Why doesn't anyone like the best boy?He even saved the world.
Also how the fuck do you even play Balrog?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Street Fighter threads don't even get a bump
Holy hell it's dead.

Nigga it's 1:30 in the morning. Also like Monster Hunter threads you're supposed to start with a shitpost

Have some Chun

I dropped SFV after Balrog dropped.
Does Season 2 make the game fun?

>I want to rank up but the game only puts me up againts fucking platinium players who only give me 25 points

yeah matchmaking sucks dick

you're either paired with someone three leagues below or above you

Anybody got good videos to follow on Youtube to get better as Necalli? I still can't get out of Silver.



im pretty sure if you use the target combo reset in the corner in sylver rank you can always win

At least you get and/or lose points proportional to that.

>Finally tune into Coop cup
>All Yuns and Yangs

>tfw finally made it to Gold and get stomped by everyone in the same rank or higher

I guess I never really knew how to play this game after all

Gold rank is when you need to get gud because that's where people actually have somewhat of an idea on how to play the game.

Feels great that I made it to Gold at 90 hours.

Is buying Chun-li's costume worth it

I did it when it was still relevant

Depends on how big your wallet is.

Is this SFV?

clips.twitch tv/gamenewton/ZealousGorillaShazBotstix?tt_medium=twtr

Do XB1 sticks work on PC SFV yet? I checked in recently and they work on KI. I don't want to wait for a refund on steam if they don't yet.

>only 6% of PC users are gold or more
>94% of PC players don't even play the game or are bronze shitters

I'm so bad at the game, it should be punishable by law, it is an offense against humanity. It's that bad. But I still like fighting games, what is wrong with me. ;__;

>Best Theme

There's nothing wrong with being bad if you have the will to improve. I got the game in february and never passed silver until 2 months ago, and now I'm gold. I can go further I think, but for now I'm sticking to casual matches to try new things. If you have a local scene you should go play, it's the best way to learn.

>haven't played a fighting game in years
>want to learn Balrog
I know what I must do, but my hands can't do it just yet. Have to hold back at the start of a combo, but I push forward. Fuck

Keep your eye open in case someone opens a lobby here.Most of the people are either high ranked fuckers or shitters who wanna get better,so either way you can learn by playing and communicating.
Too bad people are too lazy to host a lobby

John Takeuchi picked him up partly because he liked how he was in the Story Mode. Which is something I've never heard of happening before, so there you go.

>Tfw I'm a sandnigger and my main just happens to also be a sandnigger

What's bad about it?

Do we know the ratio on ps4 though?

>alex wins coop cup

How the hell do you guys consistently pull down charge moves?I always end up jumping.

I spent like 4 hours today practicing the same combo I wanted to land today till I got it.

Did it like twice after that then couldn't do it again. Will probably try again tomorrow. Just keep practicing.
Make sure your inputs are clean/precise.

he's a sandnigger but isn't as cool as Rashido

Sand niggers should be eradicated

Any EU lobbies?

I'm an eternal silver Gief

>Urien,Akuma,Ibuki,Laura and Juri's english voices
The rest are good but holy fuck these make me feel like scratching my ears out.
Good thing you can specifically change character voices.

I feel like the guy who does Akuma's english voice is ok but everything just pales in comparison to his japanese one.

Maybe that's the case with akuma.
Maybe we can host one soon, if people come.

I created a lobby (UK player)
password is 8888, comment is "I don't care if I win or lose", 1 game sets

Joining in a minute

Same,coming soon.

It's still on if anyone wants to join!

I'll come in about 2 hours if it's still up.


>Match starts,don't get to spectate
Is it a bug?

I just practice it the same way I practice any other move.

Do it individually, then seeing what normals it can tie into or from, then putting them together until I can find optimal and multi purpose combos.

That's probably the longest and hardest way to do it though, so I suggest watching pros do work and just watching carefully how long their moves are and what they do to always maintain a charge, cause by only looking you'd swear most moves are way too short to charge with but once you see someone better do it it starts to click.

Well, depends on what you count as fun.

It did some balance changes but the game is still essentially the same. So the answer is probably NO.

How the hell do you do a 360 move on a keyboard
Is it magic?

Finally. I was waiting for you to pick Rashid so I can go make coffee.

>Get to gold as Vega
>Switch to Akuma
>Can't do shit
>Realise I was probably just relying on gimmicks the entire time

Well this sucks, time to actually git gud I guess.

I'm going to say between 16-20% or so I'll have to check again

You only actually have to do 270

But how do you stop jumping while doing it?

I really need to learn to play someone other than Rashid.

>tfw too poor reflexes to block Juri crossups

I hope no one is laughing at me fucking up my air SPDs ;_;

Juri here,autohotkey gave an error the first round,hence the reason we had to wait

Everybody is fucking up at SOMETHING,so don't worry mate.
Also the lobby is still up for anyone who wants to join!
Info on this post:

How do you beat Urien

Try Forward, Down Forward, Down, Down Back, Back, UpBack, Up. Just practice on pianoing your fingers. It just takes some time to find the right rhythm and get the speed to do it without jumping.

As who? Look at replays of your character beating urien

I'm not going to knock you for your reflexes since Juri's crossup is slow as shit. Just that much: You can train your reflexes like any other skill.

He basically has to rely on his long normals and reads until he gets VT. Practice punishing his sMK and f+MP. Look at replays to look at the Aegis setups people are using or look at Urien tutorials and try to recreate them, and find out how to beat them.

Turkbro lagging a little?

Vgmod is finally going to release that Chun-li mod.

>season 1 Ryu 600 hours of bashing ranked in my face
>reach ultra gold
>season 2 ryu 50 hours of bashing ranked in my face
>go on tilt
>demoted to ultra silver

Aside from j.lk, what warranted these nerfs? Ryu just feels short, slow and stupid.

>Why doesn't anyone like that piece of shit character

Here's your answer:

No, that's a good SF game.

im sure an underaged fag like you would know that game was absolutely despised when it launched, compared to sfv which everyone at least loves the gameplay of

Am I lagging?It's butter smooth for me.

What mod?

>hit Gold way back in March, retired from ranked to do casuals
>season 2 drops, decide that I want to see if I can rank up, with the ultimate goal of hitting platinum
>with all the nerfs Ryu got, it's been a struggle with no progress, but manage to maintain my rank by winning more or less around the same that I usually do

>tonight, 4050 points
>spend the first after losing
>loss after loss after loss
>the one win I had was against a PC Super Gold player, but apparently he was using some kind of mod or some shit because after I beat him, I didn't get any points
>lose so much that I dropped all the way to Super Silver
>spend the next hour winning now and make my way back up to Gold relatively easy
>finish with 4100 points

maybe I should just stick to casuals

Go look it up, his Deviantart is one of the first things on Google.

It's not constant but every now and then some small warping.

The way I play is that I'll do two casual matches and if I'm feeling confident with my play I'll do ranked if not I'll stick to casual for the night.

I'm gonna quit and lower some settings,coming back soon

GGs lads, I have to take off. I thought I could wing it as Mika but it's harder than Nuckledu makes it look.

>Try to play casual as Gief
>Fight a Cammie
>She skips so many fucking frames that she can teleport from one side of the stage to the other to kick me. I get no tells on how or where she will attack, she just warps towards me with a kick and warps away from any counter.
>Any grab I land goes into a good four frames of movement before the Cammie just acts like she never got grabbed.
>I can't predict her movements because of this, and she wins.
>Check the player's region

Of fucking course it's Brazil.

Thanks mate,learned new stuff for Rashid from you today.Hope to see you soon.

mike is lowest tier in s2. nuckle du is just the best in the world so he makes her look viable.

The lobby is still up people!

practise desu senpai famalama

Good matches,all Zangief.Next time,I will not fall to your grapple shenanigans.I hope to fight you again later.

Aaand no it's closed because there is nobody else.

Good fights turkbro