Game has outdated memes

>game has outdated memes

Every fucking time

Other urls found in this thread:

The game is set in 2010.

shut up, it was outdated in 2010

Put the gun down or Imma have to fir mah lazor you gay boy.

>having a smartphone

>having a smartphone
Yes? What's wrong here? Fucking everyone had an iPhone 3GS.

to be fair that is what daru would say regardless of era

I know fucking nothing about whatever this is but that Daru guy sounds cool

Is the sequel set in 2015 going to be full of frogposting?

They already had legit frogposting in 0

The 2010 one already has frogposting in it.




frogposting has been around for like a decade

he's pretty cool.
he's also a total bro.

It was probably some 2chan meme the localizers fucking butchered. They removed half the mentions of Okabe being a chuuni.

Are Japanese shaman girls an outdated meme yet?

English PC version when

They'll never be outdated.

looks fucking rad

Normies are exposed to memes a few years after they die, that's why this happens

japanese shaman girls are never outdated.
until Okabe shows them to Leskinen at least

Memes are outdated by default.

How do you localize this term?

I'm pretty sure he actually does say "Legal loli" in a later scene

there is a translation for the japanese pc version

Dude is the actual hero of the story but nobody acknowledges it
He could only be more heroic if he was the MC

You don't

You don't. There's a "Chuunibyou" description in the tips.

>pic related

Suzuha a cute! CUTE!!

Someone ported the english translation from the console version to the PC version.

He does, the guy you're replying to is retarded

Edgy tryhard. Seriously though, I'm not sure if there's a good way to translate it outside of saying that someone's being delusional or acting like a middle schooler.

At least Zero's translation isn't as bad as the official subs the anime got, where they replaced 2chan memes with fucking leetspeak

Occasional pepe reaction images != frogposting

Daru is a loser.

that's wrong


go back to chris


Blow up and die



Who's the biggest memelord in S;G?

>acting like a middle schooler
That's literally what it is seeing as it's fucking "eighth grader syndrome".

Also the subs weren't great but at least they weren't the goddamn dub. Fuck I can't believe all the praise it gets. Sure, the voice acting isn't bad (though the Jap VA is absolutely fucking brilliant so obviously by comparison it's nothing) but the script. Man the script is just so fucking butchered.

daru or kurisu imo

>You will never make that cake smile with the power of your dick

Kurisu is hardcore lowkey frogposter but Daru is blatant and unabashed. Tough call.

Okabe by far.

You know it's true.

it's a fucking VN not a game


he's finnish so it would make sense

Obviously all the brainwashing and torture was to extrapolate all those memes from Okabe's memey little chuuni head.

She who controls Akiba controls the memes.

>mfw after reading s;g, nullpo is a real meme in 2ch
>there's even a jp wikipedia article

Everyone with AIDS! haha.

>this normalfag
>a memelord

Dumb frogposter.

Feels good man doesn't count.

aren't they all memelords

Anyone care to translate?

kurisu is a hentai

Every meme gets outdated in a few months and that is way they should never be in games.

He's a failed normalfag, get it right.

I'm going to be honest,Okabe looks really hot in Zero.

The only thing the script butchers are the fucking memes, which the subs butcher too.

I don't understand why no one just substituted in Sup Forums memes, but I guess everyone assumed no one would get them (and admittedly, most of S;G's fans seem to be MAL/Reddit tier plebs).

For the most part it makes the dialogue sound more natural tho.

Also the Cake is a Lie insert wasn't bad.

Okabe has always been handsome, the lab coat just makes him look dumb

Estimate Mayuri's IQ.

Who is this

izz Genie
Baby Batter Bringer
Cum Caresser
Lovegoo Lass
Sperm Summoner
Ejaculate Empress
Mayonnaise Maiden
Jizz Jockey
Spunk Monk
Sperm Worm
Sodomy Sentinel
Penile Perpetrator
Erection Confection
Salami Tsunami
Boner Condoner
Urethral Umpire
Wang Wizard
Knackers Knight
Prick Pirate
Dong Dominator
Cock Khan
Stiffy Sultan
Sausage Sergeant
Middle Leg Major
Pole Privateer
Shaft Specialist
Pecker Prodigy
Boner Benefactor
Baloney Poney Behemoth
Dick Juice Masseuse
Tallywhacker Smacker
Man Muscle Steam Shovel
Baby Batter Bladder
Willy Ghillie
Butt Hut
Glans Fans
Spooge Scrooge
Ejaculate Advocate
Skeet Treat
Wang Wrangler
Jism Prism
Smegma Savant
Anal Aficionado
Testicular Temptress
Spunk Trunk
Nut Slut
Cum Chum
Testicle Vestibule
Dick Duchess
Cock Sock
Testicle Tamer
Cock Clairvoyant
Scrotum Totem
Mattress Actress
Prostate Magistrate
Penis Machinist



>the lab coat just makes him look dumb
you mad, scientist?

Oh definitely,I'm just into suits.


>wanting to fug the dog

>gets along with people well
>can keep a consistent job
>very observant and notices small details
it's probably better than average honestly, people just assume her not understanding the science shit makes her dumb

Enough shitposting, Christina.

My cute little doggy.

There's a glossary for a reason. It was actually useful in S;G, Zero's was full of retarded shit everybody knows.

>I guess everyone assumed no one would get them
I don't know if whoever did the English script was even that aware of Sup Forums memes. Think about it. Most people actually familiar with the internet aren't aware of Sup Forums but of Reddit. It wasn't until the last three or so years that Sup Forums gained the kind of popularity it now has as opposed to the notoriety and infamy it had before.

No, the English script does not make the dialogue sound more natural. Not even a little. If anything it does the opposite, though it's not as bad as many other popular dubs.

Also no Cake is a Lie insert made in 2012 could possibly be considered "not bad", unless you're supposing that Okabe and the gang are meant to be dipshit Redditors in the English version.
Which, while ameliorating the use of a then-five-year-old joke, is also a very annoying and unnecessary change from the original.

>mfw I've accidently created something future gadget tier
>mfw I've become a mad scientist
It's a glow in the dark drinks coaster that can stick to walls. (no glue or anything)
Right now we're at 24 hours without it moving.

Is there any decent porn of her?


Which it kind of makes her, seeing as most of the science the cast actually discusses around Mayuri is not particularly complex or difficult.

Where are all the girls (male) at?

She's like over 20 you sick fuck

Fine by me. I do not even recognise memes.

You called?

you mean this?


Can I join your lab, user? I'll be your super hacka/code monkey.

>on Sup Forums and not on /x/
nice try

>If anything it does the opposite
You'll have to explain that one.

sounds good.
I got a shed we can hang out in.

If I give you a box of cheeseburgers and an infinite supply of Dr. Pepper can you crack a top security government database with the old piece of shit PC I found in my dad's garage?

Fuck I should have played this game sooner, im too late for Leskinen memes.

Is it actually stated if he has just some finnish immigrant ancestors or if he's actually from Finland

Cant wait to see you on shark tank


>tfw lab mem 002