Is there literally no fucking way to reliably play this shit now a day?
>PS2 emulation is a horse's ass
>Not on PS4 PSN
>Not on Steam
What the fuck, man. I don't have some PS2/PS3 laying around for one game
Is there literally no fucking way to reliably play this shit now a day?
>PS2 emulation is a horse's ass
>Not on PS4 PSN
>Not on Steam
What the fuck, man. I don't have some PS2/PS3 laying around for one game
emulating it works if you dont have a toaster
If you fuck up pcsx2 configs beyond repair you can run it pretty damn well
>game comes out for 2 consoles
>doesn't have either console
>wtf why can't I play it?
Are you the dsp of life?
PS3 > PS4
>b-but muh gorabournee
Literally i7/gtx1080/32r and I can't fucking run it. And don't give me that DUDE SETTINGS LOL shit, I've looked up like 10 billion hours worth of youtube videos on maximing the settings on pcsx2 and nothing fucking does shit.
PS2 emulation is fucked
Own a PS2 it's only 30-40 bucks.
Or buy a PS3 used for 120.
>Not on Steam
how dumb are you
Buy a PS3, retard.
It has the best games.
If you're super fucking desperate and don't have third world tier internet speeds just pay out for PS Now and stream SoC remastered. As an added bonus it plays at the same framerate as the original so it's extra authentic!
ps3 remaster is on ps now
emulates perfectly
works for me
Try older builds, i ran it 100% on a hd 7850/fx 8320
Holy fuck. Why do you have it sped up?
That's not the emulator, is it?
That's clearly the emulation on PS2x, you can see the fraps framerate counter
>PCucks want Sony games
Why am I not surprised?
No, it doesn't. The original runs at literal 15fps, the HD release runs at a solid 30
I don't really recommend playing this game on a PS2
PS Now framerates are trash
Yeah this, back then and even now for some japanese developers delta timing is still a foreign concept. So a game will slow down entirely if the framerate drops or speed up instead of keeping a consistent speed like most game do now. Most noticeable in cases like this where you are running at 3-4 times the original intended 30FPS cap.
Buy a PS2 and play it, the HD version fucked up the climbing
>muh framerates
back in the day (and it wasn't even that long ago) we just enjoyed the game and not worried about some arbitary background number
Are you sure it's not just the input lag?
I played SotC HD on a CRT and it felt fine.
They probably didn't address input lag when porting it to an HD console.
A number that has a massive impact on the look and feel of a game is anything but arbitrary.
>arbitrary number
How is framerate arbitrary? The game was borderline unplayable and plenty of people complained about it
>The game was borderline unplayable
oh please
you sensitive sammys are weaker than piss
harden up
You're kind of confused. SOTC runs at low fps but the game never slows down.
HD was a port of the EU version which starts on hard mode instead of giving you the option later on, so it's harder. And they introduced a bunch of input lag.
There may also be a bug added making your stamina drain faster but I don't know.
hahahaha, nice bait man. people gave a shit about framerates in the 90's even.
>15 FPS is totally playable
whoa.... so this is the power..... of sonydrones.
At least in SotC's case the game is slow paced enough that it keeps it from being unplayable.
Jesus OP. Buy a phat ps2, put a hard drive on that thing, nd use fmcb to load OPL. And while you're doing it, start a few iso downloads.
>I'm hardcore because I play video games at shit framerate
I have 5 ps2s and alll are softmodded. It is not hard or expensive.
See OP I pretty much had to wait until there were enough games for me to want to play on PS3 to finally purchase one after years.
TLoU was finally that tipping point and the systems themselves were like in the $300 range. I got TLoU and Zone of the Enders, MGS4(another I had been waiting years to play), Shadow of the Colossus, KH1 HD and FFX HD. All games I truly loved so it was a well worth it purchase. Two years+ later and I actually unfortunately still have ZoA and SotC to beat. The system ended up being worth it for MGS4 alone, god damn that game was good.
Just get the PS3, if you can afford it. If not, save slowly.
if 15 FPS isn't playable then how come i played and finished SOTC on PS2?
>retards can't figure out how emulation works
>say PS2 emulation of all things is shit
I played the game for the first time a month ago without any problems whatsoever. You're just a retard.
>retards still cant into emulation if its anything beyond running an executable and picking a rom
I was able to do this shit as a dumb kid theres no fucking excuse
>tf2 beat this game five times on PS3 just to platinum it
>hard, more and more tedious
Is this what hell feels like. Sup Forums?
>doesn't have 90 bux for a used ps3
u r black
Because thats your opinion? What someone feels is playable is subjective. I'd rather not have my games look like a borderline slideshow.
It plays like garbage on PS2. Get a PS3 or something.
Lets be honest, it plays garbage on both. Both sides have their pros and cons and I wouldn't say we have a definitive version of the game.
I ran it at full speed with a system half as powerful. Hard to judge when the game barely gets 20fps natively... if you never played the game on an actual ps2 and feel like it runs way worse than you think it should, maybe it just doesn't. It runs ridiculously bad on the actual console too.