How do I git gud at FFXV?
Maybe I'm not good, but the combat in this game seems kind of like a mess.
How do I git gud at FFXV?
Maybe I'm not good, but the combat in this game seems kind of like a mess.
It is. And it doesnt get better.
its a mess because the enemies have no wind up and you have no idea when to attack
just stand back and spam magic and when you're attacking just try to hit from behind or hit appendages with warp strike to stagger the enemy and bypass their defenses
the game literally does not tell you this because its rushed shit
honestly this game was such wasted potential - i couldn't believe how many great dungeons I missed when getting shoved through the main quest in like 12 hours and no content making no sense only to go back to the open world and find like 10 fantastic dungeons
>The combat is a mess
>one button to dodge
>one button to attack
I know were right?
Well that's kind of what the game is more about world expiration and side quests, if you're playing this game for just solely for the story you're doing it wrong.
That depends on what you're specifically having trouble with.
Yeah, that's what I've been trying. I'm not seeing a lot of magic siphons. Is there another way to get more magic?
Mainly large groups of enemies and seeing when they're going to attack.
>hold Square
>press circle to counter
>attack when enemy is down
Try out different weapons and elemental affinities. Most enemies have at least one weapon type or element they're weak against
Locking on by holding R1 helps keep you focused on one enemy out of a crowd and the right stick can change targets
When the square "block" prompt pops up, keep square held down to go into a defensive stance. If an attacks hits you, you should deflect it and be able to perform a parry
Aim for the backsides of enemies to cause extra damage and if your party members are nearby, the two of you will perform a Link Strike for even more damage
There's a skill called First Aid available for the other members that allow them to recover health without using expendables like Potions, which will help save money in the long run.
The other party members have techniques you can tell them to perform that use up the tech bar. New techniques are unlocked and have various effects such as single target damage, piercing attacks, group health recovery, and even just snapshots of enemies.
Warp strikes deal more damage the farther away Noctis is from his target. If you're lucky, he'll break off an appendage and stagger the enemy leaving them vulnerable on the ground. Another passive teammate skill called Deathblow has them deal heavy damage to these downed vulnerable foes so make good use of warp strikes to give your partners an edge
Your party members have two weapon types available to them, and they can both be equipped at the same time to expand their options in battle so make sure to equip secondary weapons for more weapon types when going up against new enemies. Chances are at least one of the teams weapons will be effective.
Try to get food bonuses by camping and eating as often as possible. Ignis makes the best food for battles as he can create new recipies and recreate restaraunt dishes later at a fraction of the price. Boosted attack health and defense are all critical to avoid wasting expendables and more money to replenish them.
Why does Prompto wear a skirt.
just put the game in wait mode,
>Pause game
>Go to options
>Go to gameplay
>Select wait mode
> if you're playing this final fantasy game for just solely for the story you're doing it wrong.
go fuck yourself shitposter
The precedent of Final Fantasy being a series mainly for open world and side quests can only be set AFTER this game has redefined it so once again fuck off shitposter
best techniques for hordes of enemies are Gladio's Impulse, Prompto's Gravisphere and Ignis' Enhancement or Regroup (regroup is better if your party's getting fucked). make sure to unlock the second (and eventually third) accessory slots for your whole team. try to learn as many recipes as you can for Ignis since a lot of them will make you powerful as fuck.
There's an ebb and flow to the battles since wailing on the enemies won't always stun lock them. Land a few hits then either go defensive by holding square or dodge by tapping it. Holding square is usually a safe bet since Noctis will phase away from certain attacks at the cost of some MP. Otherwise he'll block an attack (when the square block prompt is on screen) and you can parry. I've noticed he also does a strong counterattack if you dodge roll right before a normal attack would hit (signified by the brief slowmo afterwards) then continue with your own attack.
What are you even trying to say?
Remember to thank Tabata for removing enemy telegraphing.
You hold dowb the circle button
>If we do it that way, then it won't really be much of a game
Someone with sense at Square? shame he wasn't the director for the game
It's a mess, throw grenades.
Put the game on wait mode so you can actually see weaknesses instead of relying on your useless teammates, hold block like it's going out of style because parries are free damage and the only really reliable thing in clusterfuck battles with too many enemies, don't bother trying to dodge roll through attacks you see coming, just warp instead because you get billions of i-frames. Also use your weapon finishers on stuff because they're pretty reliable knockdowns, tap attack after doing strings.
Also throw grenades, they kill everything the fastest and get you out of the shit combat.
The game is not really hard people just need to get gud
Then Tabata came up with that "final fantasy disease" to insult anyone who disagreed with him.
Jesus Christ. Why was this guy in charge.
So I can create a bad battle system and shit enemy and boss design but as long as I have a dodge and attack button the game is fine?
Who knew it was that easy?
It gets better. Even though their intent was to make "realistic" animals that attack you as they might in real life, they didn't polish it. So often attacks will hit you before they should, with absolute no animations tying them to you or they won't hit you at all. Often your attacks will clip through enemies too.
It's a clusterfuck in every way it could be.
Dude What are you talking about? If you know what you're doing in the game you'll be fine, what does enemy and bought design have to do anything?
And then they made a minigame showcasing how bad the monster hitboxes are for hours and hours and hours.
>If you know what you're doing in the game you'll be fine
I can know what I'm doing in any game, even in bad ones, and that that doesn't make the game suddenly good
>what does enemy and bought design have to do anything?
Are you telling me that enemy and boss design aren't a thing or aren't important?
Which minigame is that?
The monster betting arena thing.
There is a monster betting arena? Where?
>hold square for parry prompt
>attack hits anyway
>Hold square to parry prompt appears
>Hold square
>The attack never comes
>Stand there waiting for the attack
>Get hit by a completely different attack
That bothers me so much