Name a better Grand Theft Auto
Name a better Grand Theft Auto
all of them
Vice City.
It's comfy.
Is the gta 4 expansion packs worth getting?
Both of them are WAY better than the base game, just much shorter.
I loved TLaD but it's a matter of taste, some people don't like it.
imo yes I like them both more than the main storyline
You can't be serious?
Did you even play previous GTAs or is it just your first one?
There's no way someone who played through GTA:SA and GTA:VC would think IV was better in any way.
I fell asleep like 30 minutes through GTA 3 and never went back. How do people even like this boring bullshit series.
The only people who still play this are 19 year old wiggers and black people. GTA is a fucking snooze fest.
Literally any other
Story wise? There are none. GTA IV has the best story.
Gameplay wise? GTA: SA was the most fun.
Overall? It's GTA: SA and then IV, then V, and then Vice City.
straight busta
Go back and play them, the gameplay of those games is fucking shit, shooting controls are ass. They have a nice atmosphere but going back to the shitty gunplay after playing IV and V is almost impossible
Name a worse protagonist.
Black people have better taste in vidya than white people.
The biker fag.
IV was one of the worst for the simple fact that they forced this "friends" system on you. I Don't give a fuck about any of these people, LEAVE ME ALONE! Especially you Brucey you lonely desparate pathetic roided out man. Stop fucking calling me every two minutes!
Tommy Vercetti
Those 3 faggots from GTA V
Motorcycle cuck
Black faggot
The only decent protagonists were:
Tony Ciprani
Jet Li
And the spic from TBoGT
I think I replayed SA twice since I last played IV. At least one and a half for sure.
The friend conversations while driving them around were some of the best parts of the game. I really miss that intimacy
Niko has the least personality ever and the worst background. "I keel, I come to Ameria to stop keel" two second later; "I keel everyone".
There was nothing even remotely interesting about Niko.
He came to the U.S. specifically to kill someone.
Did you even play the game?
>what is nuance
Packie and Little Jacob were the only ones I liked listening to.
Niko was a great protagonist, he's the only one in the series who feels guilt about the fact he's a disgusting criminal
Grove Street
And yet he keeps on doing it
>oh woe is me I've seen children die and I'm a awful person
>now watch me bang this prostitute and blow up a cop car with an RPG I bought from a Jamaican
How else is he supposed to earn money?
He's an illegal with no qualifications.
Also, you can tell that he starts becoming desensitised to what he's doing as the game goes on, which sets up his confrontation with Darko where he gets called a hypocrite.
Niko is definitely the most well-rounded of the GTA protagonists.
Red Dead Redemption
Or Saints Row 2
Or Watch Dogs 2
Yep, including both dlc.
Literally Roman has given him a job and a place to stay
It might not be a lot but he really had no reason to turn criminal other than get a shit ton of money to find Darko
Pretty much all of them bar the PSP ones and the GBA game.
It's got nothing to do with the fact that Niko gets dragged under due to Roman's debts.
Or the fact that Roman gets kidnapped and Niko has to work for Faustin to ensure Roman's safety.
Ballad of Gay Tony, sure. The other one is shit.
all GTA protagonists do that, they can't let go of the past and get dragged into crime by their friends/family, Niko isn't any worse
Wait, you can play videogames in jail?
Great taste user.
completely this, even GTA 1
I wanna play as a Mafioso again
Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City.
Beat the game yesterday for the first time.
Niko is a great protagonist and supporting cast is great as well.
While characterization and writing are good, the actual story is weak af and fails to crescendo properly. Mafia wars is an alright theme but it felt like nothing in GTA IV between all the bland mob bosses.
Doesn't help that the game is a chore to play while on foot and missions are repetitive. The missions that try to shake it up actually just rely on a frustrating unpolished gimmick.
It's still pretty great but worse than SA and VC.
Source: I re-played both last year.
SA > VC > IV > V > III
you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
2, 3-series, and 5.
Gee, that was so hard.
>Not enjoying Niko BTFO of Brucie. Not enjoying being with your cousin.
You make me violently ill.
The Lost and Damned wasn't that bad. It's worth it just for the main character to die in 5.
Where does GTA I and GTA II stand?
IV babbies on suicide watch.
No one cares. They're pretty good games, but no one below the age of 25 gives a shit.
He was making connections. That was the whole point of Niko doing jobs. He literally asks these people to help find 2 people in New York so he can get revenge. He's not even sure which guy sold him and his friends out.
Stop parroting shit Sup Forums says. You never even played IV. You're just spouting bullshit. If you did play the game and you still couldn't grasp something that was repeatedly plenty of times you have the attention span of a gnat.
Vice city, San andreas
I'm not going to bother. You're clearly not good at the game. DSP is probably a better gamer than you.
The only thing I liked about it was the soundtrack. Jonny sucks and the new bikes are just reskins. The gang mechanics are stupid and pointless.
GTA I is too bare bones and the driving is fucking unwieldy. GTA II is awesome.
Whats wrong with vercetti he was the fucking man. Always chill and in control
I agree with you
Niko for being a cold calculated bad ass, with a well developed backstory that you can easily miss out on if you dont hang out with friends and pay attention.
Tommy for being a real business man and always in control
CJ for being pretty cool but lower on the list due to him being a whinny bitch who gets bossed around by others
Vic, but probably one of the best in this tier due to being the first character with some pathos
Both DLC character's, luis is better than the biker
Michael because even though he was the best in 5 was still bland as shit
>Niko for being a cold calculated bad ass
Oh fuck off, he's a whiny bitch. 80% of the time he's bitching about how horrible his life is and how he's ruined and his feelings.
san andreas is much better
You're remembering it wrong.
Niko becomes very willing to commits crimes as long as the pay is good later on, to the point where he starts making deadpan one-liners whenever he kills people.
>You're remembering it wrong.
I'm not, he's whining the whole time. You're trying to change his story for the sake of your argument.
>no one fucks with my family
No he's not. I lierally just replayed the entire series. You're wrong.
Not really. It has aged like shit. Gameplay is awful.
He only complains about his his past during:
>the first few missions
>when he confronts Darko
>the last mission
>when he hangs out with friends (when relevant)
During every other mission, he's a no nonsense professional. Brucie remarks that fact and Niko himself says "I work for who pays".
By your logic any GTA protagonist who isn't Trevor is a bad protagonist. He's the only one perfectly in line with the behaviours of the average GTA player.
GTA V, the games progressively got better gameplay wise.
The only thing better in V compared to IV in terms of gameplay is how fluid it is. Things like gunplay, driving and mission design are all worse.
Replay it again, you appear to have a short attention span.
Lol ok user.
Gta5 is worse if only for the simple fact that they fucked up enemy reactions to being shot. They had that perfect in 4.