So I finally installed CFW on my 3DS
How to install freeShop for free games now??
Followed 3ds guide btw was super easy why haven't you done it yet?
So I finally installed CFW on my 3DS
How to install freeShop for free games now??
Followed 3ds guide btw was super easy why haven't you done it yet?
>How to install freeShop for free games now??
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install via fbi
or you can use ciangel.
>open fbi, remote install, QR scan, install, close fbi, open freeshop, update, ???, profit
wow, so hard
Ciangel is dogshit, there's literally no reason to use it
Can nintendo detect freeshop usage?
Dont really give a shit, but id prefer not to have my 3ds banned online since manual installing is pretty easy
btw, does it make sense to keep freeshop dls, cia installs, legit games in different folders? that's what i do atm cause i don't know if you have to treat them any differently when uninstalling e.g.
Recommend me some games.
There are none. Just sell your Ninbabbys shitty brick and buy a real console like Vita or PS4
After installing stuff through FBI, I can just delete the .cia file from the SD card correct?
Updates as soon as the titlekey website does.
While you have to a slave to the whims of the cruel otherwise.
A .cia is just an installer
just choose 'install and delete cia' no need to remone the sd card again
>Updates as soon as the titlekey website does.
literally the same as freeshop
>real console like Vita
I'm an idort btw
Is it faster to install from free shop? Or QR codes via FBI. Also is there a way to install cartridges I own to my SD card then go sell my unneeded carts
>Is it faster to install from free shop? Or QR codes via FBI.
It's the same assuming you mean QR codes from Nintendo's CDN anyway.
> Also is there a way to install cartridges I own to my SD card
Not that I'm aware of, no.
Yeah. Turn the 3DS off and hold start. In one of those menus there is a thing saying Dump Cart to CIA. Click that, let it finish then use your FBI installer map to install the game.
Its in the files9 folder
Kid Icarus Uprising
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Resident Evil Revelations
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (N3DS)
Monster Hunter 3 and 4
Kirby Planet Robobot
Ace Combat (forgot the name of the game)
Metal Gear Solid 3D
Super Smash Bros 3DS
Shovel Knight
>Also is there a way to install cartridges I own to my SD card then go sell my unneeded carts
You can use Decrypt9 to dump a CIA and then immediately install it
puyo tetris
Hey bros I hacked my 3ds while the guide was still in GitHub and haven't touched anything since then because everything just works, should I update that shit or leave it as it is? I'm afraid of fucking something up
I always download cias from CIAngel and install them with FBI afterwards. It installs games very fast on my N3DS
>real console
stop shilling your dead handheld
pilot wings resort is pretty relaxing
Thanks user.
How do I get the other 2 DLC paths for Fire Emblem Fates? It's probably already included in the ROM as are all the DLCs.
I prefer free shop bc the ease and ability to queue and download stuff as opposed to CIAangles "interface" ( which still gets the job done T B H)
never done QR codes tho
click the controller upper right you'll see it
Thanks man
Didn't know they had new site
All those results look pretty useless considering Freeshop got DMCA'd. Smartass.
please tell me you are a troll and people this retarded doesn't exist
The Fates DLC on Freeshop doesn't work.
You have to download from 3DSISO.
I see yellow triangles for DLC for some of the other things but not for FE. Wtf is going on.
Robobot is fuckin cool. Last Kirby gaeme I played was Super star Ultra and loved it. Is it worth picking up Triple deluxe?
Thanks I'll check it out
FLARE GAMES is the ONLY guy i watch for this shit. he actually knows what he's doing too
Well if you're dumb enough to follow a video guide when the 3ds guide exists and has everything spelled out for you, then you kinda deserve to be bricked.
The only time the guide wasn't explained fully was when 11.0.0 firmwares were getting black-screened for about a day because the method wasn't completely fixed.
This worked Thanks based user.
How's the 3DS for playing DS games? I have a copy of Pokemon HeartGold version & it has this IR sensor inside the cart for the pokewalker, & I actually do use the thing. Do they look decent on the 3DS screen?
They play perfectly well. They look like shit on the 3DS screen because of scaling though. You can shrink them down to original resolution but it's only practical on the XL.
If I use the sd card that comes with the n3ds xl to do the whole process, can I later switch to a 64gb sd card?
I know I have to format it but what do I need to do to use the CFW and my old saves and stuff with the new sd card?
Not true. But hey live in your fantasy world where the cache doesn't exist.
Yes, copy the files over after formatting per the first page
>You can shrink them down to original resolution but it's only practical on the XL.
Why only on the XL?
>not having freeshop autoupdate titlekeys on start
Because it's too fucking tiny otherwise.
>dumbass still doesn't know about the cache
HAHAHA learn 2 read b4 replying to my posts nigga.
I put the files in my SD card, And I loaded Soundhax. The console freezes and nothing happens after that.
Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
All of the files are the right console, region, and firmware, and were all downloaded yesterday night.
I've followed several guides step by step, and google searched countless times and had no results.
Last thread the only idea anyone had was to try using an actual SD card reader instead of the microSD management and that didn't work either.
R-Bumpers dead, brah. Only ever played Mon hun on it anyway.
It's updating from the same website, retard.
The .BIN file. You see that? DONT NAME IT "otherapp.bin" JUST name it "otherapp" THATS IT!
make sure the .bin file is named "Otherapp"
Do you know what a cache does? Keeps a local copy of the titlekeys pool of information so that you don't have to redownload titlekeys every single time you open Freeshop.
>why haven't you done it yet?
I just did.
>No games actually interest me enough to pirate that I don't already own
>Don't care for custom themes or badges
>2 hours wasted
I don't know what I expected.
Lol faggot
I responded to both of those posts last thread explaining it didn't work, though?
>tfw you can now download easily all official badges
start over, one of the downloads was probably corrupt
check the md5/sha1
wings.jason doesn't filter out titles befor thecruel decides it's okay to download.
Not in this case. Or not totally. Most recent example is the sun and moon preload. The cruel did not approve it and thus it didnt appear on the freeshop till a day before release.
Now while that kept dummies from asking questions why it didn't work, it does prove my point.
What would somebody see as my last used software when I played an injected game? (eg. BoF2+retranslation patch)
I formatted and reinstalled everything last night, twice. Unless one of the download links in the guide is the broken one. One links to Soundhax, one links to the homebrew page, and one downloads the starter kit.
I tried downloading the starter kit from the homebrew page instead of the guide but no results there either.
Bummer, beats me
Maybe try a different SD card
Does anyone know if this will work if I'm still on Rxtools? I haven't touched anything since I first installed cfw.
Start from the first page
To save the shit on your Rxtools, make an emunand backup when you make a sysnand one.
Then when it calls for a sysnand restore, instead use your emunand's backup.
yes they send the yakuza to kill you if you use it without protection
>Metal Gear Solid 3D
Does the n3DS overclock improve the framerate on this port?
I know the Vita version has the better port, but it would be fun to have MGS3 on the go
Forget about the 3ds. What about the Wii U? How easy is it? Exploits for current firmware?
Nope, it's bottlenecked elsewhere
Three days ago, people on Sup Forums were reccomending that people should follow this guy's video:
but when the Colombian guy's video bricks systems, people are saying all video guides are bad.
Not that I blame them, I had difficulty following Mizumi's guide, because he did things differently compared to the legit 3DS guide, and it's easier just to follow a single guide.
Some video guides can be nice only just to see what some of the menus look like and how to navigate them.
This guide is okay, since it only shows you homebrew with soundhax, if people need help starting:
The framerate is more stable but it's still capped at 20fps
Don't follow this video
It's missing steps at the end
Video guides are just the worst. Like in general. I don't know why everything has to be in video form these days. It's not practical at all in any way.
1. I read faster than you talk. Stop slowing me down.
2. I don't to skip back in forth on the fucking seek bar to find a certain point in the process. Just give me a fucking list
3. Stuff is harder to see because these idiots don't put enough effort into editing
4. I takes up a lot of data.
5. Your voice is annoying and you're a faggot too. Shut up no one likes you. You're probably Indian too.
yes, go to /hbg/
Thanks, I'll give it a go then.
>People still following videos after what just happened a few days ago.
My biggest fucking issue with that game. It's literally the best version of MGS3 out there and it's butchered because it's locked at 20FPS. They could have released a patch to up it to 30 with n3DS but NOPE. Fucking piece of shit Konami.
Can anyone tell me what exactly I'm supposed to point Freeshops Auto update url to?
If you have the fuck nintendo edition freeshop will update itself on it's own. The other part is scanning the QR code from the title key website.
What is the last version of freeshop? 2.1.3?
if you want to update, just scan the latest qr in fbi, it'll overwrite the old install.
wtf i wrote that like yesteraday. you saved that? why? also tfw when i see all my typos. it was late though.
It's still relevant and perhaps forever more will be.
I have few games in .3dz format. Can i pour them into my 3ds and play them?
So what do I do after downgrading my DS to 2.1.0?
Install FBI and freeshop and then update to the latest official firmware?
I finished the guide, you mong.
Sure...that's why you skipped all the steps at the end.
no you didn't
What steps? it installs a CFW based on 2.1 and FBI, there's no further step.
You're asking what to do after the downgrade, the guide covers that so you didn't read it trough the end you mong
>Restoring the system
If you're still on 2.1.0 after the reading the guide, you did not finish reading the guide or skipped steps you thought were unimportant, when everyone and their moms tells you to follow step by step.
Finished hacking last night. How do I get my 3DS to read my old DS flash cart?
I had gotten 2 of the smash DLC characters before, but when downloading the game from freeshop it doesn't download all the dlc, just the ones I had before... any advice?