Sakurai seems to have the perfect life:
Sakurai just plays videogames and develops videogames all day every day
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Developing video game is not fun.
mass a hero sock her eye
He's the director. He's the ideas guy. He doesn't do the monkey work.
Yeah he's a game otaku, like Hideki Kamiya, these guys will just die playing vidya, hopefully developing them as well.
>that one time Sakurai bought 2 vita TVs because he forgot he already had one
>He's the ideas guy.
No, you're stupid. Ideas are worth nothing.
thats the same life I have, except im not controlled by Nintendo and can make the games i want
Have you ever made a game?
>all that autism storing games and how he explains that 3DS and Gamecube games don't follow a chronological release order because he separated 1st party for Smash references
I love Sakurai.
Fucking retard
>perfect life
>is a massive FE fag
pick one
yes, several
Lmao they didn't show any WiiU titles he owned.
He seems to own quite a bit of ps4 games for a system with no games, though.
Any I've heard of?
>cartridges don't last forever
>ROM's don't last forever
>that's why i buy VC
Virtual Console uses ROMs
but user, why would sakurai ever be wrong
They corrode and fuck up if you don't store them correctly or clean them regularly. My N64 cartridges have gone a bit wonky and the saves from some of them got wiped.
>controlled by Nintendo
Sakurai founded Sora which is a 3rd party company. He is not controlled by Nintendo, he is only making business with them.
>Worked part time at a games shop to see how customers feel about games
Certainly a strange man
He is a fucking freak.
Now that Miyamoto is exposed and Iwata is gone, He the only one at Nintendo I still sorda have faith in.
He's not at nintendo. He just has a good relationship with them.
Now that Iwata is dead, that relationship is probably not as good as what it was.
Interesting that he had call of duty and Destiny
From what it says there, it seems like he plays what is popular to get an idea of what consumers might be looking for.
>Now that Iwata is dead, that relationship is probably not as good as what it was.
Iwata was ultra charismatic, for a Japanese game developer.
I mean, look at the new president, I doubt half as many deals are going through without Iwata.
I meant more because they were friends. They used to work together at HAL.
>he doesn't do the monkey work
Well not directly but has ro supervise all the shit.
The ammount of pressure and complexity of a game like Smash must be just devastating.
>fucking retard
>he has two kid icarus uprising carts in his 3ds collection
Sakurai probably still has respect for Nintendo but it'll take a lot of convincing to get him to work on Smash 5
Doesn't Nintendo own a huge part of Sora?
It's like saying that The Pokémon Company only has a good relationship with Nintendo
If they say they're making it with or without him then he'll do it. He can't stand the thought of someone else taking over.
Not that I know of. That said, they've only put out games on Nintendo consoles. Or did meteos get a mobile release?
The difference being you have no talent or money.
Sora's not even around anymore. It closed down shortly after Kid Icarus Uprising released. That's why he made Smash 4 with Bandai Namco.
>Sakurai is keen to waste no time when he starts a new project
This is why I know if he works on smash 5, his project at the moment will not cut into it. Unless that project is actually 5.
One of the great devs left, no matter what people say, when he retires nintendo will never be the same
Just the smash hit genital jousting
Nevermind, I suck at info. Sora Ltd is still around, but the subsidiary Project Sora is what closed.
Sora LTD still does exist.
You're thinking of Project Sora, which was an ad hoc team formed by Sakurai, Iwata and Nintendo just to develop Kid Icarus Uprising.
How does it feel to know that your greatest creation will forever only be a meme game?
> —And how do you come across these sorts of titles?
> Sakurai: By pure coincidence. I stumble upon something, give it a go, play for a while if it’s fun.
Literally patrician-tier strategy.
Made more dosh than you did fgt
Maybe with Smash4 he was able to take it easier than with Melee, which was a period of his life he himself called "destructive" to his health. He playtested nonstop for so many hours that Iwata allegedly had to coax or even trick Sakurai into leaving the building so that he could eat and rest.
The man was driven, he has had many bone problems in his hands and worked relentlessly despite that. I recall him saying Brawl may get delayed at one point because one hand was too injured to use, and he was forced to playtest with only one hand.
He made every game as if it was his last Smash game, which is why he went for bigger and bigger ideas with each installment.
Iwata originally said they would release Melee HD on Wii with netcode and no other changes, if Sakurai opted not to agree to doing another. Sakurai ended up agreeing because he thought it wouldn't be fair to excited fans to just get an identical port of an old game.
But you can tell that he allowed himself more rest during Brawl and Smash4 cuz they are not nearly as polished mechanically.
to be frank, what said. It was really only a flavor of the month thing and isn't something worth the likes of other games.
>article translated anime to cartoons and manga to comic books
That doesn't answer my question.
>He can't stand the thought of someone making a better Smash than him
Fixed for ya
Has anyone told Sakurai about Relief Factor?
>"Not only am I getting calcific tendonitis, but they've also found what are apparently several ruptures in the muscles. My upper arm hurts, and there's this chronic dull pain in my elbow joint as well. On the lower arm, there's this feeling of fatigue around the flexor muscles that turns into pain when I use a keyboard or game controller with my fingers.
>"There's no instant cure for it, so all I can do is either block the pain with injections or put my arm in a cast to keep the ruptures from spreading.
Holy shit, he wrecked himself
That was why Iwata helped do a lot of the playtesting for Melee, because Sakurai would probably work himself until he just died at his chair. With Brawl and Smash4 he had much bigger teams, he still did a ton of work on his own but it wasn't direct supervision of QA anymore after Melee
its me or this guy looks like isabeau from smt IV
Iwata is pretty based for helping Sakurai so much with this game.
Considering his schedule of basically playing every single Nintendo game released to completion could anyone actually make a better Smash Bros game with as much attention to detail than he did?
I mean the fan mods like the Project M team at several points showed collectively they actually had next to no clue about certain series. Like doing stupid stuff like adding Roy with his Fire Emblem Awakening DLC artwork to a T...not realising that design was a generic Mercenary costume that lacked his trademark Sword of Seals. Can anyone else but Sakurai really do Smash Bros justice?
Iwata was in general the coolest dude. He could fix any problem, he could code at the speed of light, his QA was impeccable, he was sociable and well-liked by everyone he knew. He also understood what consumers wanted and made the company a lot of money year upon year right up til Wii U, but he was clearly getting very sick around that time. It's weird, when he suddenly died everyone was saying he had beaten the cancer. Then it abruptly came back and took him.
also, a rainbow appeared over Nintendo HQ the day after