Final Fantasy Thread

So, out of the Fabula Nova Crystallis games, which one do you think had better lore? I'm between Type-0 and XV. While I didn't hate the XIII trilogy and even liked LR and XIII-2, I just didn't like the turn it took after XIII. Same thing that happened with X that the sequel kind of made the previous plot look worse retroactively. Type-0 had no characters but a very good tragedy happening on-screen while XV had good characters and a good tragedy hidden under 10 layers of cut content.

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>So, out of the Fabula Nova Crystallis games, which one do you think had better lore? I'm between Type-0 and XV
XV is pretty much out of the FNC though.

I don't think XV has any of the Fabula Nova Crystallis fuckery going on anymore, even the logo got retconed

Type 0

Post Luna feet

The story still fits even after it got "removed" of the FNC, crystal fuckery just for kicks and arsehole gods included.

You're thinking of Versus XIII, which never came out, XV is a stand-alone, my feathered friend.

Nearly every FF game has crystal fuckery and ornery supernatural shit

Not OP, but isn't Etro explicity referenced in-game?
Also what the fuck did Versus XIII actually "mean"?
Also also I just bought FF15, what am I in for

XV is officially out of the FNC. Just because it fits loosely in some places doesn't mean that it counts.

>As for the game’s connection to FNC, Tabata had this to say: “We didn’t take the FNC too much into account when developing Final Fantasy XV, mostly because the world of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XV are completely different. And I think with each FF title people want stories that can be experienced on their own without much background knowledge or something like that, so keeping the FNC myth from FFXIII to FFXV wouldn’t be a very good idea.”

Also this .
Etro is not in XV. They reused assets that were supposed to be her. I'll tell you what exactly happened but it's a ending spoiler.

No, her painting appears in Kingsglaive and the cosmogony painting appears in the late game but the name Etro or the identity of the winged goddess (i don't even remember if she appears in the late game painting since it's cropped everywhere) is never revealed, there's no other FNC terms like L'cie and shit, we also don't get much lore aside from events from 2000 years ago, the six gods (summons) and the old kings of Lucis

I stand corrected then, also why are the Gods in FFXV so seemingly weak when compared to Type-0 and XIII?
A game that could have been one of the best, if not the best, game in the series but is nearly as unfinished as MGSV. A shame really, but I liked it nonetheless.


>he identity of the winged goddess (i don't even remember if she appears in the late game painting since it's cropped everywhere)
Considering the ending and the logo change, I'd say it's Luna.



>what am I in for

>why are the Gods in FFXV so seemingly weak when compared to Type-0 and XIII?
user, why are you comparing them? It's doing it's own thing. And half of them had been previously defeated which apparently makes them start over. Or something like that. You see Shiva's Giant corpse at some point in the game but she's available to summon in smaller and multiple form.

And spooky ghosts

a pretty solid game up until chapter 8
then you get a crappy boss fight
then you cry and your heart breaks for 1 or 2 chapters before it goes full shitty game the rest of the way

Too many same concepts. Die in service to gods. Special crystal. Destined to die. Power bestowed to few. It's god damn l'cie changed at the last second.



A game you may potentially love or hate or something in-between.


W-what's it?

Oh fuck!


Hiding in the bushes, taking pictures without you knowing is kind of prompto's thing, huh?



>And I think with each FF title people want stories that can be experienced on their own without much background knowledge or something like that
what is wrong with this fucking asshole that he says this then makes a game that requires you to watch a whole movie, anime miniseries, and read a fucking strategy guide to get the whole story of



This link strike never looks good for me. It always looks goofy as hell.

A lot of things were said in regards to this game.

All I can do is hope they come correct with the patches and DLC as loathe I am to say it.
All it does is make me wonder how much Gladio can lift.

Yeah, it only happens as it should if you're fighting small enemies, anything the size of the dualhorns in leide or above will fuck it up

Well it does have that fuckface Gladio

Can we not do this every thread? FFXV threads are getting super repetitive.

>Noctis isn't standing exactly at the dash glow

What else is there to talk about besides:

>Gladio's a dick
>Poor Ignis!
>Prompto's SUUPER annoying and thirsty
>Did the bros die?
>What was Ardyn's DEAL?!
>How does Noctis/FFXV compare to other FF protags/games
>WTF was that story? And why is the gameplay is holding one button?!

That's all the subjects we need.

>>Gladio's a dick
He was objectively right tho

Well you could tell me your hopes and dreams, user.

I'm all ears.

Or we could speculate on the DLC/the lore that hasn't been translated.

Again, let's not.

>Prompto's SUUPER gay and needs the dick


Oh right I forgot that one
>They cut content from the game and are selling it as DLC! The jews

We at least know when they happen


where to fight duplicorns and get the items cid needs for the ultima blade?


Basically a rehashed Midgardsormr but still cool.

Lets talk about something completely different and original!

Vote for best girl

Weren't there Duplicorns running amok in Cleigne?
Yeah but that could have covered those gaps a lot better.

You're a lucky bastard. I wish she did it for this picture for me.

I can't choose.

>Ya'll brace yerselves fer power!

Aranea > Gentiana > Iris = Cidney > Prompto > Lunafreya < Chocobo chick from Episode Duscae



He always sounds like he has the biggest glob of phlegm in this throat when he says that.
No Crowe?

Why does everybody always hate Lunafreya

Do "the last spiracorn" hunt from Old Lestallum, save just outside of the hunt area and keep reloading until it drops. Remember you need Sturdy horns and not Crooked ones.

There can be only one crow



Are you saying they should have been in game?
That wouldn't make any sense as it would mean you play as a different character and the gameplay revolves around Noctis being the player character. It could be done in the older games since they were rpgs and not arpgs.
And companies always have content that isn't the main story sold as DLC (at least 99% of the time).

Because she didn't do anything worth of affection, she was my main girl before release but the game didn't do justice to her at all

prompto loves those hot grandpas

She saved the world
is saving the world unworthy of affection

user, no

you can't go back to those days

Because she's such a nonfactor in the game.
No, I'm saying that the build up to the gap could have been better. Gladio practially goes,"Hey guys, I gotta go for a bit. I'll see ya, when I see ya".

Your post seems oddly defensive.

It's too late user
Post your favorite theme.

Aranea sat on my back, Iris chocobo raced with me, Cidney fixed my car, Gentiana poses to my photos, those are worth a lot more than saving the world

Why does he like taking pictures of me getting on the chocobo? I've gotten like a dozen of these.


All of Yoko's Piano Collections are great.

If I stare long enough, it LOOKS like Cidney's boobs jiggle.

Gotta love when Noctis turns out to be right about the vegetables.
>Ignis: Honestly, it's incredible how powerful you're becoming.
>Noctis: Must be my great diet.
>Ignis: The one with no vitamins or nutrients in it?
>Noctis: The very same.

how do you post these images from ps4?

>Hey guys, I gotta go for a bit. I'll see ya, when I see ya

That was weird, especially when you can see how much more smoothly they set up Ignis and Prompto's side stories.

Ignis looks like it'll show how he ended up blind in Altissia and Prompto will be what happened after he got knocked off the train.

It was super weird seeing Gladio's just being "peace out guys"

gentiana is also a one-woman harem

Save with share and transfer with a pendrive
Alternatively share it to Facebook or Twitter and save from there

That's what my issue was and what I mean by the could have covered that better.

Absolutely fucking incredible pieces.

In my game Prompto loves taking photos of Noctis picking shit from the ground. He literally takes at least two shots of that every time I explore.

So after playing through this, do you have hope for FF7r?

>after that mess of a closing the game had a perfect ending
Everything from Insomnia until the final scene was 10/10, kind of wish they explained that they had to throw Versus XIII in the garbage bin to give this current version we had a year more in development.


Depends what the dlc is on. If we find out Glauca is still alive and Gladio's taking revenge it might make sense why it's so sudden or something. I'm not saying that WILL happen.

puny like yours

Paid DLC's Key of Prosperity Accessory helps. A LOT

No, mainly because of the episodic shit and the fact that it won't play like FFVII. I enjoyed XV a lot, but VII needs to be VII.

Gladio's DLC includes Gilgamesh so you can kind of see how that's gonna go.

>Depends what the dlc is on

He's fighting Gilgamesh strangely enough.

Everyone's body language in that scene is so evocative. Say what you want, but you can't deny that FFXV had personality.

Quicker way is if you have the messaging app on your phone, send the images to someone you know and then save from the messaging app :)


Maybe that's why it's been so fun to talk about.


You read right, nigga.

it had personality in all the places someone making a straight shot through the story would never see