Let's try this again, this time without any shitposting

Let's try this again, this time without any shitposting

Project Diva Future Tone launches in 3 days on PS4.

It's the biggest Project Diva game to date with over 224 songs and it will cost $54 at releases. No preload, game is about 30gb in size. DLC seems to be already confirmed aswell, no release date on that yet.

Are you excited? What will be the first song you try to beat?

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It's quite """""""""""""cheap"""""""""""""

Sadly no ps4

I don't like vocaloid music

That's okay user. Nobody likes it at first and you play it for the gameplay but for some reason it starts growing on you like a tumor.

fuck me I thought it was JP only. I guess I'll get to try it out, but I haven't beat Diva X yet. Not enjoying the game desu I don't care about the generic dialogue and the songs are eh so far.

FT doesn't have any diva room shenanigans, it has only the rhythm game.

X was a disappointment for a lot of people it seems

If I had a PS4 I would buy it.

Why so negative?

X shits the bed when compared to the rest of the series. The forced story mode was dumb and getting rid of Diva points and making everything into random drops was pans on head retarded.

No PS4.

I already have the game and the season pass.

I will probably buy it again just to show my support for localization.

I don't know how they did it but the newest PVs look so much better than the old ones. Also this module looks very comfy.

Because a lot of the old PVs are really old and are just getting a facelift every now and then. The new songs added post-FT are the latest and greatest.

Also 2017 already has a MARETU x Kairiki Bear collaboration so this year is already looking pretty good. youtube.com/watch?v=_l4FsnJt0k4

I just hope they price the DLC better if they continue doing it. 15 bucks for essentially 4 new songs is a bit of a scam after the godly price on FT itself.

>I just hope they price the DLC better if they continue doing it.

Don't get your hopes up. This is the same company that asked fans which songs they'd like to see return before PDF2nd came out and then proceeded to put a ton of the top choices in DLC in an expensive song pack and split the modules. Then there is PDX with its obnoxious module grind that can be entirely skipped over by buying DLC.

Posting a Yukari since she's free from this bullshit entirely. Still want a gamee though.

But they did so well with Future Tone. I believe in them. Hopefully they'll find a way to bring some of the missing songs to FT aswell.

>Posting a Yukari since she's free from this bullshit entirely
I was watching cosplay porn the other day and I came across a cosplay orgy and one of the girls was a Yukari cosplayer. Yukari is officially at "3D cosplay porn" popularity, a game is just a matter of time.

>weeb shit

>Hopefully they'll find a way to bring some of the missing songs to FT aswell.
Yeah, I need my Kagamine fix.


I'll fucking steal her hoodie.

All I want is this one. I can't believe it's not in the game.


She even got in a mobile game's anime with Maki to help advertise it.

I've only played Project Mirai DX on the 3DS.

Do you still have to play boring slow songs in order to unlock the fun fast songs?

Yes but she is in the game's tutorial with her as well so that is why I suppose.

No, all songs are unlocked from start. You have to beat them on hard before you unlock them in extreme though.

Thoughts on snow miku 2017? Hopefully she's a module for the next DLC.



Here you pervert.

Literally the first several links if you google "Yuzuki Yukari doujin" you absolute fucking pleb.

Don't do that.

I've heard that it's a pain to get a license for Jin's works. It might also be what stopped IA/VT from making it over to NA/EU.

It's a bit wierd how they got the licence for that song to use in F 2nd but it never came to the arcade version.

Don't have a PS4. Would start with Melancholic or Unhappy Refrain though.

Playing F2nd earlier today and still love Pinky Swear.

The official song made by n-buna and Orangestar is adorable. youtube.com/watch?v=ZuT3xYLW7vA

It looks kinda wierd. I still like penishat snow miku the most

Who the fuck unironically buys miku singing games?

It was also the opener at Magical Mirai 2014 if I remember right. That might have been all they could manage to work out though.

>penishat snow miku

One of Sega's biggest success in the west.

This one.

I already have Mirai which has PuyoPuyo and the characters in Future Tone look ugly.

>Nobody likes it at first
Get out normie.

Fucking how?
The gameplay is retarded.
Vocaloid is the worst genre of music ever conceived aside from shit like harsh noise.


>Vocaloid is the worst genre

Are you even trying?

Are there any pre-order themes?

kek no
If it was the only game in 3 months MAYBE that would be an agreeable price.
Will wait for when I can get it for $20ish

any link to the songlist?

Jp version had them, I think you can buy them now. There's no pre-order so the best you'll probably get is paid themes.

It's actually kinda split up. The base game is f2p but has only 2 songs. There's 2 major songpacks with 127/95 songs that are $30 individually. You could get one of them at first, seeing as how they're basically DLC I doubt they'll go on sale anytime soon. Here's a full song list that you can sort by song packs aswell.


Fuck who ever is responsible for iya iya seijin, nyanyanyanya or rin-chan now.

>There's 2 major songpacks with 127/95 songs that are $30 individually
I'm not sure if that is genius or retarded.

>check songlist
>no utsuP
>no caz
>no yandereP
Is almost as if sega actively evaded money

It's $6 cheaper if you get it as a pack but I can see why they'd do it with that amount of songs. Not everyone wants all of them and you can't buy them seperately.

What module is that? The dress is the original one but the hairdo isn't. Did they change it for future tone?

You can mix and match modules and hairstyles in FT PS4.

That's actually pretty cool. Why didn't they do it in the other games though?

>no skeleton orchestra despite being in the OP
>no shake it
> 2 senbonzakuras

What is this bullshit?


I'm guessing because they only recently came up with the idea and wanted to have extra incentive to get out and by FT on PS4.

Shake It and Skeleton Orchestra are DLC since both of those came out on FT Arcade after the PS4 release if I remember right. As for Senbonzakura there's the old Arcade version and the PDF version.

Is it really?

I like the bully factor here. Too bad it's hentai.

Is that supposed to be Len?

probably two sided lovers because Im a massive faggot

The extreme version is 10 stars in FT but one of the easier 10 star songs in the game since it doesn't have many double / tripple notes.

Don't do that.

I'm still playing Diva X. I'm enjoying the game, it's nice that they added some sort of story and made grinding for modules and gifts interesting.

I'm very disapointed by the songs though, not only the list is ridiculously small, 90% of them is shit.

Mirai on fucking 3DS has the best playlist so far of all Miku games released in the west.

I dont like that garbage, its like playing rockband so you can give gifts to Kurt Cobain or Lars Ulrich

>Is that supposed to be Len?

Who else could that super cute girl be?

>diva x
Enjoy grinding.

I too enjoy the Mirai tracklist.

However the only other game I've played is Diva f for Vita and I don't have any of the DLC.

>Mirai on fucking 3DS has the best playlist so far of all Miku games released in the west.
Good thing one of the two FT song packs contains those songs then.

Does it contain all of them? Are they the same versions from Mirai?

I just want Clover Club man, but it seems like in the other games it's a shorter version.

Also I'm assuming no songs with Gumi in them.

Are you trying to imply that Project Diva games were never about grinding?

At least in Diva X grinding is somehow fun thanks to items and modules being useful and then there is some RNG too.

>Are they the same versions from Mirai?
No the sound quality is actually good.

You know what I mean.

>earning the same modules you're previously earned

Here's the song list, you need to click on the "Colorful Tone" tab, that's the mirai / arcade songpack. I know that songs like 1925, piano forte scandal and that rin kitsune song are all upcoming DLC songs that will probably launch in march in the JP version.


If only she had more songs, but at least is the second with more songs if I'm not mistaken.

She has enough songs. You can complain when she's kaito / meiko / Luka tier

Miku is mine.

On a scale from cute to super cute how would you rate kitsunemimi Rin?

Pretty cute.

>tfw just bought X on sale

Is it worth getting Project Diva F 2 and Mirai if this exists?

I've only played the first Diva F.


If you want portable miku then no.

Luka's game is going to be announced any day now. It will feature her hit songs like Luka Luka Night Fever and

But those are in FT.

F 2nd adds a couple of stuff to F and will retain its original soul despite Future Tone. It's worth playing if you are a big fan and can find it cheap.

Mirai is an interesting take on the series for a Ninendo console. It uses a different gameplay, artstyle and the interactions with the vocaloids are more fun than ever.

Feel free to skip F2nd but you should definitely give a shot to Mirai, unless you are allergic to chibi shit.

And? X has plenty of 10/10 songs not available in FT.

That module makes her forehad look so huge.

Good night, miku saturday.