Next year people born in the year 2000 will be allowed to post on Sup Forums

>next year people born in the year 2000 will be allowed to post on Sup Forums

They're already here.

Fuck off with the meta thread.

i'm born in 1998 and there's nothing you can do you old fuck

>people born in 2000 are already having sex and you're still a virgin

>i've been here for 12 fucking years and outlasted moot

Someone just put me out of my misery. I don't even like it here anymore.


Yeah, but I like everywhere else even less

I started posting in Sup Forums when I was 13

I was born in 1994

I have no doubt that we have at least a dozen kids born in 2002 posting here. Hopefully the majority of them are in Sup Forums, though.

just accept the fact that time moves forward seriously

born in 97 by the way

There are 13 year olds younger than this site is posting here.

I don't think 15 yo are interested in politics

>There are 13 year olds younger than this site is posting here.

What did he mean by this?

OP here, this was just an experiment to see how many replies I would get.

Yep, just confirmed that this is in fact not a video games board. Thanks guys.

>time goes by
>people grow up

Really activates my almonds

>here since Sup Forums launch
>every year gets more depressing

people are just desperate to cling onto the thought that they are young and nobody younger than them possibly exists.

ironically, letting go of this ideology is part of getting more mature

>tfw lost it when i was 16
>havent been in pussy since

fug its been 4 years

I think he meant
There are people here that are younger than the site here. 13 years old would be there age.

I mostly browse Reddit now for the sheer amount of content they have although I prefer posting here since Sup Forums is more like a conversation while Reddit threads can easily get thousands or tens of thousands of replies in short order and you get drowned out pretty quick.

>implying sex is important
what a pleb



if you could get pussy in high school what the fuck happened in those 4 years that fucked you over

No one cares that people younger than them are growing up.

It's that you kids that never experienced the internet pre-facebook are slowly taking over. I know it's trite to talk about the "cancer killing Sup Forums", but your generation really is just that. Not because you're necessarily shitposters, but because you don't understand the internet outside the concept of social media.


I don't even understand the website out of Sup Forums anymore. It's like everything is either social media or propaganda or both.

I started coming here

>never experienced the internet pre-facebook

i've been using the internet since 2005

And you don't understand our generation because you're looking at it from an outside perspective.
We're just those "creepy young people you can't relate to" to you.

Are you retarded? Let me help you: There are 13 year olds (younger than this site is) posting here.


Literally just get into a bar and smile at girls.

eventually one will talk to you or signal you to talk to her unless you're a literal monster

if the choice is between making everything public and staying outside of your generation I will gladly choose the latter

at least you got to do it faggot dont complain

high school has very easy opportunities for some people, man

there's a massive stigma against Sup Forums though, especially amongst those who frequently use normie sites and use the internet almost solely for social and attention-seeking purposes

there's no reason why a kid born in 2000 can't be less disillusioned with normie internet culture than one born years before. sure it was more prominent during their upbringing, but this doesn't mean that they necessary engage in it

That's arrogant
I had a facebook account from 2011 to about 2013 when I closed it because I didn't use it.
Outside of that i've never used non anonymous social media in my life.
This place is still going to be filled with weirdos and losers 10 years from now. It'll be fine.

This place won't exist 10 years from now, the law won't allow it.

>muh secret club
I've never seen a more cringey image

>having sex

What a fucking loser

Great, but do you think you're typical of the rest of your generation?
It's not even a generation thing, you dunce. People from my generation who only started using the internet this decade are just as bad. The thing about your generation is that it consists almost entirely of people of people who only know the internet in a post-social media context. There may be a small handful of exceptions, like the other guy I'm responding to in this post, but by and large you little shitstains only started using the internet this decade.

None of us will exist 10 years from now

This is also very likely.

>muh secret club
it is LITERALLY the opposite of that