This is the best Star Wars game.
This is the best Star Wars game
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Was playing the first one and Shadows of the Empire today.
Dat 3rd mission on Rogue Suadron was tough as nails, but Shadows of the Empire was tough as nails from level 1.
Dat horrible speeder controls and horrible 3rd person character controls in the 2nd level.
>Only for Nintendo GameCube
what happened to Nintendo having good third-party support
best SW game
>best song
>The wii happened
i see you also watch vinesauce
No I went to see rogue one today and HAD to play it again.
Who's vinesauce?
>there will never be a Star Wars Grand Strategy game in which you take over the galaxy as Thrawn
I was playing SOE on PC, and controls were fine. N64?
Yeah, N64.
All N64 games age bad in controls. Try the PC version works on newer system. I'm runing it on windows 10.
muh nyga
If its so great why is nobody playing it anymore?
All i can see is people nostalgiafapping over it.
If Halo 2 is the best game in the series, why does anyone bother playing Halo 5?
>It's Age of Empires II but even more fun
What the fuck are you talking about?
That's not the original Battlefront.
Wrong reply buddy.