User stop looking at my panties and help my find the Titanfall 2 disc! I wanna play RIGHT NOW

user stop looking at my panties and help my find the Titanfall 2 disc! I wanna play RIGHT NOW

what is it with lolis and titanfall?

No way, fag.


standby for pantyfall

>weeb pedo shit
Just fuck off already.

here it is
now please go away


Titanfall is the thinking loli's game

Reported you to big brother. Have fun in the pokey you Muslim pedo.

i wanna fuc that poosey

Widdle trumpkin baby gonna cwy? Uncle Donald didn't change your diaper?

No kid under 13 looks like that, retards.

the pussy is worth every part of this fight

Its okay they're 1000 years old in anime years

Come try that pedo shit in the States, Mohammed. You'll get your boy pussy fucked 3 ways from Ramadan in prison.

feet huh

sorry i broke it

Go away furry.

>he bought titanfall 2

Has Islam become known for pedophilia now?
Because I seem to remember it being quite popular with Christians and Catholics

>he didn't buy Titanfall 2


Hmm, I'll think I'll pass. I don't see how anyone would want to immigrate to America nowadays. It's 2017, not 1817. Yurop has a higher quality of life and we get Murkan products anyway

>Not buying the best shooter of 2016

Where's your shota brother, I mean brother?

>non-Blizzard game
>best of anything

I played it during the free weekend and got bored of it by the end. I can just play Unreal pre-alpha if I want fast.
