinda shit.
Pretty sure it's called "murder"
>All roads lead to Gran Soren
>Their kind is weak to fire and ice both
>Wolves hunt in packs
>I actually can't think of any
>I'm drenched to the bone
>Masterworks all
Just go into /ddg/ on /vg/.
I would seriously buy it again if it was at least ported to current gen.
>Running around the open world
>Griffin flies in to stir the shit pot
> -Gets Fuckin Hype- Ah yeah time for some griffin loot
>Griffin of course tries to fly off once it realizes it fucked up
>Nope -Manages To Score High Ingle On its wings before it gets too far-
>Griffin: FUCK
>Mfw - Going somewhere faggot?
Seriously how can anyone into fantasy NOT like Dragons Dogma? It has some of the most fun things in the genre imo.
Never gets old, aside from griffs being a rare-ish spawn
Combat/Classes/Pawn Dress Up = Fun
Rest of the game is absolute garbage
>I suppose if you overloaded yourself on curatives it would be a problem, but I never did that. I relied on pawns healing me.
Actually I tried to use as little curatives as possible because I don't like that but some status can only be removed by pausing and using an item, unless you play magick archer wich I did on my first run but I want to play the other classes too.
>Is this really that much of a problem?
Not that much really but still annoys me.
Wish we could get DD2 or at least Online
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>that whole post
Are you 12?