>dude turns on your mic
Dude turns on your mic
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah that sounds spooky.
>smack crunch
why the fuck are you that self-conscious? no one gives a fuck what you sound like. communication is more important.
>some dude turns on my mic, again
>call the cops and get him out of my house
>get a restraining order
that easy
>decide to take more assertive role in game chat as team is struggling
>give orders and good feedback to strong players and advice to weaker players
>end up winning
>still get kicked for "being an obnoxious faggot"
fuck modern gaming culture
Stop posting, you obnoxious faggot.
Go to turn on mic. Accidently turn on vibrator.
>turn mic on
>talk to teammate, or whoever
>go about my day
It's nice not being on the spectrum.
what if shes a girl?
what an obnoxious faggot lmao
>HAHAHAH OMG user Is that really your voice?
>I can't dude, I have laryngitis
>my throat hurts.
dumb frogposter
Is this the ERP thread?
>'omg user are you a girl?!?'
Do you want it to be?
*unzips dick*
memes aside, are there actually people like op
You probably are a total cunt even if you don't realize it. Record a session sometime and show it to someone.
>microphone picks up your speakers
>too lazy to use headphones
>turn mic on without push to talk on anyway
How shitty of a voice do you have?
I have a thick southern accent, and not even I've heard that one.
I want /r9k/ to leave.
Fuck off.
I am
I so bad at talking with people I don't touch multiplayer games
you seem upset~
I'd suck a dick unironically Sup Forums
Volunteers? No homo
Yes, hurry up and start lewdposting so I can fap.
pls go
>talk bad english with horrible accent
>can't talk in spanish since all the games are fulled of brazilians monkeys
I'm doomed to be a mute beta
>give orders to strong players
no :3
I'm not an erpfag but I'd gladly help you jerk off user
>thick french accent
>can mask it into an american accent very easily
feels good man
And how are you going to do that?
>Dude turns on his mic
I don't know
Need a hand? No homo tho haha
Are you a cute anime girl?
>Mike turns on your dude
>your dude turns Mike on
>play online gaem
>join guild
>use chat only
>be a productive member
>everyone likes me
>few months later...
>everyone discussing battle plan
>turn on my mic and suggest something
>dead silence
>everyone ignores me and proceed with discussion
ok then...
>your voice turns the dude on
I found a streamer on Sup Forums and i was listening to him playing for like three days just because he had a REALLY cute voice
>In server for a while, just use text
>One day decide to hop in voice chat
>"Hi guys"
>"Holy shit is that user"
>"GUYS IT'S user"
>Voice chat is suddenly flooded with users
They're used to me now, but whenever I enter a new group I have to go through that again.
I heard /r9k/ started banning tranny erpfags too.
Where the gay shit at
Post more or kill the thread, I need to go to sleep
>sages shitty thread
Why does these threads have to turn into gay shit every fucking time?
Where the fuck is the lewd
>speak in voice chat
>"Dude, user, you sound like that movie announcer guy!"
>"Yeah he does! Yo user, do the 'In a world' speech!"
>"Come on, do it man!"
Why don't you fags just fuck off?
fucking prove it with a vocaroo faggot, I'm calling bluff
Allow me to clue you in: these threads are intended to be thinly veiled gay threads. If you're actually just too shy to talk on a mic and want a support group, then you're in the wrong thread.
You're right.
>hey guys everyone get on voice chat
>tfw you just want to listen to the sounds and music of the game instead of to other people playing it
>tfw the in-game text change works perfectly fine
>tfw when my deep voice, strong aussie accent and witty banter make me an asset to any voice chat
Sadly I dont own a mic
What do you sound like then?
Why don't you guys just have vocaroo threads again instead of this?
>turns on mic
a g-girl
Fuck you, I want to be able to make internet friends. They're easier than real life friends.
>Turn on mic
>Barely say anything
>"Wow you have a nice voice"
>Never speak again
t-thanks, I gu-guess
Can you just talk normally to your team mates? You guys are acting like it's a bad thing. They won't hurt you or anything.
>people who don't use push to talk
>listen to them eating and drinking
>hear fucking kids screaming in the background
Jesus fucking christ. Push to talk isn't for your sake, it is for other people.
Learn some fucking courtesy
H-here you go
I- I'm genuinely afraid they might figure out where i live and come to rape me
Are you saying you wouldnt like that?
Seriously though, I hate using mic. I really wish I didn't have such terrible issues with anxiety and self esteem because I'd like to talk to my teammates/friends. It doesn't help that I'm black and have memories of being ignored and called a nigger while I was just trying to communicate with the team
I wouldn't even rape you
>Turn on mic
>"Wow user you sound cute"
>"Can you send us a pic of yourself?"
I'm a man you whores