Just ordered this. What am I in for?

Just ordered this. What am I in for?

>What am I in for?
Fuck off, play it and find out or do your own research.

fun but easy as hell game

Pokemon x FF


>this close to buying the game
>it's 3.61 only

Load times

Looked kinda fun but I can't take that chibified shit seriously at all.

I get what they're trying to do.

It still looks bad.

One huge harem.

A game you have to pay Sony an arbitrary fee in order to get the full features out of.

Oh just the greatest final fantasy enix has ever made.

I am in the postscript and I am not seeing any mandatory DLC

I still choose to believe they sleep in the same bed...

The game has online features. You have to have a PS+ subscription or else Sony forcefully cuts content from the game.

>The game has online features

none of which are mandatory

This fucker.

Alucard and kirei

A really boring game, just as boring as Pokemon but with even more questionable mistakes that make playing a bigger chore.

But it's the principal of it. Sonyggers are shit eating cancer.

>this is what chibifags actually believe

cozy game with terribly designed boss fights

I feel like I fucked up by buying FFXV instead of this

did I?

> didn't preorder game
> brought it on sale for 25 bucks during black friday
> still end up with day 1 edition and free dlcs including jap audio

Heard Japan getting the free Sora dlc... might wait for that before I actually start playing this game.

>mfw that giant Omega gundam fight

I'm lucky as fuck I had a Cactuar with me

Neither game is great, but World is significantly better yeah.

>That scene where he scares the chick so much she goes into an anal-blasted rampage.

I know a lot of people found the game cringy, but I laughed a lot.

how are they terribly designed? I am at postscript and I have not seen any terribly designed fights

Omega Gundam?
This thing?

Nah, it's Omega Weapon, but he looks like a gundam

It's an extra boss I got for buying the day 1 edition, but my god I wasn't prepared

Pokemon with deformed final fantasy monsters.