Pick your poison.
Pick your poison
>I backed both
Indivisible will be shit but it will be liked / shilled by people because
1. "Diverse" cast
2. Skullgirls shills
3. The staff will occasionally post gifs of some animations that will mind control people on twitter into thinking it has the most amazing animation in gaming history
Bloodstained might be good who knows. At least at the moment, it is aesthetic garbage though.
Both are derived from old classics but only one of them actually tries to do something new
>He thinks a "Diverse" cast is a bad thing in a "around the world adventure" type of game
Hes implying that people are just gonna make bait threads BECAUSE of the diversity you retarded sack of shit
Why would you try something new in a Kickstarter?
Give the backers exactly what they asked for. make the quality exceptional, that's it.
That literally never happens though.
The only people who bring up the race in it are those who see it as a negitive and it only boils down to
>muh niggers
Name 1 kikestarter game
>unique metroidvania with art and characters inspired by civilizations from all around the world and combat inspired by Valkyrie Profile and fighting games
>ugly followup to Order of Ecclesia, one of the worst Metroidvanias
I don't think it's a bad thing, I just know that a certain population will constantly hype the game solely because of that where they wouldn't do it otherwise.
>That literally never happens though.
Did you start using Sup Forums last week?
Who cares? Why'd you put diverse in quotes?
Bloodstained at least has a fun demo
Because as diversity it's lazy.
>draw character
>select color to fill character in
>select brown instead of beige
Are you kidding?
I hope this entire post is satire.
I'd rather play a game that more than made its backing as opposed to one that barely squeaked by and will likely be shit because of it.
both desu
Backed Bloodstained and am pleased with how it is coming along so far. Was never interested in Indivisible so it can go do its own thing and it wont bother me either way.
I'll take a new Castlevania over Brown Diversity Quota Simulator: Maximum Shill
Even if you somehow disagree that the aesthetics, settings and themes are unique, you can't deny that the gameplay is. And if you say that it's a VP clone, then you've never played VP.
Bloodstained's gameplay on the other hand is a straight-up clone of AoS.
Holy fuck Hassam looks awesome.
Honorable mention to Naga Rider though
I'm hype for both
Neither. They're both females. I'm not interested.
Pretty sure Vasco will always be in my party.
They both look like they have fun gameplay and neat looking art styles. I'm looking forward to playing both of them when they come out.
>tfw to intelligent to give money to people for an unfinished game
Razmi/Tungar/Kushi master race.
So wait until they're out?
Didn't back Shovel Knight, FTL or Volgarr the Viking but I loved them when they came out.
not too intelligent for spelling mistakes though
>the Frog is black
Ahahaha, what?
Vasco, Naga Rider, and Antoine
Oh man I can't go wrong here
Razmi, Naga and George is the dream team
it's a meme you dip
>Naga Rider
what the fuck, im buying this game
Why is this just a dog?
That's the Skullgirls reject isn't it?
Best character
Desperation yielding results for other party members in Indivisible too.
Did you? Only ones who talk about diversity are anons from Sup Forums and how the devs are SJW and that it's not lewd and some idiot who claims they censored skullgirls[/spoilers[
>everything else
That was the point I was making before
Only they care about it since it's really a non-issue in a game where you can choose the party
Indivisible is a SJW fueled game that simply isnt good to play.
Any other choice is wrong
Shovel Knight and Juan are great user.
>no cat
Vasco, Naga Rider, and Kampan because she reminds me of Mag Launcher
>muh waifu good
>other things bad
>This is the only way we have a playable Annie and she doesn't look great
I want to go and slap the idiot who did the rapper game
I wonder who's behind this post.
cats fucking suck, kys
Adopted frog from the colonies
I didn't find anything wrong with the Bloodstained demo, too bad TORtanic has ruined Sup Forums, everything is doomed and bad, now okay/mediocre games that came out are also awful and as bad as big rigs
when the game goes out?
If you actually think that the only people who talk about the topic of diversity are Sup Forumstards than you really are new.
Were you not around when people complained about the lack of blacks in Witcher 3? That was only 1-2 years ago. Yes, people also complained about it here for a bit, in case you were wondering.
Jan next year roughly
In an email I got a little while back they said main development and production is starting
Pro tip: Unique does not make it good.
I'll take both.
Pale goth girls and tribal brown girls are both great fetishes and worth fapping to, if nothing else.
Almost every Indivisible thread I see have been complaints about diversity. I never really bothered with Witcher threads so I don't fucking know but they are idiots just like the Sup Forumstards
Both cases make sense though
>A game set in basically fantasy medieval Poland
>Has no blacks in it since they wouldn't have settled there yet in that time period
>A game set around you travelling the world
>Has people from tons of cultures
When both cases bring up race, it for a ridiculous reason which should be ignored.
>Order of Ecclesia, one of the worst Metroidvanias
Delete this.
these are all terribly designed, I'm so glad I didn't back that shit.
That's not the point. The point was that some idiot said that only Sup Forums ever talks about diversity when it's not true at all.
If you actually think this you're either retarded or just new.
Aren't they still taking donations? I know they're a little more than 20,000 away from voice acting.
BOTH were retarded.
Which was the point.
People who take race into every little thing are usually very retarded.
I don't get it.
But that's wrong.
>The only people who bring up the race in it are those who see it as a negitive and it only boils down to
>>muh niggers
>Did you start using Sup Forums last week?
>Did you? Only ones who talk about diversity are anons from Sup Forums
Still on InDemand which is basically backing but the tiers are limited from the original run.
Still goes from $5 to $500 though.
Then BackerKit is used for after backing it, redeeming the rewards and upgrades.
Shovel Knight doesn't really fit with the setting and he's being shoved into entirely too many other games, but it could be worse. Juan isn't too bad either.
Bloodstained is IGA deriving from himself. Indivisible is Lab Zero deriving from developers far more experienced and talented than themselves.
Cooking Jecht, Pirate and Tokufag are the only ones interesting me.
Rest eh.
>Only ones who talk about diversity are anons from Sup Forums and how the devs are SJW
Here's the thing idiot, I meant diversity for this game specifically. Ever since the Indiegogo launched people non-stop talked about this shit.
I'll play them both.
I'll have fun.
What the fuck you gonna do about it?
>What the fuck you gonna do about it?
The same thing you are.
Shovel Knight
What is indivisible derived from
Maybe you should properly word your shitty sentences before getting angry at someone else for not being able to understand what you're saying.
What you specifically typed says "only Sup Forums users every talk about diversity"
Now you're moving goalposts trying to save face because you suck at writing/typing in English.
Valkyrie Profile.
I want, Lanshi, Kushi and Kogi.
Toko is another option.
I backed Yooka Laylee
This is pretty good way of handling diverse casts.
I'm looking forward to both.
My man.
Same here. Hope it's good. Shame about the Wii U version, but eh, i'll play it on Xbone.
Indivisible will be bad, Bloodstained has a chance of being good.
You would eat his cooking right?
If they offer Switch version I'll probably get that if not just PC.
I've backed none of them.
Indivisible looks alright, but so didi skullgirls and that game is a fucking mess, i prefer to wait and see what happens.
The other one also looked alright but the recent videos made me glad i didn't back the project, it looks like shit right now but i do rope it turns out to be better.
>but so didi skullgirls and that game is a fucking mess
That game needed more characters, and it needed them badly.
I think Skullgirls was...okay though aside from that. Nothing to write home about, aside from the golden era Hollywood aesthetic which I genuinely really liked.
Order of Ecclesia is my favorite Metroidvania, so so far I'm pretty pleased with the Bloodstained videos. I'm kind of regretful I didn't back it, but on the other hand it could still turn out to be a shitshow so I can just wait and see. Best of both worlds.
>getting it on anything but the PC
Enjoy your 30 FPS with drops
It's unity, I doubt it'll be bad.
Also...my PC is really, really shitty.
>not going for the authentic N64 experience
Based Sangmu.
>It's unity
That's exactly why it'll be that bad. Other Unity games that don't even look as good ran worse on a more powerful system like the PS4.
How bad is it?