>play a game on steam
>find somebody with an anime avatar
>username: fukboi :3 PLS GIVE ME FREE GAMES
Play a game on steam
Other urls found in this thread:
>play a game on steam
>find somebody with a long nickname
>play a game on steam
>be unnoticed forever
haha that will show them
>Add someone from Sup Forums to play some obscure game
>She is some broken and crazy fuck
>9 years on Steam
>58 friends
>mostly added randomly
>no homos
>no erpers
>no furries
>no ponies
>no guys pretending to be girls
>no beggars
>some slight weebs (anime avatars, but not cute girls/cropped porn/gay shit/anything edgy)
Does this shit only happens on Sup Forums or am I extremely lucky?
>have this steam friend that I absolutely loved playing TF2 with
>Last online: 4 years ago
I fucking miss you lad
>add a guy from steamgaythreads
>he doesn't talk to me
>Being such a boring fuck even the most attention craving boyslut ignore you
Man I wouldn't want to be you.
i don't think it was a boyslut senpai, he just really wanted my steamid for some reason
Thanks, doc.
Don't be mean, I'm sure user is plenty interesting.
And I'm sure if he was he'd have friends.
Alas the only thing he received fro Christmas was some spam on his cellphone.
I'd add him and talk to him all day long.
the other user is right tho, i am boring
that guy who added me said similar stuff
Well if you value your time so little do so.
Take good care of him
why the fuck is it that every time there is a steam thread, there is always avatar fags
its natural state of things
Why don't you just post your Steam id and we'll see about that?
i don't want to post it here
You are so new it hurts to see
please add me..
i know you, i've seen your lewds uwu
i don't play multiplayer tho and i'm really beta
thanks for the boner in my heart.
I find the super lonely and super clingy people on steam friend threads really fascinating from an observation perspective, I've added a few of them and they actually seems like pretty cool dudes despite how they describe themselves
I added a furry once to broaden my mind and it was a horrible mistake, I see why people don't like them
>I see why people don't like them
because i don't get the hate
What happened? Did he totally sperg out and go full animal mode?
I added this one dude who barely played multiplayer games and literally was afraid to use voice chat. I finally coaxed him into doing it and it actually helped him break the phobia.
I hope he's doing better now
>find somebody with an anime avatar
That's not how you play games
Just cancerous ADHD autism that got on my nerves in about 10 seconds, and I have a weeb friend so my tolerance is high. They genuinely need therapy in my opinion, they can't stop attention seeking.
>This thread is one sad weeb having a conversation with himself
>on Sup Forums
>doesn't hate furries
>play something like cs:go
>press tab
>see someone with anime avatar
Just generally being insufferable, he did growl once or twice. Not making that mistake again kek
Not really
Just add me you baka.
>this whole board is one schizophrenic, bipolar bisexual having a conversation with himself
>He literally went animal mode
Hilarious, I wan a find someone like that just to see for myself what kind of autism lurks among us
>they can't stop attention seeking
tfw i'm the opposite
That's a lot better though, people may not notice you but they won't despise you
>tfw no steam bf
Just try adding furries in threads like this and you'll find someone
Alright, guess I'll see if a thread pops up later then go autism hunting
Oh what fun that'll be
You're just as bad, normalfag.
if we'd get along i'd get attached
if we won't you'll be another dissappointed person and move on, but it won't be that easy for me
>assmad furfaggot
i don't like being ignored tho
>kek is now no longer acceptable here
>he did growl once or twice
I'm friends with furfags and they seem relatively normal so I guess I just got really lucky.
How can you find these broken people?
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
>any year
I bet you used 2bh in any scope and thought it was acceptable as well
Then just talk to people, practise around town if you have anxiety. No matter how much you botch it in public you probably won't see those people again so you'll be better trained for your friends
>furfag getting this riled
The furfag defence force has arrived
i hate smalltalk, it's just awkward, because i have to fake being interested
>literally identifies themself over an animal fetish
>not broken
If it's any consolation user, I know that feeling well. Now add me.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not defending them. I'm just wondering where people find these socially defunct rejects.
Like a lot of things in life you just have to force it if you want to get better at it. Talk about something you are interested in to people on the bus or something, they might think your a bit odd but if you're friendly they'll respond well
>You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
yiff in hell you freaky cunt
you know how shitty it is and still want to feel it again? why
it's harder than it sounds
I know but if you literally just force yourself then you'll get more comfortable. Some irish guy talked about gardening to me for half an hour when the train broke down once out of the blue and I only had a good impression. Your mind way overreacts to the reality of things
>tfw no bear bf
think he means like a muscular hairy guy
>Be muscular hairy guy
>Get hit on by homos all the time
It's awful frankly.
You value the weight of that disappointment way too high. Disappointment is part of life as well.
>Disappointment is part of life as well
i don't want it to be
>66 replies
>19 posters
That is some heavy samefagging. Have you nothing better to do with your life op?
Well then you'll never get anywhere. Nobody who ever had massive success didn't fail a lot on the way
oh well
Honestly if anything it gives me an excuse to marathon the entire Initial D series, that shit makes me feel good no matter what mood I'm in.
Add me already.
Don't look at me. I only posted 2 times in this thread.
Not him but I'll add you
I had a friend that I would play Battlefield with on Xbox360. We grew apart after he got a gf.
>tfw user doesn't add you
What is life without taking chances?
why is it so important user? there are other more interesting people here, my life is boring as shit
>tfw no hairy bf
Am I the only one who has a pony avatar just to trigger the 12 year old "anti-bronies"?
Of course I love my horse waifu, pinkie pie too but its mainly to get that sweet salt
You are the faggot of the group, then
Iunno, I just want to brighten people's days.
Gimme a chance, I'm sure I can find us something to talk about.
You guys sound pretty desperate.
Should we hug?
Do whatever you like, as long as it doesn't involve me.
>tfw no chance for threeway
Welcome to life user, faking interest and kissing ass were the two most useful things I learned in school.
i didn't care enough to learn it
>He adds people with a steam level below 30
>caring about steam levels
>Being poor
Oh, eh thanks doc.
>being stupid
>buying backgrounds and steam badges
rich and stupid > poor and smart
>again, caring about steam levels
>Being internet friends with people that have jobs
The fuck? Do you like losing in multiplayer games?
You're a braver man than I. Also good taste
>tfw i dont have to pretend to be a girl on the internet because i have a girlfriend who loves me
feels good
normalfags get out