>It has been 1 days since Chris begged for money.
>It has been 437 days since Chris worked on his paid obligations to make new Sonichu content.
>It has been 1 days since Chris begged for money.
>It has been 437 days since Chris worked on his paid obligations to make new Sonichu content.
How long until his vagina kills him?
Did you just assume her gender? She is a beautiful woman you sexist shitlord.
Is Chris aware of copyright laws?
the guy believed that Myamoto and Reggie were inviting him to Redmond. Take a wild guess
I don't think Chris is able to die.
is chris aware at all?
>1 day
He recently e-begged?
tl;dr: He knows they exist, but not much else.
>DON'T CALL ANYBODY was at the exact same mall where he just won 20 years earlier
Meme magic and autism sustain his body
According to Bob, the Chandlers' Cherokian blood increases their vitality. It's why Bob claimed to have lived as long as he did.
check his fb
Well that's bound to happen if you never leave your hometown in Bumfuck Nowhere, Burgerstan
Trolls convinced him they were Reggie and Minamoto and they wanted a game series about Sonichu.
Chris was literally preparing to fly all the way to Washington to meet them but if I remember correctly the trolls realized they were about to send an autistic man to the other side of the continent and that if something happened to him they'd probably feel bad about so they reneged on the "offer" and spent a few days shitting on him while still pretending to be from Nintendo and telling him he'd never make it.
there you go newfriend :
you probably have to read up on the characters and chris himself first before you can even understand what's going on
If I recall, I thought that he was too cheap to buy the ticket and begged to have the flight taken care of for him.
I remember him begging for money in one of the Reggie emails, but I'll have to check to be sure.
I recently read all the Reggie and Miyamoto emails from 2008. They basically never stopped trolling him, Chris demanded that they either send him 800$ or the plane tickets for his mother and him because he could not pay for the trip.
Chris then realized that Miyamoto is probably a troll, but luckily Reggie stepped in to set things straight. In the end they lost contact.
Until the end, Chris was trying to assure Mr. Miyamoto and Reggie that he is indeed trying to make the trip. He even sent them a CD with a powerpoint presentation and made a youtube vid to prove his identity to Miyamoto
He should just play videogames for a living. That animal crossing video is amazing.
I'm sure CWC won't survive 2017.
Holy shit the more I learn about this monstrosity the more funny it gets.
He fucking dug up his dog and wore her leftover fur like a coat
Easily his best work. It's pure, condensed Chris.
What? Sauce?
This is a man that was paid 1000 to start drawing sonichu again
I doubt hell put much effort into making youtube pennies
>a woman sucked him off and let him fuck her while you remain a hugless, kissless, virgin
Why live
>chris will one day be completely alone in the world
what will happen?
Nice video game discussion you fucking faggots
Court mandated group home.
He either just dies or is put to a retard house. He is completely unable to maintain a household.
He seriously should be put in some mental institution
Literally pay to win.
It was Meghan who took his v card
stop lying
Does chris prefer male or female pronouns? I know he has a "lesbian soul" but does he recognize his male body?
That's metal as brutal.
>Guy known for making Vidya related content
>Not vidya
What are some games that have thirst/hunger mechanics?
Stop jesting, user. A true Christorian would know it was none another than the illustrious Mia Hamm who did the deed.
He prefers female pronouns when he's around women because he thinks there's a higher probability that women will want to have lesbian sex with him
Posting an autistic dudes comics isnt video game discussion, nor is it related. Go back to kiwifarms.
>CWC is one of the very first Lets Player's.
>CWC was one of the first Bronies(before the recent invention of the term)
CWC is like Bill from king of the hill, he knows where the next autistic obsession will go before it happens.
One of his Facebook friends convinced him to see a doctor
kek'd pretty hard
Chris is gonna have a group of investors follow him around
Sorry, user. Traps and porn threads are a-okay, but Chris-chan is unacceptable.
It's obvious Chris ham was lying, there's no way in hell a doctor looked at his "vagina" and say it's healthy
Movie/extended documentary when
fuck theres a CWC wiki i cant believe it
thank you for the 15 minutes of entertainment
>it's been zero (0) days since OP's been reposting threads
>not thinking his vagina is healthy and just as good as a woman's
This is why you didn't get into medical school user
Yes, but not how they work.
Sonichu could potentially exist as a parody under fair use however many Pokemon and Sonic characters actually appear in his comic which he has sold for profit which makes it blatantly infringing.
The only reason Sega or Nintendo don't CnD is because it's just not worth the effort.
its has 6000+ articles...
Video game culture, now shut the fuck up.
What's stoping CWC from choping his dick off?
>Chris-Chan was "with her" and hates President Trump.
Can Chris get any more pathetic?
People donate to him large sums of money because their idiots, he will spend even more since barb isn't there to handle bills.Either someone has to step in to take care of him or he'll spend last days of his life surrounded by legos and dead/rabid pets as utilities in his house get cut off one by one.
Yes, but he'd have to regurgitate Sup Forums memes for that to happen.
Is the love quest still going?
He could try to go on a shooting spree and die before killing anyone.
Friendly reminder that Chris-Chan is "Now on mental force to be down with the CWCki."
where to download his "private" videos?
Medfag here, its scientifically impossible to become the opposite sex.
They sell you the illusion then get royalty by selling you the pills.
Its a scam.
Good night.
He tweeted an InfoWars article that featured him making death threats to Trump.
someone clearly doesn't know about binaural beats hynosis to convert penis into vagina
You're gonna be there for a while
>You're flying across the country.
>This sits down next to you.
What do you do?
>he doesn't browse Sup Forums
>Cop tells him he's going down
>"The only thing down is the floor"
>These will be Chris's last words
People like him get put into "group homes."
I don't think he'd even die, probably he'd get arrested and subdued before he can get any damage done.
Stop huffing hentai man... just step away from the naked drawings.
Chris goes way past you getting out of Elementary School, fuck up
Immediately claim his armrest and manspread to establish dominance. Take the window seat because I know I can hold my bladder for 6 hours and want to minimize any physical contact.
> Chris-Chan had a literal evil doppelganger named Liquid Chris.
> Constantly on a quest to take back what he thinks belongs to him.
> Chris-Chan is literally using self hypnosis to reinforce an alternate persona.
His life is a reenactment of Metal Gear where he's playing most of the characters.
>hmm, could chris chan be another elaborate kojima ruse?
>where he's playing most of the characters.
So Metal Gear?
Reply to this post or Barb dies in her sleep tonight
No that is what Chris believes happened to him
no (you) for (you)
please let this happen
Every fucking time
>Implying I don't want that to happen
Snorlax needs some rest.
Has his mom died yet?
Neighbors will call the police because of a bad smell and loud crying coming from inside Chris' house. When the police arrive, they will find a naked Chris wearing the skull of his mom like a Cubone. His last moments of freedom will be spent getting tased by the officers after lunging at them with the femur of his dead mom.
Sit in the bathroom the entire flight. It probably smells better and sitting next to Chris that long is worse punishment than having to hold your shit in for a few hours.
Chris complained about not getting pancakes because his aunt died, he will most likely "cry" because that's what people in movies do.
What order are you supposed to read this in?
The thing that's still walking around is her corpse being puppeteered by the mass of larvae that Chris-Chan laid in her when he forcibly took her.
I firmly believe Chris started the transsexual fad too.