ITT: Superheros who deserve their own game
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>discount Batman
If you're gonna make a game based on a Batman-like character, why not Terry?
Cyberpunk Batman Game
Superman. It has to be in a dystopian world full of robots or aliens so you have to fight and hide sometimes, even travel to other planets flying, getting your powers "back" just like a Metroid game. Once you restore the world you fight mecha Luthor
"Let's post the only shit V approves instead of thinking of something"
This is the only thing I hate from Sup Forums. I even don't care for the constant hate and spoilers everywhere
Open world Dredd game when?
I'd play the fuck out of a Batman Beyond game.
How would you put boss battles in an OW game?
>discount Batman
Nightwing is better than Batman though, as in he has an actual personality in all of his runs
>make a boss
>put it somewhere in the world
wow that was hard
This man gets it. Terry is in an interesting setting far enough away to keep the same batman without the same Fucking story line and moves. You can get more creative without losing the core reason for being a batman game.
Night wing is a second favorite, but really he's just "I fuck bitches and help out when batman needs a second pair of hands.". Also night wing went full normal CIA didn't he? I love comics but at universes and shit really make keeping up a pain if your not on top of the latest shit.
Superheroes don't deserve shit
That way it would had no impact. If regular enemies get to where it is it would be atrocious. And that also mean you could walk away from the boss
I imagine an open world Dredd game would literally just be The Division.
Like, you could slap a 2000AD skin on that, add some actually interesting missions and stuff, and it'd work perfectly.
Be more interesting than what it actually was, at least.
Should take place in a megastructure like the movie
>And that also mean you could walk away from the boss
That's how open-world games tend to work, yeah. You take on what you want, when you want.
>put it in a dungeon
>"Why don't we use our amazing powers / technology to improve society as a whole so crime eventually disappear instead of just punching bank robbers?"
>"Why we keep sending insanely dangerous, monstrous supercriminals to jail instead of just killing them when they escape all the time, and every escape means that thousands of people will get killed?"
Superheroes a shit
To be fair, I don't really know Sup Forums's tastes in cartoons, mostly because there's the impression that Sup Forums dislikes Sup Forums and vice versa since the most vocal of it's posters have different opinions
It's an older/original cartoon and idea, so you don't need to worry too hard about comics and stuff, and you have a lot of potential fun with the setting and ideas.
Why not a teen titans game
Actually lots of superheros kill the occasional villain, it's mainly just Batman that's so autistic about it.
As long as it's not based on the 2003 cartoon I'm good.
I think that's the point. Batman is pretty fucked up and neurotic. It's touched alot in the comics: he's got problems that only make him a hairline away from an insane assassun, and if he crosses that line he dosnt know if he could stop himself.
Also Bruce Wayne does actually use his tech to help the world, funding and R&D on alot of charity cases and reliefe efforts. Problem is he's the only one doing it for people and not money. Makes enemies politically, ect.
>Green Lantern game never
There's no solution for that. If you ever read a comic you knew they always think about it but giving the right to choose who is able to live or die had never resolved anything. For a perfect example, just read Superior Spiderman. Even if you don't agree with me you will have a great time reading it
Based Flash
The Legion is the greatest superhero team, but the technology to give them the game they deserve isn't quite here yet.
I want a Sinister Six game where you actually play as the villains. The fact that we've never gotten a decent playable Doctor Octopus outside of the Lego games is criminal.
Superman Returns was okay.
Well, your reasons are good and I even love the idea, but holy shit, whenever V talks about a superhero game "wish" they say Cyberpunk Batman Beyond
Didn't mean to quote
Sandman cameo in Assassins Creed when?
Have a more stealth/investigation focused game where you use shapeshifting and psionics to track down and apprehend assorted baddies.
You even could make it coop, and have Superman join in.
>Open world
>instead of chapters being based on case arcs
10 years in a cube
>Non indicative name Comics presents:
>The Assholes (tm)
>the mightiest superhero team
>Flying man who punches hard
>Strong woman who needs no man
>Normal man with a fuckton of guns
>Robot man and his gimmicks
>Floating asshole who's not even human, has white pupils and talks in riddles
>Magic man who's for all intends and purposes a filthy hippy
>This time The Assholes will face their biggest challenge yet: The Assholes from paralell universe 35923984178934891274789123478910-Gamma are invading! One billion civilians dead on every page!
Superhero teams a shit
I couldn't never play the Gamecube one. It looked cool on magazines
Were there any good Punisher games?
The PS2 one is pretty alright.
There WAS a Green Lantern game. youtube.com
>playing anyone other than Floating asshole who's not even human, has white pupils and talks in riddles
Is hard to "Sup Forums" when you are on the phone... I can't even see webms
Guild Wars 1 already did that with Kaineng City.
>tfw still no X-Mansion dating sim
that game looks heinous, and I'm saying this as someone who thought the movie was alright
>>Robot man and his gimmicks
I'd play a game with Machine Man.
>le I'm so jaded I never leave my house and friends are for normie chads and dudebros xD
rogue-like by Oni is probably going to end up like that
>dragging your PC into the bathroom just to post on Sup Forums while taking a shit
Nextwave game when.
Maximum edge + a variety of ways to combat baddies = a good time.
>being so addicted to Sup Forums you have to have it wherever you go and can't put it down for five minutes
This could easily be a Darksiders type game.
>Dredd was pure kino
>Normies hate it and it was advertised shittily
>Never getting a sequel
Life is suffering