The year of Tekken 7 is upon us.
The year of Tekken 7 is upon us
>tfw Tekken 7
>tfw lots of Soulcalibur activity online
>tfw we might get a Soulcalibur 6 at the end of 2017
Truly blessed
Post Leo
I think I'll post something else
that girl is really cute.
>people actually think this is still slated for an early 2017 release
2 kawaii
ayy lmao
she's so anxious
It's cute
What is oatmeal cookie up to nowadays?
He discovered that supporting nintendo exclusivity is a fast track to bankruptcy.
i hope
Or his game was fucking dogshit?
It was really one of the worst games ever made.
As a lifelong tekken player i'm getting pretty annoyed at how they're handling 7.
>announced July 2014
>arcade release March 2015
>evo headliner
>announced release time of early 2017 in January 2016
>evo headliner
>FR update July 2016
>its early 2017
>not even an announcement of an announcement of the actual release day yet
Is tekken 7 going to be played at evo three times before I ever get to play it? Fuck this shit. I'll admit I'll always be hyped for the next tekken game, but i've totally lost any hype I had for Tekken 7 specifically
The multiplayer looked cool in the trailers. Was it?
At least this way they hopefully won't pull an SF5.
It's been fun waiting 6 years for a shinier Tekken 6. Thanks Bamco!
Nobody cares anymore. T7 would've been nice two months ago, not five months from now. Bamco went overboard jewing the arcade release. Injustice 2 is going to launch before this and completely absorb the casual fighting game players.
But it's already begun, user. With both feet firmly planted in 2017 and still no release date or announcement I doubt it will release in their given window of "early 2017." Which means it'll get bumped to the next biggest month to release games (November), and Koreans will have 3 Evos under their belts before I get to even touch the game.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve. if you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Injustass doesn't hold a candle to Tekken.
Thats a man
Casuals don't care. It features Superman and Batman and it's a fighting game. Tekken has always been big with casuals but now they're going to get fucked by another casual magnet.
Play SFV while you wait
I'll partially agree with your first point but Tekken is the highest selling fighting game franchise of all time. Injustice has its work cut if you think they'll just sweep away all their sales. The general public isn't even aware of Tekken 7 yet, but I expect some advertising to begin fairy soon (??? hopefully).
Right after Jun and Kunimitsu.
tekken is casual garbage even Injustice is a better fighting game.
Id prefer some Soul Calibur or Skullgirls thank you
I don't want rootkits on my PC.
When's fucking Kuma
What makes someone say retarded shit like this?
Are you just mad you don't know how to crouch cancel or block low hitting strings?
>muh meter
Do I buy this on PS4 or PC? I don't care about lewd mods I just want a decent playerbase. I'd definetly prefer not paying for online though.
Fucking announced already
You've guys seen the leaked release date? This Swedish retailer has a promotion for Tekken 7 to give away an arcade stick and they gave it the release of February 12. When people asked if this was the real release date, they replied with something like "that's the date Bandai Namco of Europe gave us."
This is the most backward ass statement I've read today. Bravo.
I lost my hype honestly. I've been watching Koreans play it in arcades for around two years and I already feel burned out, even though it isn't even out here yet.
>watching games instead of playing them
Come the fuck on.
Is this what tekken babies actually believe
What's your point?
Cuteness is beyond gender.
Well what was I supposed to do? Move to fucking Korea?
>watching games instead of playing them
Fuck, I should've just play Tekken 7 this whole time instead of waiting 2 years for a console port? I'll just go to my local arcade-
Wait a sec, I don't have one, and Tekken 7 has barely come to the West last month with an outdated version so fuck off quadruple nigger
>February 12
Logistically impossible. A game hits Gold a month prior to launch.
It feels like T6 all over again.
>10 moves or so 15 with EX
>1 button grabs
>Made for pad
Wow so hard
Any fgcer would admit Tekken is harder to master than shit like Injustass or SF where you can learn a character in 20 minutes
Not understanding that just shows me you don't understand what you're talking about, as usual it's what I've come to expect.
>pic related is relevant to the plot, has an established relationship with multiple characters, looks fantastic, has a big fanbase, has been almost in every Tekken
nah, let's add a cosplaying breakdancer instead
t. Harada
>nah, let's add a cosplaying breakdancer instead
>t. Harada
Still better than two meme bears plaguing the series since '95.
It was taken down super fast, but even Steam made an oopsie a few days ago
It had a lot of flaws sure, but I genuinely wouldn't go that far. I'd say the SP is a decent filler game whilst you're waiting for better releases
Panda and Kuma are in too
I imagine he can't leave out her, Lei, and Mokujin. Baek and Ganryu are gone though
Don't remind me. Fucking Panda is taking up her own spot now. TWO FUCKING SLOTS FOR BEARS
And all this after Harada saying " lol no animulz cuz dis tiem Teken iz gun b srs desu yo"
Shit, it's actually happening?
Well I know we can't have every fighter we want, but leaving out the big ones from past games is an asshole move (this includes Anna, Lei, Julia and a capo)
>inb4 wanting capos
Fuck off, they're a staple of Tekken. Yes, shitters always pick them and mash, but tbeing able to low parry shitters is what separates the wheat from the chaff in this game
so what is that like $70 usd
a train ticket back home, maybe some sushi from the vending machine
Harada is a shit taste Japanigger and Tekken has been shit for years.
How the fuck am I supposed to know? I'm not Dr Evil
More like $700
Harada never said animals wouldn't be in.
Who the fuck are you trying to kid everyone in the FGC thinks tekken is casual garbage.
tekken even failed to get Injustice numbers at EVO
Yeah well he said it's a "very difficult" decision to add animals, but it doesn't seem that fucking difficult, since he added not one but two
I cannot believe you retards still think retailers know release dates before anyone else does. This conversation has been had for every game on every board for over a decade now, and you still haven't figured this out.
So, you think Bamco's gonna pull a Crapcom and do character DLC?
They haven't done character DLC since Soulcalibur 4, so probably not.
>Katsuhiro Harada will be a special guest at Collision Championship 2017 in Peru
Well it's not Brazil, but it's the closest we got. Are you ready for pic related?
Yes, because Tekken isn't casual garbage.
Did you think you were trying to say something else with that statement? Did it occur to you how retarded you are right now?
Please just accept it and work on reforming yourself and being a better member of society.
>gets mad
kys nigglet
if tekken 7 comes out and i have to wait 6 months for chang dlc im going to beat up a nerd
>SFags are this mad that his game flopped so hard and Capcom is jewier than ever
I just hope Tekken wont end like SF5
pls dont i beg you Harada-san
call me up, let's beat a nerd together
Source?, if so, when's is that tournament?
Date is in the article; 18-19 February
wow, nerds wanna beat a nerd up...
Let's talk fighters.
Who is your favourite?
Who else do you want to see in T7 on release? Don't be that guy who says no one.
Who did you give up on -at least for release- and are hoping to see as DLC?
From what i understand, the tourney is on February, and it said they will use the final build of FR, yeah this looks legit for an announcement date holy fuck
They did pull a SF5. While building the game up they just restricted the game to Japanese arcades instead of releasing it to everyone.
Is that Bane?
Yeah, my tacospeak is a bit rusty, but that's pretty much what I gathered as well.
Late Feb/Early March it is then.
go back to Sup Forums
This is literally the exact opposite of what SF5 did.
>Only casuals play in tournaments
Holy fucking shit my sides!!!
Obvious samefag is obvious
I don't know, but he's certainly a big guy.
fake and gay
>rare Telemadrid Itagaki
Holy fuck.
Who is that?
He can be, for you.