Buyer's delight thread
Buyer's delight thread
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I still miss you.
spiders are cunts
I've bought every single Call of Duty, Battlefield, and flavor of the month shooter (Overwatch, Titanfall, Rainbow Six, etc.) and their season passes if they have one on day one. Best purchases I've ever made, even if I play them for a week max because the next game comes out so soon after.
>so sorry ;)
why did it die?
the humor is shit but everything else is pretty solid
Lack of advertising and poeple dismissed it as a TF2 clone, the playerbase peaked early after release and started shrinking slowly but surely.
Devs kept making content but since no one knew about it except the poeple who were already playing that didn't help attract new players.
Shit game. Loser.
Jesus christ
It ruined every other "metroidvania" for me
Does anyone else have problems with this game suddenly crashing? Drove me up the fucking wall I had to drop it
Uber fucked up, that's why.
love it
Only in full screen. Didn't have any problems in windowed mode.
Civ6 is going to be bigger.
undaged detected
dont get civ6. its just dumbed down 5 (which is already dumbed down 4) with over the top cartoon graphics.
I already have it bought and over 24 hours of it played. Would play more if not for college.
Anyway its just as good as 5 so far. They went back to old policies, districts seem nice, religion and everything else are actually included in the base game which makes me think they might actually do something exciting with expansions. Visuals arent my favourite but nothing that would deter me too much.
fantastic taste
is it good? and the starting point to the series? i have it installed but have never actually touched it
King's Quest was surprisingly excellent
Bought TC blind after seeing all the threads on Sup Forums.
This fucking game. It's perfect.
hackers are the reason this game went to shit
>tfw my friends refuse to buy because its multiplayer only
I bought it a week or so ago it's fun as fuck
lol what its the 7th
what do you do for that long?
Gameplay was so shit I couldn't stomach it for long. One of those "b-but it gets good after X hours" games it seems.
can i get an answer on The Witcher here. might spend my weekend playing it
And 150 hours on the original M&B
you can't be that dumb.
>expect some gay bullshit
>get a fun tactical dungeon crawler with fun base mechanics and a fucking rad character creation system
I'm sure it gets gay later on but so far it's just neat dungeon crawlin'
That is is.
The story is great. The presentation and atmosphere are pretty on point.
The gameplay swings from mediocre to excruciating and back depending on where you are in the game. It's definitely rough, but it's worth it.
It has some good moments but combat is clunky and shitty. it get's more polished in the sequels because they were able to get a budget
>Gameplay was so shit I couldn't stomach it for long
It was made xx years ago, user.
This is one of my favorite games of all time
they're based on a book series, right? will i be missing anything if i don't read em?
No. They follow their own stories.
I haven't read the books and had no problems with the series.
amazing game. id have thousands of hours played if i had the steam version
>finally got a use for Origin
They have some call backs and mentions to them but nothing you'll ever need to actually enjoy the games
Oops forgot my pic
it's free but I bought it on steam because it's so good.
I actually have several hundreds of hours on the standalone version.
>tfw stopped playing roguelikes because i bought a tenkeyless
Bought this and Battlefield 1, like the corporate cocksucker that I am. I vastly preferred this.
>when you can still enjoy videogames
it's not, it's deeply flawed, especially towards the ending with platform outside of the camera view and unnecessary, forced deaths.
Also NG+ is bad.
For being the work of just 2 guys it's damn epic though. I really hope they can do better with a sequel
love this fucking game.
>tfw five bucks for the expansion is too steep for my wallet
My nig the camera can be zoomed out for those
it can actually be straight too if you want it to
It's the most fun i've had with a shooter in years.
tfw we will never get a third one, thanks EA
started 3rd playthrough today
I fucking loved New Vegas, but that's just way too much. What do you even do after like 300-400 hours max?
Same here friend, 2 is pretty much more of the same with Emily added as flavor. Setting up brutal high-chaos chain kills has got to be one of the most satisfying things you can do in games.
How...? Why...?
I've only completed one (1) playthrough.
I'm around 21 hrs on my second playthrough
>Bigger TnA
I want Haydee to sit on my face
Need to play this again. Want to get 2 but I've heard it's still broken.
k+m or a controller?
Bought in on the last sale and it's fine but I still think Civ3C is the best Civ. Not being able to manage my research funds, not being able to trade techs and the no unit stack rule are pretty irritating. Also, I love to build big ass empires with 20+ cities and it seems the game heavily discourages that.
First game is definitely mouse and keyboard. 2 and 3 can be played fine on a controller.
The patch for 2 that added an option to remove the god awful motion blur and removed some of the performance issues fixed it, you still need a pretty good rig to play it. Play on lower graphical settings and you should probably be fine regardless of setup.
It's a great game and the combat is fine. You can actually easily ascertain who is an idiot and who is not by how they talk about Witcher series combat.
Just look at the idiot saying the combat in the sequels is "more polished". No its not. Combat in Witcher 2 was a clunkfest fail of the ages and W3 combat is no example of polish.
Overall the sequels are a lot more accessible [and I personally prefer them] but Witcher 1 is a great game. People forget the game is meant to be a cRPG. You easily spend more time running around and in dialogues than you spend fighting things.
fuck yeh odallus
not always sadly, especially toward the ending of the game. Also damn the last zones were ugly as hell
Not even ashamed.
greatest shooter
The combat is garbage, don't act like it isn't. The game is great, but the combat is shit.
>what the hell I guess I'll get this fucking assassin's creed game seeing as it's on sale and it says you can captain a boat and shit
how do I get into S&S? I keep trying to play it like the dishwasher games and get bored by the stamina bar
I think I'm approaching it wrong
which build is most fun? are ultra fast builds fun?
This game
>protagonist giving thumbs up in icon
AC 4 was hands down the absolute best of the series. I wish it was a standalone pirate game instead of a shoehorned in Assassin's Creed subplot.
The combat is perfectly fine. I prefer it to the one in Witcher 2 in fact. It's not the most responsive but it's not the pile of garbage people make it out to be.
Nor should you be.
i really want to enjoy this. how do i enjoy this?
You have no idea how much I miss playing this game online all night with friends.
Hands down best Battlefield
So far it's been pretty good. Glad to see this genre is still alive and well, pretty much thanks to Paradox.
Good times.
I'm going back to like 2011 with this, but this was the first total war game I played, and I bought it because I was obsessed with the show Sharpe. No idea what I was meant to expect from it.
I'm doing a dex build and using a sword whip. It's basically 2D souls.
super mario bros is 2d souls
>I'm doing a dex build and using a sword whip
yes but is it a fun build?
I'm guessing that's the time it took to solve a dozen pozzles or so?
1v1 servers only senpai.
>tfw abandoned game with no more patches, expansion packs or sequels anymore
Papers, Please is fucking Flawless