People think pic related is an OP character since his pickrate is high. Some redditors want him nerfed...

People think pic related is an OP character since his pickrate is high. Some redditors want him nerfed. How does this make you feel?

>Roadhog nerfed
>Genki nerfed
>Mei buffed for no FUCKING REASON
>Mcree nerfed

Why do people still play this game?
The game was fine the way it was back in the beta with some exceptions here and there but ffs just because you got killed by another character ONCE doesnt mean it's OP and needs to be nerfed wtf

I wish they would filter the word reddit again

I personally thin overwatch could be a great game but blizzard is letting the community take way too much influence on balance patches.

I guess they have no idea on what they are doing so they will just follow whatever the community tells them.

Yeah I always knew it was a casual fps and I was OK with it but listening to the community and making this game super casual, well it upsets me.

the only reason he has a high pickrate its that hes the only tank thats actually a tank role.

He's the only character that can pierce chokepoints with his shield.

Real problem is blizzard needs to introduce alternatives. Maybe that red guy in concept art will fulfill his role

He will be nerfed because blizzard doesnt know that players are retards who think whatever is killing them that moment is op. Its why I dropped their games entirely awhile ago.

Insider here

Get ready for some serious support nerf.

Symmetra will remain unchanged for now. No further changes planned for Ana.

They're just going to nerf every hero into the ground until it takes a solid 10 minutes to get a single kill

The game was at its most balanced on release


tank meta needs to leave RIGHT NOW.

after zarya, roadhog, and rein, nerf lucio and symmetra then we'll have a balanced game. everything else is just nitpicking at that point.

is your father nintendo?

The death nerf is fucken dumb. They should just reverted her back to 500hp. Back then no one was picking her but she will had survivability than 200armor 400hp. Anyway I look forward to the new meta being the old meta. Which is just rein Zarya Lucio must picks.

Shield Up
Shield Regen Up
Health Up
Ultimate Damage Up
Click Damage Down

Shift and E are perfect, but he deals pretty stupid damage off his hammer considering what he is. Removing that, adding more tank and transferring that damage into his Q to encourage big 5 man ults would really improve him.

Here's a preview.
Lucio will no longer be able to use Crossfade while Amp It Up is being used/on cooldown.

Feel free to screenshot this post. See you in April.

Zarya is still overpowered, she is arguable stronger than she was before her """nerf""" because of Blizzard fixing her M1 hit reg.

No amount of nerfing are going to make Lucio and Reinhardt not top picks unless they are gutted so unbelievably hard that they are worthless. And it has everything to do with Blizzard and their infinite idiocy when designing these characters. Lucio and Reinhardt will ALWAYS bet top picks because no other character comes close to offering what they bring to a team. This isn't a problem of them being overpowered, it's a problem of their kits being so unique and so useful compared to the other Tanks and Supports.

>can be kited by the ENTIRE CAST
>super OP
I will quit if they need rein

I meant nerf not need. Autocorrect.

good. nerfing dva for having a high pickrate is retarded. the only thing OP about her was her armor but having shit guns balanced it out. now she has shit armor and even shitter guns that "feel consistent" but are technically 60% weaker because of damage fall off. Dvas only potential in the game now is just get 2 inches in front of someone spam their gun until the mech explodes and finish them off as mini Dva for every encounter since her hitbox basically takes up half the screen when you're looking at her. and yet Rein is literally the only character that has been a must pick within any meta since the games fucking launch.

>shit guns
>could out dps Reaper easily as a tank with 600 health

So glad you fags got nerfed

im just going to wait year and see if they ever can fix tanks being better than dps characters.

Nobody cares about DPS.

Hell, even in MMO, there's no reason to have one.

Last night in a ranked match, we were losing bad because we had no dps whatsoever. We were attacking with Roadhog,, Mei, Hanzo, Soldier, and I was Lucio. Our whole team was getting raped by a Symmetra.

Since nobody was doing anything, I went from being our only healer to Winston.

People bitched about not getting heals so much that they didn't notice I secured the payload almost by myself.

Mei and Soldier 76 stayed so far back the entire time, our Hanzo was more useful than them. I mean, how bad do you have to be to play Mei as a sniper?

tldr; We won with a final team consisting of Winston, Roadhog, Zenyatta, Soldier, Hanzo, and Mei. Soldier then raged about how he got more kills than anyone else and quit before the results screen.

>can't Crossfade while Amp It Up is used

I didn't even know he could switch. I've been playing him like a complete retard.

>on cooldown
This will ruin him. You know, for proficient players. Goldshitters like myself probably won't notice anything.

He is OP. His shield lasts 10x longer than every other tank's shield. Reinhardt using faggots have clung to their mouthbreather character for too long, and their days are numbered.

>Right-click Rein's shield a few times as roadhog
>Take a couple seconds to shoot in rein's general direction as

Congratulations, you have now "nerfed" Reinhardt into a slow, melee-only piece of shit that can only ALLAH AKBAR into your team.

Torb main here
They need to fix the defense heroes and not be shit at their job
Having offense heroes doing a better job defending than the DEFENSE heroes is frustrating

Please buff sombra to do more damage. Her peashooter is fucking horrible. Fix her stealth mechanic where she has to suffer a damage threshold to be knocked out of stealth because once you try to get go into stealth from a shitty situation. A fucking fart will knock you out of stealth. Her teleport timer is fine.

Up her damage
Get rid of that delay bullshit of coming out of stealth to do an action
And put in a damage threshold for being knocked out of stealth.

>Standing still

It's not my problem the maps are fucking designed around Rein's toolkit.
He is and was the most balanced character in the entire cast, because he was created to work with the map design, and does what other characters can't achive.

Nerfing him might as well just break the meta, because there is no one to break chokepoints reliably except him.

This. You nerf rein the meta becomes "defense wins every match"

he is an OP character, his ultimate hitbox is absolutely retarded and the range on his hammer doesn't correspond with his model. also it's retarded that if you jump and he hits you then you get pushed around. so blizz should either make it a default effect or remove it

Only characters who are actually broken are Ana and Zarya.

The only shitty characters are Mercy and Sombra
And every defense

My advice is for people to shoot his shield whenever it's up and not just target other people and wait for him to for no reason take his sheild down. (Unless it's one of those suicide rush into everyone Reinhardts.)

How to buff mercy
Just give her an aoe heal that's half weaker than Lucio passive heal when she is directly healing someone and it's off if she's not healing.

>offensive tank character who probably will be more like Roadhog and Winston


No that would stack insanely.

Just turn her pistol into Dva's auto pistol and give her a 12 second heal wave that does 50 hp for aoe

balance in this game sucks cocks
rein is one of the few heroes who is (close to) perfectly balanced

Mercy's pistol does more damage than's, and it's more ammo efficient though.

People don't want him nerfed they want other options introduced.

He's the only complete defense for his whole team option and it's only complimented by Blizzard's chokepoint happy map design. Other tanks are good picks too, it's not like you had nothing but Rein prior to hero limits but there's never not a reason to have him and quite frankly if you don't then you're just crippling your team for no good reason.

>it's more ammo efficient

It is, it has a slower fire rate, but still does slightly more damage per second, meaning you reload less often.
The only acceptable time to not pick Rein is on KOTH, because they can't cover 3 different exits at once, and even then he is still a strong pick because certain KOTH maps have some serious chokepoints as well.

>release widow where she can instantly rescope and walk full speed and nuke people is fine
>mccree fanning for over 400 damage and outclassing both reaper and soldier is fine
>mercy rezzing every time a person dies is fine
>2 winston,2 lucio, 2 tracer is fine

He's not OP he's just bad design, there shouldn't be characters that are as essential to a team as this guy when you have 20+ heroes to pick from.

>The only acceptable time to not pick Rein is on KOTH

Yeah he goes down from highest priority to equal with other tanks, besides Winston.

Maybe if Blizzard could concieve a map that isn't full of choke points roughly the size of his shield.

Nothing to nerf about him, he's working as intended and is perfectly balanced for what he is

>characters that can heal and protect other characters while simultaneously dealing damage are better than characters that can only deal damage in a team game


>Blizzard still hasn't FUCKING BUFFED WINSTON YET


hi Dva main.

Not a serious FPS. Doesnt matter

>Lucio will no longer be able to use Crossfade while Amp It Up
You better be lying because that's an awful nerf that will kill his survability

He's not better than other characters, he's just an essential pick, which would be fine in a game like tf2 where you have 9 classes, but overwatch has 20 something heroes and you're always in a 6v6, it doesn't have room for core must picks.

That's been made apparent by changing the way the hook works to feel "fair" to people being hooked, instead of simply changing the size of the hitbox, like anyone who plays the game while simultaneously not being retarded said would be fine.

they just need to fix his ult hitbox to not be far beyond the displayed range and also 10 feet up in the air

Winston is pretty balanced for his roll, he's just fucked in the ass by the 4 tank meta.

What is the point of balance if not to make sure everyone is on equal footing. if he has a high pick rate on the competitive scenes its because he's better than other choices.

The ideal scenario would be everyone with largely equal pick rates based on player preference rather than character performance.

It's either nerf him and make him a complete no pick on KOTH maps or redesign every map because Blizzard took map design inspiration from FF13.

Oasis is a step in the right decision, I think. The most open map so far, with many vertical approach options.

I know. The idea is to nerf him into oblivion, to reduce his pick rate, and latter buff him again.

The Crossfade / Amp It Up nerf is only the beginning.

the only way to balance rein is to fix the shit map design. he's going to be a lock in most games

Nerfing him won't do shit when every other tank is also nerfed. He needs alternatives

nah after the shield nerf because of hero stack, he has been shit

WHY THE FUCK DOES ANYONE WANT REINHARDT NERFED?! Christ of almighty all these redditors are ruining the game.

>People think pic related is an OP character since his pickrate is high.
Nope, he is OP because he is universal, Zarya and Winston are niche support-tanks, and Hog now useles because Reint is just better in any situation.
Also, he should be nerfed to give other tanks chance.
Also2, cuckolds shouldn't be good.

Is this the same board who is absolute trash in fighting games complaining about reddit?



they just need to nerf the shields regen.
they're dumb though.

Why is there a comma after so in that image.

Ana is a big fucking problem, when she was released she was perfectly balanced.

She outfucking heals the dedicated healers for fucks sake.

commas signify pauses you dumb nigger.

his shield works fine between Ana and team

A pause doesn't belong there though.

It wouldn't make sense grammatically if it wasn't there.

When will the same 6 heroes for both teams meta end?


his shield is fucking paper, its not good, plus the long ass cooldown and that the cooldown doesn't start as soon as you put it down

You have to be clinically retarded to think Overwatch's beta was balanced.

He would be picked less if there was any other tank with damage mitigation ability that's even a fraction as good as his.Blizzard pretty much just made one tank and then a bunch of fat DPS characters.

They're fucking retards, they made a healer with a fucking wallrun that makes no fucking sense for him to have other than that it fits with his aesthetic and then they continued to make maps where there's no real room to utilize it.

so so has it's own meaning.

so, so makes sense on it's own. a little pause between each so for emphasis. i am so, so tired of having to explain this.

>travelling to temple of anubis

Kys illiterate

if you were going for that then there should be a comma after energy also

>bobby trapping the underbridge medikit and racking up free kills just by pressing RMB every once in a while

No there shouldn't be.

Yes, there should be.

I just think his shield needs a 5 second longer cooldown if it's broken.

You going to provide your reasoning or what?

What's next?
Nerfing the Wallride?
God dammit

>traveling to cristo redentor

New brazillian KOTH map with three different stages

Stage 1- Rio Streets, you fight in the streets of rio, imagine point A of kings row but with alot of negros

Stage 2- Mountain Jungle, You fight in the jungles of the corcovado mountain.

Stage 3- Statue, you fight around the statue and lucio is guaranteed to have free fucking environmental kills.


Forgot pic becouse i am a dumb brazillian monkey

>inb4 slower projectiles

You demonstrated in your earlier post
>i am so, so tired of having to explain this.
If you were to continue that sentence coherently you would replace the period with a comma.

Oh no.

They are planning a lot of things, expect at least 2 things from this list.

-Reducing his heal/speed buff(Range and rate).
-Increasing his skills cooldown.
-Reducing Amp It Up duration.

-Splitting heal/speed buffs, with some sort of cooldown between them

>mercy rezzing every time a person dies

if my team isn't getting completely shit on or if I'm not being directly targeted, i do this fampai desu. You just generate ult so fast.