What are most /lit/ vidya?

what are most /lit/ vidya?

pic related comes to mind

Planescape Torment

>inb4 The Witcher

just because it's based on books (genre fiction lol), doesn't mean it's /lit/


I like the first two choices so far. I would add Earthbound.


perhaps Sunless Sea as well

how old are you?

Another World
Heart of Darkness




They are making a sequel to this
Too bad it'll be tied down to the bone

Video games are a spook.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Easily the best writing in vidya, as it was written solely by a professional author. Prose superior to Planescape: Torment.

im on disc 3, just got sedd
it feels like this fucking game is just gonna go on forever mangs

It will if you do all the side content on disc 4.

You're like 70% into the game if I remember correctly.

A 100%speedrun on YouTube is around the 24 hour mark so...

is that where all the treasure hunt shit is? ive only unlocked the tutorial one and maybe another one i think
plus theres like 40 achievements still locked, are they all just "do this shit task x1000"? or are they story locked

The treasure hunts can be done as soon as you find them, but there's more on disc 4. The content mostly consists of optional dungeons, worldwide underwater exploration, combat arenas, hidden villages and finishing up all the game long side content, like the music boxes and seeds. It goes on for fucking ever.

I just keep getting killed and running out of items in this game, I guess I'm just shit at turned based

woah dude, its like turn based rpgs are long

>professional author
Professional videogame writer. Aka hack dropout.

The game is alright though.

what is the Infinite Jest of video games?

