How could nintendo do this to us?

how could nintendo do this to us?

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Its okay when Nintendo does it.

It's your choice :)

Because everyone does it, it's the only way to get attention from the masses.

is this really the best selection of PS4 games available to cherry pick?

Sony must be desperate to shill like this

I know this is bait but the vast majority of game devs do this and literally everyone gets mad at it

it's ok

no one fucking cares about graphics you shithead sonnygerr FUCK

>asian shit

30 fps confirmed

v BTFO again

>I-I never wanted my game too look good anyway! It's f-fine that it looks like shit, it will still be f-fun, right guys?
Gameplay and world look boring as fuck anyway, but intendrones will still eat it up like the cucks they are. Then it will get good reviews (it is zelda, if a reviewer gave it lower than an 8 or 9 they will have insane backlash from the manchild brigade, not worth it) and you idiots will make your "SONYGGERS BTFO" threads while ps4 owners are playing real games

>Ubisoft does it
>fucking liars, deception, despicable, crowbcat where are you
>Nintendo does it
>Nintendo is a video game artisan, you do not understand

That's a little odd you're saying Nintendo is doing it here considering nearly every time one of these threads happens the majority of drones say what is happening here isn't a bullshot and that you're aparentally a retard if you ever thought the game would look like the top version.

So which is it, drones?

>Gameplay and world look boring as fuck anyway
If you say so, user



>partners last for 2 months, give shit and then fuck off
>Source: my ass

fuck off shill

Gee, how surprising the game ended up not looking like the obviously-not-gameplay cg concept trailer. Who could've EVER seen this coming?

Bottom looks better. Less clutter and shadows blocking your view of the ovjective

I can get so many of those games either on XBONE or PC tho

Oh shit I can play those games above without buying a PS4? Why didn't anyone tell me?

Oh no my marketing has backfired! Please buy a PS4!!

Source: WiiU

wii u got support for at least a year

really sad selection of playstation games

If will get support the entire lifespan if you buy one.

i bought a wii u and it still lost support. but i was happy with the exclusives it got. i didn't need assassins creed or batman and if i wanted to play them i had a chance to on other platforms. the switch is getting attention from all nintendo's handheld and home console teams then ill be happy even if 5 year old multiplats dont appear on it

They stopped making home consoles, what did you expect.

it was an obviously pre rendered scene during announcement of the game, they're at least not acting like game really looks like that up until it's finally out and then just going silent for months about it like some certain Sony funded game, what was that one called again


it's the next handheld, I will buy it day 1

and I will hack the shit out of it when homebrew arrives


>list 2 interesting games
>$300 seems like a lot of money for him
Are you 12? Yes, I'll buy a Switch and no, it won't limit what I'll buy for my other system, it's just $300, faggot.

Meh Neir Automata looks just as bad as this graphically but everyone's still fawning over that.

I hate how devs downgrade graphics during a games development but it's common now.

imagine if the new zelda had grass of this tier

I mean before you go
>it wouldn't fit

I mean the same level of complexity, just change the shaders of that grass to look like it fits breath of the wild

>being a poorfag who can only afford one console

That looks like absolute shit it's grey, muddy, drab, boring, uninteresting landscape, AND it's low res I mean what's to like about it?

Funny enough the exact same thoughts I had when I watched a Nier Automata play through.

switch can run ue4 games on high and medium but the wii u can't, and the new zelda is a wii u port

>concept art from 2 years backisn't in game footage
Just like, wow, like, literally wow. I can't like literally believe this, just wow.

This. Based nintendo, we brony love them.

I'm not sure switch could handle that grass, though I'm not really sure how much more powerful a GTX760 is and if 30fps and 720p would make it a lot easier

but you have to admit it would be amazing to get this sort of fidelity from nintendo games

Actually, what is going on is that OP' s pic IS shopped. Not by Nintendo, but by people online who tried to make it better.

Here is the sole source of the image, and it isn't as good as OP:
at 21:30

People should really stop falling for this bait.

That's way too many likes used in one sentence


>a single indie basically does what nintendo is bragging about but better

this is what happens when you have proper hardware available, huh?

We got old last gen ports from every company and paid collab exclusives what else?


it would be nice to get that on any console. even then i'd be like "hm that looks nice" for 1 second and get on with the game

It's not concept art, it's an edited image from the E3 2014 video. It's not even edited by Nintendo.

>those doesn't count!!!

it would completely alter the feel of a game for me if it had areas with grass so tall and lively as in that video and of course in other parts not as tall

Because Wii U was horribly marketed, people thought it was just a controller to Wii, and Nintendo was already not good enough to handle public relations between third parties since N64.

With the Switch, it's at least fixing issues Wii U had, plus Nintendo is trying to get better at relations, considering the amount of partners they got on that list.

is this bait? that still looks 10x better than the game we are now seeing even though it was supposedly real footage

the only difference with that image is that it's more compressed, bravo

>that still looks 10x better than the game we are now seeing even though it was supposedly real footage
The image in OP is clearly shopped. And no, it's about the same.

post a single shot of the actual game that compares with this fake ''''''''''''''actual'''''''''''''' gameplay footage

looks the same, the only difference is the camera is far away from link. look at those shitty rock textures and low poly trees

The original reveal wasn't meant to say the graphics would actually look like that the important part was that Zelda would be open world and in a big interesting world which is true
Even so it doesn't look THAT muh different just some less detailed grass

>Not being an Idort in 20 fucking 17

Kill yourself

>way more complex geometry
>way more complex foliage
>way better draw distances

I'll take baby smooth square pixels over overexposed HDR bullshit anytime

look at that grass and ground geometry and draw distances

Have you guys ever thought the place OP is comparing aren't even the same places?


I haven't seen a single scene of the actual game that compares to that e3 fake gameplay

So then...

>If Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, or any other company that isn't Nintendo does it, it's DOWNGRADES AND BAIT AND SWITCH LIES
>If Nintendo does it, it actually wasn't meant to represent the product and if the customer thought it was, it's the customer's fault, not Nintendo's.

Got it.

You fuckers keep buying their shit. Give someone an inch, they will take a mile.

a better comparison because those few obsessive fucks keep complaining

the bottom one mind you is a high resolution render
look at the grass around 4 minutes in and the draw distance after 1 hour 19 minutes. im sure there's better examples but that's all i could be bothered to find this quick.

You can't really compare two different place.

I mean, you can't even compare the grass.

i'll give you an inch

that's small patch of grass at 4 minutes while that shot has an entire grass field


thanks for proving my point I guess

fuck this damage control, if they could they would have grass on grass fields instead of green textured ground

>that's small patch of grass at 4 minutes while that shot
Now you are full of shit.
>thanks for proving my point I guess
It really doesn't.

The quality is about the same.

how in the actual fuck does this compare? it looks like a low poly building

no it's not a small patch of grass lying faggot

>picture in counter light with fog morning doesn't allow to see as far as in plain day

you are really fucking deluded

Why would you compare the building with the 2014 videos who doesn't have any building?

yeah these two definitely have the same amount of complexity

holy shit what is actually wrong with nintendo fanboys

Grasses everywhere.

well maybe you can answer since you posted that shitty temple of time as some sort of counter

>The horse died in two years

how's a horse going to live without grass?

ah yes the daily BotW shitposting thread.

Don't you autists get tired of the same garbage every day?

I literally picked the best looking field screenshot I could find for the bottom image, it being a high res render and everything

but they are? i don't know why you keep pretending the promo shot looks great. the difference is how far away the camera is but it has same low poly trees, same shit rock textures, same grass. you might have a point with the draw distance though

Grass and distance drawing.

Except morning fog make the comparison null. As well as the counter light.

It's what they have been doing since the beginning.
LoZ used to be my favorite game, I always bought the console just to play the new game and they always let me down. I've lost all faith since skyward sword, im never buying nintendo again.

And that's the Wii U hardware.

Im obviously getting both but if i had to choose i would choose Nintendo every time desu

People always say Nintendo has gotten shit but after all what they do is always the best. What games get emulated the most 10 years after release? Yeah nintendo ones.

there is barely any grass in that temple of time area, we actually have plenty of footage from there
holy shit I be you are the same fag who used to say of course it's fake but now since it turns out they claimed it is real you are defending it by saying the actual game has parity with it yet it clearly doesn't, none of the fields we've seen from any gameplay footage have anywhere similar amounts of grass, even the 1 hour 19 minutes example you posted, absolutely none

>Comparing a tech demo to a game
That's like comparing a dragster to a regular car. Yeah the dragster is faster, because it only does one single thing, but you wouldn't drive it to work. The grass thing is cool, notice how it's not a game and would tank the shit out of anything that tried to do more than just render grass.

Can we not pretend the game "Horizon" will be any good?

probably the least foggy shot there is of the scenery to be honest

Holy shit... Zelda U is going to be amazing... PS4 BTFO...

what does a game have that inherently would break the game if it contained this grass system?

the gameplay video i showed you had a grass field with trees faggot, stop showing low res foggy pictures as if it's meant to prove anything. even in the ACTUAL picture here your epic grass stops up to a point and looks the same as the gameplay video

