>you can only play games from your country
How fucked are you?
>"Haha I'm american"
if that's the case only games from your state
>you can only play games from your country
How fucked are you?
>"Haha I'm american"
if that's the case only games from your state
Eh, it's all indie stuff but they aren't bad, not many of them though.
Country I was born in or live in?
If the former, a fuckton of weebshit, if the latter, I at least have Flat Out which has decent replayability. There's also Max Payne.
>iD software
>Devolver Digital
>Naughty Dog
>all the other indiefags in Austin
I'm good senpai
have fun with Max Payne, and Quantum Break
>both Microsoft and Nintendo Located in Washington state
Life is good
>CD Projekt Red
I'm okay with this. Should keep me busy.
Forgot My Summer Car, that can be a minor time killer before I completely stop playing video games.
At least we have Paradox Grand Strategy.
To bad they are kinda shit these days.
not playing mirror edge to the end of time
Got Rimworld and Asscreed
That's a shitton of good games
What makes Texas so based?
It could be worse.
Ubishit aside France is a pretty creative country when it comes to video games, and even when talking about ubishit the terrible thing comes from american influence.
>Eutechnyx made a couple racing games
>Pitbull Syndicate
>whoever made the wipeout games
Yeah I'm alright
>mount and blade series
>soon bannerlord
pretty lucky desu. maybe i can count crytek games as well. even crytek founded in germany, its founders are turkish brothers and rumors say they prepare to move crytek to turkey in future
I don't think shit is made in Virginia
Austin is where a bunch of 90's developers hit it big so now everyone wants to move there and network while they make their shitty indie games. With that much volume the occasional good game comes out.
>Naughty Dog
>Naughty Dog
>this is the level of an actual discussion on Sup Forums
>complains about lack of quality discussion
>does not discuss the topic
>does not discuss the topic either
we can go really deep this way you know ?
at least i can play big rigs ~
Has any developer ever set up shop in Ohio?
>red orchestra 2
>killing floor 1 and 2
>Warhammer: liberation
Yeah I'll be fine
>A fucking Leaf
I'll simply have to create my own games then.
UE4 is free, after all.
Looked up other source for game studios in Texas. Blizzard has an office in Austin. If that counts, then you could just live of Overwatch and WOW for the rest of your life.
I get a fucking monopoly phone game. fuck that
Nothing. Hicksville ID