Brutal doom 2.wad the game

>brutal doom 2.wad the game

>Sup Forums hates brutal doom
>Sup Forums loves nu-doom
really boggles the mind

Brutal Doom was made by a racist Brazilian edgelord
DOOM was made by id fuckng Software

>DOOM was made by id fuckng Software

I hate both.
I think the first one brings a lot of modern cancer to Doom that it didn't need.
And I think the latter is an "AAA" version of the above with even more modern cancer.

>id software which has none of old devs and only nu-male cucks
Are you one of them?

At least Brutal Doom has more than 5 enemies on screen at once, this shit is even worse.
I have literally pirate's remorse, what a pice of shit console FPS this is, the shills have won this time.

Blame underages and TotalAsscancer shilling the shit out of it because he was paid 50.000 by Jewthesda for marketing it.

>Tfw you have remorse over the gigabytes that were wasted, and the time spent downloading.

I know this feel all too well.

Bought into the shill hype as well, got the 2$ pirate bypass option back when the game wasn't cracked yet.
Played for 3 hours and decided it's yet another bland consolitis piece of shit, that simply has """evolved""" beyond another CoD clone into basically Halo 4 clone with parkour and gore.

Pathetic retards.

I don't hate games you fucking retard.
I probably played more games last month then you have in the entire year.
I simply hate shit games and D44M is definitely a mediocre piece of shit carried only by a big name and gargantuan marketing campaign.

no, at least brutal doom has a solid base to build on top of
doom 4 is just an overdesigned, over-engineered modern mess

Son the game is a mess, even the developers admit they have no fucking idea how people even liked it cause the game was jumbled together almost last minute from shit on cutting room floor and single player levels are LITERALLY just MP arena maps they made earlier they hapazardly threw together.

It's a really fucking meh game too with a lot of modern game cancer design ideologies.

Better just watch the D44M Documentary.

I'm glad people are atleast talking about it.

I loved the new DOOM.
Considering putting it in again since I hears there was an arcade mode update.

>D44m has qte kills
>Brutal Doom has reloading

Which is worse?

QTE, especially since D44M is literally designed around it.
Your ammo and health comes from said QTE kills.
Sure you can turn them off but you aren't getting ammo and health to compensate for it, so you basically can no longer play it aggressively, play it like well - DOOM, and as such it turns into frustrating semi cover shooter.

The game is fundamentally cancerous and designed purely for consoles.

the glory kills because the combat and general balance had to be designed to accommodate it
in brutal doom it's just there

>semi cover shooter

nah, that's the easiest way to die in new doom

you just backpedal the entire time while shooting

I said semi. Since all you do is strafe behind covers or S+LMB if you have the QTE kills turned off.

The worst part is, retards are actually defending this cancerous design ideology and the game being balanced entirely around this thing only.

nah, you don't use cover at all in this. you must be really bad if you can't just dodge.

why would you turn off glory kills, how else do you get health and ammo

>why would you turn off glory kills, how else do you get health and ammo













at least Brutal Doom is still Doom at its core
playing nuDoom made me feel like I'm playing first person God of War or any other shallow action adventure title

>can no longer play it aggressively

Completely disagree with this. If you utilize the glory kills properly then you'll be running all over the place beating the shit out of enemies into melee -> glory kill health range.

not underage cause i dont read whole post chains, overage. dont have time to read the shit that people shit out of their mouths onto this board

guess what not going back to read it and oh btw only people who are underage say "neck" yourself that's from like 2015 and up

>i have to hate everythiiiiiiiiiiing mom! am I cool yet!?

>DOOM4's killmoves are QTEs
as far as i'm concerned, a quick time event requires any sort of actual timing and more than a single input to be considered as such
in DOOM4, literally all you do is press a button and get a kill, therefore it can't be a QTE

if you don't read posts why do u reply to them, retarded Sup Forumsermin trash?

I find this one kinda funny since you aren't really dodging anything 95% of the time, it's all manufactured you just keep moving and they keep missing outside of the occasional predicion shot but even then you would be changing directions often enough for that to not even matter at all
removing hitscan enemies was a mistake, there is no real reason to prioritize enemy types just run around in circles and do whatever

Brutal doom is just improved doom though.
This game changes it on a more fundamental level with the glory kills.


they could've just made the enemies smarter.
you know, have them lead their shots.
they could've even had rankings of enemies... enemies that are dumber, enemies with different AI personalities.

>nu-male cucks


they have beards
debate me

Let's call them cutscene kills.
The gayest mechanic you could possibly implement as replacement for a real melee system.


>Sup Forums loves nu-doom

stop forcing this meme

Friendly reminder that Id were making Call of Doom but then Bethesda told them to fix their shit up

Being too lazy to read, too lazy to capitalize letters, too lazy to use proper interpunction and being an ADD ridden fuck in general proves that you are in fact underage you subhuman piece of shit.

>they could've just made the enemies smarter.
It's a thin line to tread honestly but there are certainly changes that could have been made to make it more interesting overall
the original game is THE perfect example of how to do it properly

>Completely disagree with this. If you utilize the glory kills properly

friendly reminder not to capitalize id

Reloading is a good mechanic.
It adds gameplay and it's fast enough it doesn't really slow it down. Everything is just more deadly, which is better. Just don't miss your shots and you still clear an entire room without a reload.

Go debate yourself on your containment board you autistic 'tard

heh guess I win again haha

>through a flack vest
>enemy offers no resistance
If they're going to animate this shit at least make it look semi-believable like making it a neck stab

The only thing you win is the "stupidest posts in the thread" award. Congratulations.

>I don't know how kevlar vests work: the post
Protip, they don't protect against sharp blades.

wow that's the start map to quake

where'd this image come from

From the desk of John Romero. Are you blind?


I love reloading in all shooters. Yeah, it can slow the gameplay down a bit, but it also adds an element of strategy.

Also good reload animations are satisfying as fuck and can add a lot to the gunplay.

Did anyone who is complaining about glory kills actually play the game on nightmare or higher? Glory kills get me killed way to often, I find it better to just keep moving.

they do if they have plates in?

>racist Brazilian edgelord
and thats is bad because?

u cheeky lads u

That's for plate carriers, not kevlar. He's not wearing one of those.

So if your favorite game was made by someone you hate you wouldn't enjoy it? Are you retard?

yes, just having the damage increase is stupid and it makes the central gimmick almost redundant

Playing through Ultra Violent since LMAO LOCKED DIFFICULTIES, but I'm noticing the enemies either cancel their attack animations or I'm just getting a shit ton of I-frames from glory kills. Either way it's shitty.

Doom 3 was better

I would have never played in the first place, I have principles #GamerGate

>he was paid 50.000
Source or fuck off.

difficulties are not locked

is this bait or you're legitimately mentally deficient?

there are no locked difficulties you were just afraid of the red text

user, you're just wrong.

>Brutal Doom tries to add in mechanics from modern shooters into 1&2
>contrarians here defend it
>D44M has some features from Brutal Doom with a bit less of the modern shooter bullshit
>contrarians here shit on it

really makes you think doesn't it?

wow I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are genuinely retarded. Kill yourself.

I kinda want to play this game just to see if I can hit everything down to glory kill threshold and never dodge a single shot and just chain glory kills to survive.

I just get the idea from this game you can be a cocksucker like that.

>even the developers admit they have no fucking idea how people even liked
Do you have a source. I need to see this.

well as far as "cutscene kills" go doom is by far the best implemented. Even brutal doom, let's face it THE INFLUENCE for D44M, I avoid it like the plague.


Let's call them by their actual name. It's the worst HP regeneration of all time.

Honestly? worse than the cancer that's cover based health regen?

You gotta love the idea of a bunch of 16 year olds pretending to hate Doom 4 because it's not like the classic Doom games that they played for the first time last year. Yeah, you grew up playing Halo 3, don't pretend that the new Doom insults your 'retro' gaming sensibilities, you little whiny faggots.

Doom 4 is actually a good game and everyone is going to agree after another few months of requisite contrarianism. The vast majority of the criticism you see aimed at it is usually extremely petty and I don't doubt that half of you haven't actually played it, and the rest of you only played it for a couple of hours before going back to whatever shitty MOBA or MMO that teenage PC fags are wasting their time with these days.

better than waist high walls

It's a faster regen for just pressing a button. You could also discribe it as an ammo regen.

Fuck off.

Doom belongs on not Sup Forums.

Get back to your fucking quarantine, vermin.

>classic FPS games: you run away from enemies when you're hurt and recover

>Doom reboot: you run towards enemies when you're hurt and recover, oh and you can also do it the classic way if it's too dangerous

Yeah, you're talking bollocks.

I played doom as a kid, you know when I was 8 years old.
I haven't played doom 4 yet because I have too many other better games to play, but
the gore mechanic seems really awful but the game seems better than average in general?
by better than average, I mean better than other games that come out in this depressing hell scape of triple A content for gamers.

I'm not really convinced you can't just string i-frames together + health pick ups and do minimal dodging. like I just feel like I could be lazy in this game and win with world of warcraft DPS mechanics.

So picking up health packs mid fight is health regen?
Picking up ammo is ammo regen?
By forcing you to barrel into enemies and quickly execute them instead of running around and collecting pickups makes for a more fast paced game.

>Oh no! Red letters! That must mean they are locked!

You basically pick them up automatically when executing enemies.
>By forcing you to barrel into enemies and quickly execute them instead of running around and collecting pickups makes for a more fast paced game.
No it doesn't. It kills pacing and rewards thoughtless gameplay.

>I haven't played doom 4 yet because I have too many other better games to play

You didn't play doom as a child

Go away

Do you have any of your own opinions or do you just regurgitate shit you read on Sup Forums? You're literally making no sense at all because you're just saying shit that you read other people say. What the fuck is the 'gore mechanic'? Why the hell would you think this plays anything at all like your shitty MMOs? Play the game and make up your own mind, because none of the shit you see here is actually representative of how the game plays. They're just being contrarian for the sake of it and you're even worse for letting these morons tell you what to think.

In Classic FPS you actually have to find pick ups. The exploration (a key feature in every Doom game) gives you a big advantage for the fights. The goal is to go through the level without getting hurt to bad, in NuDoom you can get hurt as much as you want, you just need to press a button every now and then.

>getting this mad on an anime-themed video-game image board

>implying the original doom was some tactical masterpiece

This is how you know this kiddo didn't play the OG doom

Why did you get so angry? His winning has nothing to do with proving what he believes, but your reaction to it.

wew I sure enjoy save scumming on 5 hp while I try and find a medkit

>In Classic FPS you actually have to find pick ups.

You have to find pickups here too if you don't want to risk getting rekt.

>The exploration (a key feature in every Doom game) gives you a big advantage for the fights.

Just like in the new Doom. You know, where you explore the levels and earn armor and weapon upgrades and unlock runes that give you an edge in combat. Way to prove you didn't actually play the game.

>NuDoom you can get hurt as much as you want, you just need to press a button every now and then.

Yeah, but only when you're already in the middle of a fight and right beside and injured enemy with a short time frame for execution. You could literally say that about anything. 'Hurr this game sucks, all you literally have to do is press buttons and enemies die durr'.

But yeah, you never played the game so none of the shit you said even matters anyway.

It isn't a masterpiece of tactical gameplay, but it's better than Doom 4 in every way.

he doesn't.

Can to explain or are you just going to say it is like every other faggot?

Because I bet you serve up some hot memes that show you have never tried doom 4 or OG doom.

So lets hear it.

You're a teenager and you probably never played Doom. I mean, it's fair enough if you're gonna say you prefer the original over the reboot. But when you're saying 'IT'S BETTER IN EVERY SINGLE WAY', you're just trying too hard and it's totally transparent.

>You have to find pickups here too if you don't want to risk getting rekt.
Or you can press a button

>Just like in the new Doom. You know, where you explore the levels and earn armor and weapon upgrades and unlock runes that give you an edge in combat. Way to prove you didn't actually play the game.

In NuDoom there is a disconnect between fighting and exploring. You will never need to explore while enemies are in the same area.

>Yeah, but only when you're already in the middle of a fight and right beside and injured enemy with a short time frame for execution. You could literally say that about anything. 'Hurr this game sucks, all you literally have to do is press buttons and enemies die durr'.

Imps take like one shot from a shotgun until you can execute them. It's not that hard not getting hit while shooting literally one time.

You never played the game. Jesus, how come none of you ever played the game? Is it because the specs are so high? I mean, that's understandable and all, but don't get all butthurt about it and start making shit up about it.

read the thread

I've been using glory kills on your meme difficulty left and right without any issues, maybe you're just shit at the game.