Apparently this guy isn't strong enough to pull someone behind a pole or wall who's attached to his hook.
Hook nerf
Other urls found in this thread:
the roadfag tears are delicious
>D.Va gets nothing but buffs
>Roadhog gets nothing but nerfs
Oh no now you wont always get a free kill every 6 seconds. How sad.
D.Va's health is getting nerfed (Armor is getting exchanged for normal health), her pellets are also getting weaker but more of them I think, didn't pay too much attention to that.
>her pellets are also getting weaker but more of them I think, didn't pay too much attention to that.
It's an overall DPS increase.
>nerf an already easily counterable hero (phara, junkrat, tracer, mei, reaper, hanzo, widow, reinhardt, ect)
>bronze and silver go wild
Every roadhog thread ever.
>inb4 I play him because you think hes hard to counter
I'm pretty fucking shit at this game but i still am around Late Gold/Platinum
How fucking garbage do you really need to be to be in Bronze/Silver
>bad players dont have to worry about playing better
>good players lose a pick-machine making him another zharia (useless)
thats all it is really. Half the community is happy because they arent that good, the other half is annoyed that another hero is useless now.
Youll find better players in quick play than bronze or silver. Gold is where the shit meets the porcelain. Diamond is average.
Wanna see the worst of the worst? It's fascinating
>Gold is where the shit meets the porcelain
This game refuses to let me in Platinum with randos because of this
any time it's a loss, it's not a close loss, it's a complete shitshow
Comp should be skill based and not w/l based.
If you have Gold medals in damage, elims or healing you shouldnt go down in rank if your team causes you to lose.
Its not really comp since its luck based unless you have 6 friends who also play...
Devs have said what's on the PTR is not working as intended and will be fixed. Both the hook breaking too easily and being able to turn and dump people into pits.
mate we're talking about a game that doesn't even let you see player leaderboards. if players who were actually good at the game didn't get ranked down then the shitters on reddit and the OW forums would go into a total meltdown
It feels like it's even slower for some reason, what the fuck
Isnt that the point of comp?
To see how good you are when really trying?
Its harder for newer players who dont know the game when they get paired up with people who have 200 hours in it.
Its also frustrating for people with 200 hours to get ranked with people who have fewer than 200 games.
Just seems like it would simply be intuitive to not use a LoL style ranking system when its a first person shooter. No one likess getting 56 kills and 40k damage just to lose because Sombra didnt want to switch and your bastion was shit.
8x3= 24
math is hard
delet this
>high diamond/master players lose a pick
????? He's not suddenly shit atleast now he can hook ana and bring her right infront of him without doing some shitty spin gimmick. I didn't rely on bull shit hooks with roadhog so I'm fine with this change.
Bronze is "Lol threw my placements since im making a Bronze to Challenger video xD" tier.
Silver is "Im generally bad at video games and Im probably using a controller on PC" tier
Gold is "Im bad at this game but its okay because its never my fault we lost :^)" tier
Plat is "Im bad but I got lucky with my placements" or "Im good and got unlucky with my placements" tier
Diamond and up is relatively made up of the same try hards and metafags, mostly where you want to be if you actually enjoy this game
Keep going
It's not a needed nerf but it would only be really affected in bronze and silver
If the hook was the only thing to change and tanks are now weaker then its actually a buff for me
>popcorn and wine
>hog comment
yeah that's totally the point of comp, which is why I highlighted the fact that there are no leaderboards
they don't want people to have hurt feelings because someone else is better a video game then they are (which is a ridiculous thing to be upset about). this mindset is always why you see so many hackusations and crying about heroes being too OP
I already used the scientific term once, and that term is "shitters"
Its not so much a problem in lower levels, but higher level players jump A LOT. This is what causes the glitch because if you are falling and hooked, it pulls you through objects.
Thats what this nerf sort of set out to address. I dont really care since I never had a problem with roadhogs. He doesnt even have any good abilities besides his hook so im not sure why they nerfed his one gimmick.
Looks comfy, plz deliver some more.
Yeah they learned from hon.
Hon had public and detailed ranking system and mods and admins used it to dimiss shitters crying and the game had a small playerbase because of it.
Then devs with no business sense finshed the job and killed it.
I guess having moar players and a safe space is more important to blizzard
There is no more.
If there was I probably wouldn't have saved it, Roadhog is for Junkrat.
On one hand, Roadhog is useless.
On the other hand i'm not sure how to balance him otherwise.
He's either a 1 shotting machine that's pretty good at breaking barriers or a shittier reaper.
What's wrong with love?
Good call, user.
>giving this much of a shit over a game that is cater made for retards who suck at video games
Smaller spread so you deal more midrange.
Thanks bro.
But user, the casuals and shitters are the most vocal about patches.
Love is for girls and gays user
Sup Forums is full of shitters
It's just weird that even in a game that prevents noobs from being punished mechanically and strategically, people still find ways to die and blame balance
It's not hard. If the roadhog hooked you, he hooked you fairly on his end of the network. You exposed yourself within a certain range of roadhog. This game has excellent sound, you can hear all characters based off their footsteps. So you know where he'll be, and his range.
And people STILL find a way to die
Junkrat didn't even know Roadhog's actual name.
Mercy x Roadhog is adorable
How often do you think Mako actually told him his name?
>He doesnt even have any good abilities besides his hook
Alt fire puts huge pressure on Rein's shield and the meta is tank-centric so he's always dishing out fuckloads of damage since half of any team comp eats most of the pellets of his barnyard-sized spread, meaning that building Ult is no sweat for him. Outside of the MeCree/Widowmaker, post-Zenyatta buff, and no hero limit metas, and has never received any direct nerfs. When he falls out of meta, it's because of other heroes being changed around. FtH nerf brought him into play, Zen health buff took him out, Discord nerf revived usage, Ana buffs catalyzed the modern tank meta and made him into the new primary DPS.
I'm not sure how damning the hook changes will turn out being in the long run, but if it means the meta becoming a little less tank-centric due to alternative DPS heroes swinging back into more frequent play, I welcome it with open arms.
I feel like the only Roadhog player that welcomes these changes. Especially considering the number of BS hooks even I know should not have landed,
>pre hook nerf
>Playing hanzo...
>hear some loud footsteps
>large fat guy slowly appears around corner, dumpily and merrily
>Stare at him wistfully
>he uses hook
>Use my quick reflexes to start moving as soon as the hook leaves his hand.
>It hooks me anyways!
>instantly die
so stupid! now I can avoid it with skilled play. thanks blizzard :D
Back to your webm thread roadshitter
>they finally nerfed this faggot like I was saying they should during the 3 days I played it on release before chargebacking
Sage'd anyway because
I've seen content for all of these
Fuuuuucking WHAT
That doesn't make a lick of sense
They are actually fixing his PTR hook
>We have a fix for this coming soon onto the PTR, as well as other fixes (such as being able to throw people behind you if you spin before the hook lands).
>I'm also playing around with the ability for the hook to slow down a player when it impacts them, especially if they are in the air. This should help some of the more extreme cases where a player was strafe jumping and got hooked, but just before they get pulled they traveled a good 3-4 meters before breaking LOS, causing the hook to fail.
He'll be fine
That hook is fucking useless if they keep it like that.
Great now the hook will bug out rather than hooking when it shouldn't it will never hook since something will impact on it
Abuse imminent
Blizzard can never balance
Roadhog has the lowest win % of all the tanks as it is. Why do people keep bullying him?
Roadhog is as annoying as Mei but not nearly as fun to play.