E3 2017
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at this year's event?
E3 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced
I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.
My only hope is that EDF 5 will be good.
Are we uh, gonna do any earth defending tonight Idol?
A good RWBY game.
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced
I will post this everyday until E3.
If any of these things happen, I'll eat my shoe.
Was that RWBY game on steam any good?
What's the purpose of this Gundam OP? Is this like Squilliam threads but just asking for hopes and dreams of E3 specifically?
You're going to eat that shoe!
Hmm...lots of things have been announced already so off head, for the moment probably these:
>Game play trailer of DW9
> New game play trailer of FF7 Remake
> New game play of KH3 if more isn't given by E3
> Maybe the next ratched and clank reboot, Insominac has been quiet for a while though
> Game play trailer of Last of Us 2
> New info / game play of Days Gone
Yeah its been called a Last of Clone but i like what ive seen fite me
Anything else...not sure yet lol
It's meant to inspire hope that E3 will be good.
Hope is for a Wonderful 101 port or sequel on Switch.
Dream is for DMC5.
Nightmare is DmC Devil May Cry 2
Literally powered by hope.
I will post this every day until Persona 5s delay becomes a ruse I will cling to the possibility it comes out before April 2017.
It doesn't look good Metrid. I know this has been a pretty bad streak days, please bear with me.
It is the definition of mediocrity.
That's alright senpai, take your time. No rush.
I really hope they announce a FF7 remake, I would lose my shit
Hi Ace, how are you doing today?
user I have some bad news.
Hi DeSu. Today was was fine.
Glad to hear.
>What are your hopes?
I just want it to happen. They've very late in sending out the invites this year.
Over the last couple of years exhibitors have been dropping out of the show. That worries me because I love E3. My whole year revolves around it. I've gone to every show since 1999. (except that one year we didn't have a traditional E3.)
Anyway, I want Xbox Scorpio, FFVII and Nintendo's new handheld. Yes, Nintendo is making a new handheld and it's not the Switch.
Pic related might be me
Where you been son
I don't have much really.
come on guys, you can't be falling for such low quality bait
One more.
Stop screaming, you woke me up.
Thanks Ace.