I play Darksteel Citadel, tapping it for 1 and cast Springleaf Drum, then I cast Mox Opal, two Ornithopters...

I play Darksteel Citadel, tapping it for 1 and cast Springleaf Drum, then I cast Mox Opal, two Ornithopters, and Welding Jar. I use Drum's ability tapping an Ornithopter, tap Opal, and cast Arcbound Ravager.

Your turn, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Exile three simian spirit guides, cast Ensnaring Bridge. Play a land and cast Mox opal and Lantern of insight

america is like kird ape, it always swings for 2

lightning bolt 3 damage

>Playing modern


>two Ornithopters
I only play commander

Ding dong ding dong!

It's time to play the superior card game!

olivia is for 1v1, rakdos for dickery, meren and saskia for fun
karlov pisses my friends off so I don't play him very much anymore
not sure what kind of zurgo deck I'm going to build yet

let me grab my younger brother he actually plays this game at like a pro level

I too agree that HEX is better.

This on duel commander. Never really fond a commander I liked for multiplayer, especially when control is not a viable path.

Alright OP

>dark ritual
>entomb Griselbrand
>reanimate Griselbrand

You have no hand size. Get fucked modernfag.

I wish I could into this game but I can't stomach moeshit anymore


very versatile commander, I wish my buddy who has that precon would make something neat out of it

why doesn't someone make a normie mod for shadowverse

just replace all images with western vidya woman and epic meme qoutes for the cards boom.

All these aether revolt spoilers are dumping out goodstuff for her

Just made a new deck with this one. The card advantage is real but she's not threatening enough in multiplayer for people to really waste resources on.

I already began play with Gemstone Caverns, used my Simian Spirit Guide for R, tapped Gemstone Caverns for U
>UR Floating
Cast Flash
Put Protean Hulk into play
Don't pay additional for Protean Hulk
Search deck for 4 disciple of the vault and 4 copies of Phyrexian Marauder, Shifting Wall and/or Hangarback Walker.
You lost before you got a turn.
I can even protect it with FoW


There was a dude on MTGO that dominated Player Run FFA with a Second Sunrise Krark Clan IronWorks deck into Earthquake or the split second uncounterable version.

Pissed everyone off because it took forever to combo.


Commander is a shit format

t. literal cuckold

>i spent $5000 buying japanese foils
>stop trying to win, let me combo, REEEEEEEE

Fuck off commanderfags.

What did he mean by this?

I call the judge because you played a bunch of cards without passing priority to me once, denying my right to react to your plays as dictated by the rules.

Git gud.

>using 0 mana counterspells on 0 mana artifacts

>Scrolled down to comment section


holy shit that was the worst block, I remember the skullclamp decks running shrapnel blasts with affinity creatures that cost 0 to play. matches were over in less than 5 turns

That was some serious gay shit

I bought a cheap commander deck because I wanted to start playing at the LGS every once in a while but that was months ago and I still haven't gone because of my social anxiety
wat do

>matches were over in less than 5 turns
Matches in Modern can be over by turn 2; in Legacy, by turn 1

they're all asocial aspies with no personal skills like you

Isn't the average win for most modern decks closer to turn 4 though?

At least the cards were cool and the storyline was still interesting.

More than you can say for anything the franchise has put out in the last decade.

I tap swamp for one, cast dark ritual, dark ritual, dark ritual, yawgmoth's bargain. I pay 15 life and draw 15 cards. I cast dark ritual, discard three lands to play three mox diamonds, play a lotus petal and use one black mana to play sol ring. I tap sol ring for two colorless and play vampiric tutor and search my library for innocent blood and cast it everyone sacrifices a creature. I cast cabal ritual and demonic tutor for Yawgmoth's will. I cast tendrils of agony. You lose 30 life, I gain 30 life and pay 15 life to draw 15 cards.

I play cabal ritual and tendrils. Your three friends take 20 damage each and I gain 60 life, nothing personnel.

No Hearthstone clone can ever be superior because Hearthstone is incredibly simplified and cut down no fun allowed rules. It's better than Hearthstone, but only because Hearthstone is made by Blizzard who wouldn't know balance if it jumped up and bit them in the face, and because SV is actually F2P instead of """"""""F2P"""""""

There aren't even fucking phases in the turns and you just have to sit and watch while it's your opponent's turn. There's no fun or spontaneity to the game mechanics, everything is extremely predictable, and 90% of the time if you're extremely behind nothing you topdeck will change the game much, you can't do fun shit like flood the board with tokens or gain a million life if people leave your deck unchecked, etc.

Top that off with the game giving a ridiculous advantage for going second and no, it doesn't even remotely compare to MTG, and that's coming from someone who stops to fap to the cards every game.

How do you get bitten by an abstract concept, and how would that help you to identify it more easily?

Is black the most nothing personell color?

It's definitely between it and blue.

Black is nothing personell
Blue is euphoric
Green is WATER & BREAD
White is Sup Forums
Red are underage b&

every card you play and every attack you make in hs or shadowverse is its own phase (and each of them has their own stack etc just like magic), mtg babbies are just too dumb to wrap their heads around something this complicated.

and allowing you to play on the enemy turn is precisely why Magic will never, EVER have a good digital client. it's simply designed in such a way that it can't work.

It's literally the edgelord color. The only way you can get more Hot Topic is by playing Black/Red and going full Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

>and allowing you to play on the enemy turn is precisely why Magic will never, EVER have a good digital client. it's simply designed in such a way that it can't work.
Except they've already programmed it to work just fine already.

user do you think you can win?

>hs/sv: click card, play card
F2: OK (same as clicking OK button)
F3: Removes all auto-yields and cancel previous pressed F4/F6/F8. (Can again be used when you do not have priority, or right click on the play area and select "Remove auto-yields", which is identically functional to F3.)
F4: Pass priority until something is on the stack (Yield until EOT as long as nothing happens). (Can again be used when you do not have priority.)
F5: Lets you briefly look at face-down cards you control.
F6: Pass priority for rest of turn no matter what happens (Yield until EOT no matter what happens (you still have to make decisions when required)). (Can again be used when you do not have priority.)
F7: Automatically place all untargeted triggers on the stack for the rest of the game if they allhave the same text. Removing auto-yields by right-clicking or pressing F3 will toggles back off.
F8: Turn off "bluffing" (Pass priority unless I can do something). This lasts UNTIL END OF GAME unless cancelled by F3. Good for multiplayer. For instance, you will normally get priority as long as you have a card in hand even if you're tapped out, because you might have a spell such as Pact of Negation. After activating F8, you would no longer receive priority in this situation (unless you actually *have* a PoN). (GR’s note: this won’t work if you have X activated abilities, since you can always activate those for 0)
F9 OR Alt+Y: Yes (same as clicking YES button)
F10 OR Alt+N: No (same as clicking NO button)
Alt+U: Undo, if possible.
Ctrl+announce spell/ability: Announce the spell or ability without automatically passing priority afterwards.

really makes you think
I wonder why nobody wants to play digital magic

In a couple years you'll be able to just use table top sim + vr.

>is its own phase (and each of them has their own stack etc just like magic), mtg babbies are just too dumb to wrap their heads around something this complicated.
It doesn't matter because there's no reacting to things. Yes, there is a stack. Its only function is QoL by allowing you to input actions while other actions are being carried out so turns can go by a bit quicker when you have it all planned out already. It's not like MTG where there is actual thought and attention required at all times rather than right at the beginning of your turn.
>MTG babbies are dumb
Yeah, they're dumb because they play a game that's actually complex rather than one that's overly simplified.
it is, objectively, not complicated at all compared to MTG, even modern MTG with the dumbed-down combat damage and stack interactions.

You can do that now.
No one wants to because VR sucks.

>dumbed-down combat damage and stack interactions
mad because he can't have a cake and sacrifice it too

Nah, I actually think that change was good, because it stopped stupid bullshit with cards like Sakura Tribe Elder without making them completely useless. It did however make the game less complex.

You can do it without vr and it works fine. I play tabletop war games in it every weekend.

I'm allowing time for it to improve in price, quality ,and comfort.

You know magic online is not the only digital version.

>I wonder why nobody wants to play digital magic
For similar reasons that nobody wants to play HS anymore: it will cost you an arm and a leg to get to the point that you can play with anyone unless you started playing MTGO/HS the moment they came out. That and most MTG players just play the physical game.

You're right though, no digital card game is that complex, which is why MTG is still a better game than HS and its clones. Fucking nobody would play a physical version of HS to the same extent that they play MTG.


>incorrect syntax

>upkeep phase
>life points
Why won't all weebs just off themselves? This is embarrassing

This got me good.
Naya burn fag here.

>they were actually thinking about bringing back affinity for artifacts during kaladesh

what the everloving fuck is wizards smoking

It hurts to read this. Stop making cards.

I cast lightning bolt on your end step.

Nothing good, apparently, since the only interesting cards in the set are the Inventions.

I play Intervention Pact.

Okay, then I play Boros charm on my Main phase.

I play a second Intervention Pact.

So we're just assuming in modern that you'd have 6 mana to pay on your upkeep?
Highly doubt it. You would've been dead to burn by now.

Plains, Path to Exile ravager, suspend Lotus Bloom, pass

I untap and play Angel's Grace.
On my upkeep I double my life to 16.

>Burn by now
user do you mean Mana burn?

No you don't, I played Rain of Gore

I would've countered it with Pact of Negation.

And I have 4 pacts of negation myself, plus my OWN angel's grace. Checkmate fuccboi, you can't out-counter me with pacts and you'll have jackshit against rain of core plundering your boyhole unless you have Angel's Grace every turn OR enchant removal, which I can simply counter.

I flip the table over.

but you're a poorfag therefore playing mono red

I see through your lies

YESSS kill them till they are dead

And you don't even have the Internet, so we're not having this argument right now.


If magic the gathering is so good, why does a mtg hall of famer mostly play Hearthstone

>rain of gore clearly R/B
>cast Boros charm before too
>implying it's not a UWR Kiln Feind deck with Cities of Brass and Mana Confluences to support silver bullet sideboard cards.


Because he got caught cheating and was banned from competitive MtG.

>a hall of famer
why do people who don't play mtg defend it so hard

Oh you meant Brian Kibler?
Sorry, I was only thinking of people that are still actually relevant that played both heartstone and mtg

what the fuck are you even saying anymore? Reynad was never relevant in mtg, he was a pauper player which isn't even a supported format outside of modo. Brian Kibler is actually a hall of famer so I don't know how that isn't as relevant as can be in mtg. He's also one of the most popular hearthstone players.

Reynad has never won a single hearthstone tournament either so I don't know how he is even relevant in the hearthstone scene.

what does Sup Forums think about the new set?

garbage combat-oriented set trying to appeal to hearthstone kiddies

Get rid of springleaf drum and replace it with Darksteel Ingot

Are Aether Revolt cards actually going to be worth anything now that Masterpieces exist?

Why is MtG so bad now? Innistrad wasnt that long ago, fuck even Khans was like two years ago

>how is the owner of one of the big brand name Hearthstone teams relevant to Hearthstone?
Face it, Kibler is a fucking no-name when people think of Hearthstone. Sorry I insulted your husbando and precious card game blizzdrone.

Dies to Push

Fatal Push might be worth a bit for an uncommon.
There's a few interesting cards that I could see being played in standard.
I've already got a combo in mind.

dude you didn't even know Kibler was a hall of famer and you thought Reynad was, how am I the blizzdrone?

I don't know what that means, but here's the rarest/strongest card I have in my Zombie deck

Zendikar killed Magic, the power creep is fucking insane

zendikar was the best magic set until they ruined it with eldrazi

You just won a card game and you are celebrating with your bros when a slugman photobombs you and starts humping your girl, what do you do?

I stopped at lorwynn. Should I come back?

>asks "If magic the gathering is so good, why does a mtg hall of famer mostly play Hearthstone"
>not a blizzdrone

I don't give a shit about competitive MtG so I didn't keep track of which players are Hall of Fame or not. You're still the shill trying to imply HS is better than MtG by saying ONE (1) irrelevant has-been jumped ship because he couldn't cut it anymore.

>I don't give a shit about competitive MtG
welp there you have it guys